Give me some advice.

I’m looking to lose a lot of weight. Advise and tips are welcomed.


  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    Being here is a good first step 😊
    Tracking your food religiously helps tremendously and keeps you accountable.
    There’s lots of support here so that’s helpful too!!
  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    Sorry - I also wanted to say that if you have a lot of weight to lose it’s helpful to break it down into smaller goals. Looking at the big picture can sometimes be overwhelming and discouraging. So just focus on 10 pounds at a time or whatever your smaller goal of choice.
    Good luck!😊
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    Get a food scale if you don't have one.
  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    Get a food scale if you don't have one.
    Good advice and MY next purchase. Thanks for the reminder 😊
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    Don't look at it as a temporary diet. It's a lifestyle change. If you can't sustain a "diet" for the rest of your life, make necessary adjustments so you can do it forever. There are a ton of people here who have reached their goal weight and have been in maintenance for years... a large number of them still log their foods everyday.

    Log everything. Like, EVERYTHING. If it goes in your mouth, it goes in your MFP diary. Try to be as accurate as possible. Maybe consider getting a good scale to weigh your foods. You'd be amazed at how bad many of us (people) are at eye-balling portion sizes. It's a real game-changer.

    Read this thread:

    Great info to get you started. Also, take some time to go through the stickies at the top of the forum pages. TONS of extremely useful information.

    Welcome and good luck!