Fitbit issues

Has anyone called fitbit to complain? Because this is not the only app fitbit is not working with? Fitbit claims no one has called and complained that there is an issue.
I called twice!


  • LJW623
    LJW623 Posts: 3 Member
    Haven’t called FitBit but my set-up was syncing then new version of MFP installed and since then no syncing. I think the issue is with MFP.
  • LJW623
    LJW623 Posts: 3 Member
    Just read post by MFP and apparently are aware of issue and trying to resolve a huge back-log of sync requests. So does look to be at MFP end.
  • gsoskin
    gsoskin Posts: 2 Member
    Not syncing and this morning MFP won't accept any foods, or duplicates them. Bugs, bugs, bugs
  • marleneaborst
    marleneaborst Posts: 1 Member
    Keep receiving this message "There was a problem with your request
    Sorry, but a server error occurred processing your request. Our team has been notified of the issue...." *sigh*
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Not only have I not taken any steps today according to MFP I also ate 57 serves of olive oil spray for tea. Nothing else. Just the spray
    I really hope they fix these bugs soon!
  • Dreamwa1ker
    Dreamwa1ker Posts: 196 Member
    Link to the announcement from myfitnesspal tech support:
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    same here. I've got 8 entries of 4oz of whole milk and 2 entries of protein powder :D
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    It appears to be an issue in MFPs end. I also ate way too many bananas this morning according to my log.
  • Johnd2000
    Johnd2000 Posts: 198 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    Not only have I not taken any steps today according to MFP I also ate 57 serves of olive oil spray for tea. Nothing else. Just the spray
    I really hope they fix these bugs soon!

    Apparently I had 40 cups of tea for breakfast yesterday. I wouldn’t have noticed the duplication, but there was no sugar added. I thought “no sugar, that can’t be right”.
  • gtjeddah
    gtjeddah Posts: 7 Member
    OK, the MFP IOS appears to be working right now and it synced ok with the Garmin app but still isn't syncing
    with the Fitbit App
  • mandiekay0519
    mandiekay0519 Posts: 3 Member
    I have to resync my FitBit with MFP daily. I'm getting so frustrated with it that I'm thinking of just using my cell phone. It's just not convenient to carry my phone with me all day.
  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    I had 18 Bartlett pears for breakfast!! To be fair... I did just buy a big bag of them from Costco! 😂 MFP is on to something!
  • luaP852350
    luaP852350 Posts: 131 Member
    Johnd2000 wrote: »
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    Not only have I not taken any steps today according to MFP I also ate 57 serves of olive oil spray for tea. Nothing else. Just the spray
    I really hope they fix these bugs soon!

    Apparently I had 40 cups of tea for breakfast yesterday. I wouldn’t have noticed the duplication, but there was no sugar added. I thought “no sugar, that can’t be right”.

    Apparently I had 50 ish pork pies today!
  • cc3833
    cc3833 Posts: 80 Member
    20,000 calories worth of zucchini lasagna (no noodles). 😂