Healthy breakfast

What do you guys have for breakfast...need more ideas..thanks!


  • Roy1C
    Roy1C Posts: 75 Member
    We have scrabbled eggs with diced ham, cheese and cream cheese.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Usually eggs...scrambled or an omelette. Oats with almonds and blueberries a few times per week. Sometimes Skyr (a type of yogurt) if I'm grab and go. Sometimes I'll just have leftovers from dinner that is not "breakfast food"
  • Vetcity28328
    Vetcity28328 Posts: 1 Member
    I am getting tired of eggs for breakfast, any different ideas for protein with less calories
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,478 Member
    Protein bar, milk and can of V8 Fusion.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I pretty much have two slices of toast with peanut butter and jam everyday. Sometimes I add eggs to that or have pancakes and fruit.
  • wifeoferp
    wifeoferp Posts: 86 Member
    I eat a Dannon Lite and Fit Toasted Coconut yogurt with 30g of Kind dark chocolate whole grain clusters (granola) and 1/3 cup of unsweetened almond breeze milk. Very filling and not very many calories.
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    I've been on an overnight oats kick for oooh, 5 years, lol. 40 grams of oats, 11 grams of chia seeds, 30 grams of protein powder, whatever fruit compliments the protein flavor, and almond milk to the consistency you like. I like mine thicker. Soak overnight and eat warm or cold in the morning.
  • Kita1818
    Kita1818 Posts: 22 Member
    I like to eat cereal for breakfast because i have to get going to work quickly. On the weekends I make granola. So it’s either that, or Cheerios (plain) or I mix both on the bowl.
  • EmBeatie
    EmBeatie Posts: 33 Member
    I used to eat home made soup but people think that's weird for some reason... I never used to eat breakfast because I'm rarely very hungry in the morning, but then I fell for the you have to eat breakfast propaganda and now I've stopped now it's out of fashion again. Having full fat milk in your coffee or tea is supposedly good as the satiating quality of the fat supposedly makes up for the calories till lunchtime.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Fruit and yoghurt - have a few different bags of frozen so I have some options, and I add a cup or so of non-sugar cereal and a spoon of peanut butter or tahini if I feel extra hungry.

    Sometimes I'll have an egg and a piece of toast. One time I had a tuna sandwich. Whatever you want, really.
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    Either cottage cheese with blueberries, or an egg white scramble with veggies and turkey sausage
  • sefajane1
    sefajane1 Posts: 322 Member
    EmBeatie wrote: »
    I used to eat home made soup but people think that's weird for some reason.

    Homemade soup is my winter breakfast 😊

    It warms me up and I know it's packed full of goodness to start the day off right 👍
  • Teabythesea_
    Teabythesea_ Posts: 559 Member
    I always have two eggs, whether they're in the form of an omlette, poached, fried, scrambled... or in pancakes. ;) Alongside that a carb of some sort, usually toast or oatmeal with either peanut butter or fruit.
  • zazu1956
    zazu1956 Posts: 3 Member
    I generally have cereal in the week, and a healthy "fry up" on the weekend. Mainly grilled lean bacon, 1 field mushroom, 1 grilled tomato, a poached egg and toasted homemade bread.
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    A boiled egg, a babybelle cheese and coffee with a tablespoon of cream. Easy, quick, and filling!
  • ChrisEspiritu
    ChrisEspiritu Posts: 1 Member
    Most days I have 1 cup of non-fat greek yogurt (I like Kirkland brand from Costco) as part of a smoothie. I add 1/2 diced ripe mango, 1/2 banana, a handful of raspberries and a handful of blueberries. I add about 3 T of non-fat milk and about a T of honey. Mix it up in my Magic Bullet and I'm good to go!! I never get tired of it.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    edited June 2019
    My first meal is really lunch, but I almost always have a peanut butter and banana sandwich with coffee. So good and keeps me going for many hours.

    Otherwise, I'll have leftovers from supper.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    steel cut oats with fruit (usually raspberrie, sometime strawberry or mango) and spices. some cocoa nibs