wierd things that you like?



  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member

    salt and vinegar chips on sandwiches

    you're not alone on this one! i also add pickles and mustard lol

    i also put tabasco on my popcorn
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I looove the smell of gasoline, matches and my hair after being around a bonfire. true story.

    probably not a good combination.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I looove the smell of gasoline, matches and my hair after being around a bonfire. true story.

    probably not a good combination.

    LOL probably not, but i share your love of the smell of matches also, or burning paper in general..hmm..
  • delcatty
    delcatty Posts: 23 Member
    So excited for teh VMA's!!!!!

    She'll own it, AS USUAL.
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    So excited for teh VMA's!!!!!

    She'll own it, AS USUAL.

    I just realy don't want to hear You & I. Blah. Love the video, don't like the song/Luc.
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    I love the smell of mothballs.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I put jam/jelly on my scrambled eggs and hashbrowns. Everyone tells me how GROSS this is. But it's REALLY good.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I love the smell of gasoline, too! Do they make a men's cologne that smells like gasoline? If not, they need to, and they need to send my boyfriend insane amounts of free samples of it. :tongue:

    I eat scrapple. I'm told by everyone outside of my family (who also eat it) that I'm weird for eating it.

    I put chips on tuna sandwiches. I mean, if I don't have chips, I'll still eat it...but if I do have chips, then they must go on the sandwich. Speaking of chips, I eat broken chips first, then whole chips, and the folded over ones are eaten last. Why? I don't know. I have OCD with chips, apparently.

    I'll add to the list the more I think of things............
  • Hattie2879
    Hattie2879 Posts: 131
    I love the smell of mothballs.

    Then you'd really enjoy hanging out at my grandma's house. :embarassed:

    I do love her with all my heart though, but sometimes that mothball smell is just OVERPOWERING!
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I love the smell of mothballs.

    Then you'd really enjoy hanging out at my grandma's house. :embarassed:

    I do love her with all my heart though, but sometimes that mothball smell is just OVERPOWERING!


    i also like the smell of raid...don't ask me why..
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    I love the smell of gasoline, mowed grass, burning wood and bleach.

    I love to eat boiled noodles and applesauce, spam and mac n cheese, canned octopus with pickles and calabrese salami...then again I'm European and we are sorta known to eat oddities.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I love the smell of gasoline, mowed grass, burning wood and bleach.

    I love to eat boiled noodles and applesauce, spam and mac n cheese, canned octopus with pickles and calabrese salami...then again I'm European and we are sorta known to eat oddities.

    Spam and mac n cheese doesn't sound too bad, actually...I've mixed quite a few things with mac n cheese! haha. I've never seen canned octopus, though. I've recently gotten into squid through calimari (one of the very few fried things I'll eat), and the other day, I had it with some Thai food.. not sure if it was baked or what, but it definitely wasn't fried.