Calling all desk jobs workers...

I'm looking to add any office workers that will do a low carb high protein diet with me. I work in customer service and it's hard not munching at work all day😓 I have a 40 pound goal


  • CheekyBreekyBecca
    CheekyBreekyBecca Posts: 12 Member
    I don't do low carb high protein, but have done keto in the past :) it was great!

    I definitely am an officer worker though :)

    I'm eating lower carbs in the day except for oatmeal in the mornings.

    Congrats on your goals, you will get there girl!
  • dunegirl007
    dunegirl007 Posts: 1 Member
    I work in an office as well, and I just got a new sit/stand desk. I can't stand all day, but it's really nice to be able to work and stand for an hour here and there! I have 50 lb's to loose. I've been un motivated for a long time, but I think I'm finally in the right mind set.
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    I'm looking to add any office workers that will do a low carb high protein diet with me. I work in customer service and it's hard not munching at work all day😓 I have a 40 pound goal

    In the morning eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, and 1/4 cup of blueberries - it should get you through the am, at least for 4 hours and has less than 150 cals. I also bring 1/4 cup of cottage cheese and a few berries as mid afternoon snack. High protein, high fiber with the berries and quick and easy.
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    I work in an office. I don't do low carb/high protein though and I'm a vegetarian.
    I get the train to work but I make time to go for a 20-30 min walk before work and then I go for walks on any breaks I get to keep me active. I do exercise outwith this but the walks save me from just sitting at my desk all day!

    You got this!
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    I have a desk job, eat high carbs, and snack frequently while consistently staying within my calorie budget (maintaining lost weight for years). I don't mean that you shouldn't eat low carb or curb snacking if you want to, but you don't necessarily have to do those things. Hitting your calories *consistently* matters the most. :) You can do it--I wish you the best on your goal!
  • crystalnichle
    crystalnichle Posts: 126 Member
    I work in an office as well. I'm trying to increase my water intake and snack less.
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    On a good note, working at a desk gives you a lot of control over what you eat. I had a job for awhile where I would have to drive around to my accounts all day. I had to pack a cooler every day but I would still run out of food sometimes and get stuck trying to find the healthiest thing on the road... having done both, the desk job is definitely easier for nutrition.
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    I just try to eat healthy and limit my snacking, I also walk on all of my breaks to keep me moving! I find eating a larger breakfast usually oatmeal blueberries and a boiled egg and it keeps me full till lunchtime
  • Jennashleyf
    Jennashleyf Posts: 8 Member
    currently sitting at my cubicle munching on some strawberries lol!! just got back from a 45 minute walk on my lunch break. im an office worker with 30ish pounds to lose, but not doing low carb. youre welcome to add me so we can support each other regardless!
  • oceanreadygirl
    oceanreadygirl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - I'd love to be part of this! I do way more sitting than I'd like. Today I'm getting one of those under-the-desk cycles so I can at least pedal while I'm sitting. If you start a group I'd love to join in :smiley:
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Fellow desk jockey. Not really looking to lose weight as much as I'm focusing on improving body composition.
  • shalvy2007
    shalvy2007 Posts: 130 Member
    Fellow desk worker here as well, looking to lose as well and doing low carb.
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    Me!! I sit at a desk for 9 hours everyday. Its hard. I am starting low carb on Sunday! I have about 40-50 lbs I want to lose as well. I find myself snacking ALOT!
    Going to have to figure something out to help with that.
  • bluemalick
    bluemalick Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in the same boat. 25 pounds to my first goal of being under 200. I have found that 5-6 small meals a day between 200-350 calories keep me from feeling hungry and overeating at meals. My usual snacks at work are cut veggies with hummus or guacamole. The single-serving cups are very convenient for work. I will also eat a string cheese, baby bel or laughing cow wedge with this. Low fat yogurt and 1 oz of unsalted nuts are my other go to.

    It took about two weeks to stop craving snacks like chips, cookies and other vending machine junk food but now I don't even really think about it. I think planning ahead and having healthy stuff cut up and prepared, ready to grab, makes the snacking urge much more manageable.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Fellow desk jockey. Not really looking to lose weight as much as I'm focusing on improving body composition.

    After seeing many say things like "it's hard not to snack" I'll add what I find works for me.
    - First and foremost, be reflective. If you find yourself doing something or heading in a direction you don't like, dig in and figure out why. There have been different spells where I was blowing calories for various reasons; vending machine excursions, an adjacent department with a candy bowl, making kneejerk food decisions when "running errands" at lunch. I treated each of these like breaking any other bad habit; it took effort and in some cases placing obstacles between me and the thing I wanted to stop doing. To stop hitting the vending machine I stopped carrying cash for a while, I stopped thinking of "running out to do X" at lunch as a primary option and more of a last resort, and I made a point to try to avoid passing the candy dish unless I absolutely had to.
    - Plan & execute. I'm a big fan of pre-logging. Before I went to bed last night I had at least 75% of my calories for the day planned and entered.
    - Me vs. everyone else attitude. Now, this is a little unconventional and may ruffle some feathers as it very much flies in the face of the fat acceptance movement. I moved from a more active position to a deck-centric position about five years ago. Of the people who sit on my floor, I would estimate at least 85% of them are moderately to severely overweight. The adjacent department also has very high turnover and it's pretty apparent when someone new starts and immediately gains tangible weight. It's no real mystery why, the majority of people have personal snacks at their workstation, there are communal snacks at the end of each row of desks, and the frequency and volume of parties, food for events, etc. that show up in the breakroom or common areas is staggering. From the start I took a strong "you're better than that" mindset and it's served me well to navigate the minefield of pizza, donuts, cookies, candy, and leftover Panera that crops up all over the office. Forcing myself to look down my nose at the quality, quantity and food attitude certainly shaped my perception towards this department and the people in it (with whom I don't ever work directly) but it's helped keep my intake aligned with my goals.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    edited June 2019
    Office job here but the amount I move can vary somewhat (but not a huge amount). Some days I'll be desk-bound for 8 hours straight, others I'll be bouncing around from meeting to meeting. To account for this difference I've just set my calorie target to the lowest activity level and will eat back some of my step calories I get on days where I'm more on the go.

    I don't go in for any of the diet rules, restrictions, limitations, deprivations and whatnot. I just eat whatever food I feel like eating at the time and track it so I'm aware of, and can manage my calorie intake to maintain a deficit the majority of the time. Down about 100lb so far.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    Hello fellow office workers :)

    I don't keep any snacks at work except the 1 snack i've planned to have for the day. This has been key for me. If it's not here, I can't eat it!

    I have pretty much been eating high protein, carb conscious and I started that meal plan at the end of February. I have a protein shake for breakfast (2 scoops - 220 cals, 50 g protein, 4 g carbs) and add a fiber supplement to it because I am not great about getting veggies in. I have tuna and crackers for lunch, which gets me 34g protein. I usually snack on two string cheeses if I need more protein, or a piece of fruit. I also have a coke zero with the snack, which for some reason has helped curb my cravings.

    I have also added walks to my work day. On the best days, usually about 3 days a week, I get a 3 mile/1 hour walk in on my lunch break. Some days, its 2 miles, some days its 3-4 15 minute walks when I can fit them in. Throughout the day I also do laps around our conference room with chair squats. It might seem like nothing, but doing it a few times a day consistently for a few months adds up to a lot.

    All of these things have really helped me! I've lost 18 lbs so far, but I still have about 60 more i'd like to lose so this will be a marathon not a sprint :)
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 659 Member
    Office job here, but I try to get as much exercise in during the day. During the summer I ride my bike to work, walk during my lunch hour. Weather dependent of course. Sometimes I get a game of squash in and occasionally get to the gym.

    I end up snacking too much, especially if someone brings in cookies or muffins for meetings etc.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    The goal is less calories but the method is behavior change. Learn about mindfulness ( and habit reinforcement cycle ( . When someone offers donuts, I say that I am allergic to donuts, then pause briefly while they think about that, then add "they make me fat".
  • jrh_this_better_work
    jrh_this_better_work Posts: 92 Member
    I'm the secretary in an elementary school. This is a desk job but often involves rushing around the school. It isn't as sedentary as my previous job, but there are A LOT more snacks. And they are all in the staff kitchen. Which is right next to my office! I like many of the previous responses about snacking. The habit I'm going to change is my route of the admin offices. Instead of heading out through the kitchen and grabbing "a little something" every single flipping time, I'm going to go out the opposite door. This will add extra steps and hopeful stop the snacking!