Passing the test

iamMLH Posts: 101 Member
I’ve had a lifelong dream of becoming a special agent with the FBI, and though it got pushed back over the years, I’m making a run for it (no pun intended).

I’ve been in pretty good shape at some different times in my life, but I’m not there anymore. This is my first phase:

From the FBI website:
he PFT test consists of four mandatory events that are administered in the following order with no more than five minutes of rest in between each event. There is a strictly defined scoring scale and protocol for each event. Applicants entering under the Tactical Recruitment Program (TRP) must also complete the pull-up event.

1. Maximum number of sit-ups in one minute (target is 48 reps)
2. Timed 300-meter sprint (target is under 48 seconds)
3. Maximum number of continuous push-ups (target is 44)
4. Timed one and one-half mile run (target is 12 mins total)

To pass, I’d need a total of 12 points and at least one point from each category. The targets earn me a passing grade with a little wiggle room.

I’m most worried about the 1.5 mile run. I am not built for any distance, and even though that isn’t much, it’ll take fair amount of work for me.


  • noraknotes
    noraknotes Posts: 16 Member
    I know this is 5 months later but would love an update on how your training is going. From the research I've done, everyone just says to keep doing the PFT test at home like you would do on the actual test.

    FBI recommends you subtract 4 points for a self-administered PFT due to some items potentially not counting on the actual exam (ie: 2 push-ups didn't go all the way down so they don't count).
  • requiemcrow
    requiemcrow Posts: 20 Member
    Hey, I found the couch to 5k app to be super helpful in increasing stamina and endurance for runs.