For those losing the last 10 lbs - what's the secret???



  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Wow, can't believe how long ago I started this post! Eight years and I'm back to working on those last 10 lbs. Just have to laugh about it. At least I'm here and it's only 10 lbs.

    You received terrible advice on the first go around. I saw "eat clean" and "Dr Oz" and my brain glazed over.

    1. Have you verified that the weight you're aiming for is healthy, per your BMI, measurements and doctor?
    2. If it's a good goal, it's all about calories in vs out. If you are not accurately logging your food, you're probably eating more than you think you are.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    I haven't checked my goal weight with my doctor but I'm 45, 5'4" and would ideally like to weigh 130. Until I had kids, I was always 120-125 lbs. Granted, that was 15 years ago... According to an online test including my age, my BMI is exactly 24 and my weight is considered healthy. I'd be fine to continue at this weight if my body composition changed - my midsection is too flabby and thick for my liking. I should probably find out what my body fat percentage is...
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I haven't checked my goal weight with my doctor but I'm 45, 5'4" and would ideally like to weigh 130.

    Okay cool, you can absolutely get there in a healthy way. Log your food for a while and that should help. If not, get a food scale and log it even more accurately. As for 'flabby midsection" and post-kid body, you'll want to make sure you're losing fat, not additional muscle. Add in some strengthening (even body weight exercises make a difference) to help maintain your current muscles.

  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Thank you for your words of encouragement! Yes, I'm definitely motivated! I play pickleball 3-4 days a week for 2-4 hours at a time and do body weight exercises at night. Getting the diet under control and adding some strength training will be my key. Just have to actually do it :).
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited June 2019
    I’m on my last 4 pounds. Just doing what I’ve been doing all along, no “tricks” to “keep my body guessing,” or any of that. I eat 1300 calories per day (abt a 250 calorie deficit), as I have been all along (I am sedentary when not working out), lift 3x a week, some cardio 2+ days a week but no marathon sessions or anything. It’s slow going, but it’s been slow for me the whole time (.5 pounds or less a week). It’s taken me about 13 weeks to lose 11 pounds. Slow and steady wins the race. I’ll get there. Oh, and I’m 59 years old, 5’ 4.5” and I currently weigh 129.
  • auburngirl06
    auburngirl06 Posts: 153 Member
    I haven't checked my goal weight with my doctor but I'm 45, 5'4" and would ideally like to weigh 130. Until I had kids, I was always 120-125 lbs. Granted, that was 15 years ago... According to an online test including my age, my BMI is exactly 24 and my weight is considered healthy. I'd be fine to continue at this weight if my body composition changed - my midsection is too flabby and thick for my liking. I should probably find out what my body fat percentage is...

    I could have written this. I am 5’4” and on my last 5 pounds trying oh so hard to get to my goal of 130. I have been sitting at 135-136 for what seems like forever. Back and forth I go. I’m trying my hardest to tighten up my logging and do only 250 deficit per day. I have a lot more energy for my workouts being so close to maintenance calories....Yet maybe I have maintenance numbers overstated as I should be losing and I’m not. Sigh. Just want you to know you aren’t alone! I just started syncing with Pacer for my exercise adjustment. Do you use a fitness watch for exercise? How many cals are you eating?

  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Hi Auburngirl! You are welcome to look at my diary, I'm eating low carb and just below the daily calorie goal. I use an Apple Watch to track exercise but it hasn't been working for a week or so, gotta figure that out. The positive is that we are so close to goal, right?
  • skippygolunks
    skippygolunks Posts: 24 Member
    I wouldn’t wish my journey on anyone, but finding out I had Rheumatoid Arthritis had its weight loss bonus. When I was diagnosed I adopted an Autoimmune Protocol Diet to correct my Microbiome and alleviate my symptoms. With that as my goal it was easy to stick to an AIP diet. Here is what happened that made 10 pounds literally melt off quickly. I eliminated gluten, dairy and added sugar. The first week was hell but after that it was fine. I think getting rid of gluten was key. Of course gluten translates to anything made with flour. The trick is not to substitute packaged gluten free products which are calorie bombs. I did alllow a mug cake treat each day made from gluten free flours; that helped a lot. It has been a year now and I’ve added many foods back in but beef and gluten are banished except for occasionally. Now I am trying to build muscle.