new here...worried about alcohol...any tips?



  • heley33
    heley33 Posts: 3 Member
    I had the same problems, just loved the beer, have now changed to rose wine and this seems to help although I do have a few slip ups.
  • HersheyTeeJay
    HersheyTeeJay Posts: 18 Member
    First of all it is a positive thing that you recognize the fact that you do have a drinking problem by stating that you are "sort of an alcoholic". Cudos to you! I immediately want to suggest a support group.

    I understand your situation, as you sound just like what I used to do. I used to come home from work and have a cocktail, or two, or three, etc. Then started drinking beer. This went on for several years, and I gradually packed on the pounds. I know you don't want to hear this, but you need to stop drinking, or cut back severely. When I stopped drinking alcohol I immediately lost 8 pounds. And I do feel better. I will drink a beer or two maybe twice a month now. And you know what? I don't miss it. (I used to be married to an alcoholic, and when I left him, that's when I stopped drinking.)

    I think the first question to ask yourselft is, "Why do I drink?" Is it really that important to you? I think there are always underlying reasons why a person drinks. Do you drink alone or with someone?

    Find something to do to replace your drinking time. Reach for water instead of beer after exercising; it's much better for you. Find a hobby or projec to work on. I know that is easier said than done, but I've been there, done that. I started by going to the gym after work. I was working out instead of going home to a cocktail. It wasn't easy, but gradually, over time, my habits changed. And I am so greatful that I managed to change. I feel better, and feel better about myself.

    I used to think the same things that you do. Any time I wanted to diet, I would find a way to work in my alcohol fix. Alcohol has a lot of sugar/calories.

    If you can't just stop, then cut back to two drinks on the weekend and see how that goes for you.

    Good luck to you with this.
  • Jetjedi
    Jetjedi Posts: 24 Member
    I enjoy a couple of beers a night regularly as long as I haven't gone over my set calorie limit. I'm a big beer fanatic and even brew my own occasionally. I don't drink to get drunk, i just like the taste but can go without by choice.

    That said, I can maintain my weight just fine with drinking alcohol. I stay hydrated with plain water throughout the day, about 12 glasses. I consume a minimum of one gram of protein per pound, and I do high intensity anaerobic drills 3 x week. At the end as long as I'm burning more calories than I'm consuming I still manage.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Wow, it seems to me that there are a lot of people on here with exceptionally strong willpower (and absolutely no empathy!) Makes me wonder how they ever ended up needing to join a weight loss site in the first place.

    So, back in the real world where 'just quitting' isnt an option (otherwise we'd all be living on fresh fruit & veg, lean meat, drinking water, and be happy with our skinny *kitten*!) I would suggest gradual cutting back. I used to drink a bottle or more of wine a night, I am now at the stage where I don't have a drink at all Monday to Thursday, but I still drink more than I should at the weekends, for which I do extra exercise to give me the calories. However, what I am finding is that I feel the need less and less as time goes on. I also need to drink less to get the same effect. So really, you just need to decide on a strategy that works for you, whether it's cutting it our for one night a week, then two and so on, or cutting it back per night until you only have one, and then none, and so on.

    If you would like a friend to help you work through this, please feel free to add me. :smile:
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I would suggest taper and then just quit . I haven't had a drink in over a year and I quit cold turkey. If you are worried about alcohol, then you should stop. Keep yourself busy and if there is a particular time that you are more vulnerable, head to the gym or an activity to break the routine.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I tend to agree with gradually reducing your consumption until it becomes more manageable for you.

    But what about also giving yourself a financial incentive. Something like the swear jar concept. We've all seen it; for every curse you put a dollor in a swear jar... What about doing the same thing for the amount of beer you drink? For every bottle you drink you could put a buck or two or five (whatever) in a jar or give it to someone you trust if you don't trust yourself not to spend the money. You can make drinking just simply too expensive and at the end of the month could use the saved up money to pay for a fitness program you've always wanted to take, or a hobby that keeps you active and out of the house where you won't be tempted to drink so much. Just an idea.

    or, each time you DON'T have a drink you wanted, throw a buck or two in the jar. at the end of a month, it gives you a sense of accomplishment for showing some control, and you can reward yourself with something special with the money. (not beer though! lol)
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Obviously not drinking is best; I think the OP already realizes that. What he's looking for is an alternative.

    You can still drink and lose fat, gain muscle, and be fit. Even if you drink more than the average person.

    Here's how I handle it, and it works well for me:

    I only drink hard liquer(no beer, lite beer, or wine), and I mix it with a tall glass of diet soda. Diet sodas are 99% water. For example, when I go out with friends and they all order margaritas, martinis, beer, I PASS on all of that junk. Instead I get a single shot of Jack Daniels and Diet Coke in a TALL glass. The tall glass does two things: It makes the drink last longer, and it provides my body with more water to better counter the dehydrating effects of the alchohol. I my mind I say to myself, "I will sip this drink at a rate that makes it last 30 mins." That takes a little control, but it's not too difficult.

    Hard liquer has no fat, no carbs, no protein, no nutritional content, but it does have calories. These calories must be included when you do your daily calorie count. Each drink will only be about 70-100 calories though, so that's not too bad.

    Also, I eat a healthy meal before I go out drinking so I don't get hungry while drinking and order a plate of nachos or something.

    If you don't want to quit drinking this may be a viable option. It has been for me.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The fact that you call yourself an alcoholic and say you can't stop is worrisome and for that reason I think you should make every effort to quit. It is completely possible to drink and be healthy, but your post sounds like you need to at least take a break from alcohol and see how it goes. If you still want it, but don't "need" it you may be able to add it back. In moderation of course.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Wow, it seems to me that there are a lot of people on here with exceptionally strong willpower (and absolutely no empathy!) Makes me wonder how they ever ended up needing to join a weight loss site in the first place.

    So, back in the real world where 'just quitting' isnt an option (otherwise we'd all be living on fresh fruit & veg, lean meat, drinking water, and be happy with our skinny *kitten*!) I would suggest gradual cutting back. I used to drink a bottle or more of wine a night, I am now at the stage where I don't have a drink at all Monday to Thursday, but I still drink more than I should at the weekends, for which I do extra exercise to give me the calories. However, what I am finding is that I feel the need less and less as time goes on. I also need to drink less to get the same effect. So really, you just need to decide on a strategy that works for you, whether it's cutting it our for one night a week, then two and so on, or cutting it back per night until you only have one, and then none, and so on.

    If you would like a friend to help you work through this, please feel free to add me. :smile:

    Like!!!! Would anyone be interested in a support group on here, make each of us a little more accountable for what and how much we drink? Or is it still a little taboo for people? I know I could certainly do with a whoop whoop from fellow wine lovers when I've gone a week without a drop!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I strongly encourage stress management! Alcohol is not bad but how we can DEPEND on it and see the effects on us. Only you can see and be honest with yourself the detrimental effects it has had on your health and lifestyle and coping.
    Perhaps talk with your physician if you trust him/her.
  • I appreciate everyone's input! And appreciate those of you who have shared your own solutions to this issue. For the record, I do not drink EVERY I am already able to make it through a few days without a drink and I have no problems. It is just that...I'm bored, and I love beer. I have already cut down a lot! I was just hoping for a few tips to help me continue to move on. I would like to be able to drink at least 2 nights a week, and I don't want to undo all the good I have done in the process.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    ooops, I feel I have put myself on the line a little bit now! Too much honesty ha ha!!
    There I was thinking thank God it's not just me and someone else is a little worried but then you go and say you don't even drink every night and you have managed to cut back! Damn you ha ha!
    Well done for recognising where you are at though and I agree with the low cal alternatives if you just like the taste of beer.
  • Becca308
    Becca308 Posts: 43 Member
    I get it - I don't drink Sunday-Friday afternoon, then moderate on Friday night and Saturday. I also choose drinks that are either lower in calories (vodka and soda), or provide other known health benefits (glass of red wine).

    Don't know if that helps, but it made a difference to me, my weight and I noticed a difference in my running stamina too.
  • No worries :-) the 2 nights a week is the ideal...presently...I'm at about 4 or 5 nights a week. Though, it depends on the week...I had wisdom teeth pulled a month ago and was on antibiotics for a week and didn't drink a drop, so I can do it...just...not really motivated to not drink....VERY motivated to lose weight, but...still love the beer.
  • 12 step program
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I drink quite a bit and also want to cut down. I started by replacing several beers with big glasses of diet soda or sparking flavored water and adding just a couple of ounces of white wine to that. I still need to cut down more, though. I understand how you feel.
  • I KNOW JUST HOW YOU FEEL! People on this site need to have some compassion! What the hell, some people eat too damn much and some people drink too damn much!. I have been battling 10 pounds for 10 years! I love my wine and refuse to stop having a drink! I have cut back on my wine becausei realize that if i drink 3 nights a week then i enjoy the wine far more than when i use to have 2 glasses every night. It was difficult but i just had to distract myself for the first 3 months and picture myself not being a slave to the wine. You will be fine but just cut back a little at a time and you will soon come to realize that you only want to drink on weekends. You will feel more strong and vibrant knowing that you are looking and feeling your best. You will also look so damn good that you will not want to mess up your flyness with too much of anything!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Quitting cold turkey when you are an alcoholic is not wise - the withdrawal could be life threatening. You should taper off. Make a commitment to drink a little less each day until you are not drinking anymore.

    I refuse to believe that anyone who is trying to control their weight is an alcoholic.

    Quit cold turkey.
  • Cut down slowly. I used to drink a few glasses of wine or a couple beers most night and have now cut it down to once or twice a week (with some slip ups). It takes awhile getting out of the bad habits that got us here in the first place but before you know it you'll start gaining good habits (like exercising, eating right and drinking lots of water rather than beer). Good luck!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I KNOW JUST HOW YOU FEEL! People on this site need to have some compassion! What the hell, some people eat too damn much and some people drink too damn much!. I have been battling 10 pounds to 15 pounds for 10 years! I love my wine and refuse to stop having a drink! I think cutting back is necessary and i am doing my best. Please do not stop cold turkey! Just try to best to cut back : ) I know you can do it because i have cut back but i still love my red wine on thursday night, friday night and even saturday night. It is all about balance my dear. LIVESTRONG : )

    And some people on this site need to find some willpower for their health and their future. Not make excuses as to WHY they need the one drink or why they need the one more glass of wine.