Fun foods that are so healthy

I'm currently on a 1200 calorie-per-day plan. But I need delicious and nutritious foods to get me through the day. Foods that seem like a treat!

I found that if I focus on potassium content (why is it so hard to get enough potassium?!) and/or fiber, I end up with some really yummy nutritious and satisfying foods.

Currently my favorites are:

Sweet Potatoes
100cal hummus cups
Coconut water (pure)
Roasted chickpea snacks

Also trying intermittent fasting - waiting awhile when I get up in the morning to put anything solid in my stomach - starting the day with Kombucha (the 25 cal/serving kind) or a green drink.

What other foods inspire you and make you feel happy and healthy to eat?


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,668 Member
    I love all kinds of veggies, so that helps a lot. They're great roasted or grilled!
    Pink lady or Honeycrisp apples.
    I've been on a light ice cream kick.
    Fage yogurt with cinnamon.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    It is hard to get enough potassium mostly because not all foods are labelled with their potassium content.

    I like munching on raw veggies and nuts - there are some fun flavors out there these days.
    Hubby has gotten so into homemade sweet potato chips that he has learned to make them, and he only learns how to cook something new about once a year.
  • smcwllms
    smcwllms Posts: 27 Member
    Re: potassium-I just have 12oz of low sodium vegetable juice (generic V8) to make sure my potassium is where it needs to be.

    Fun food: double scoop of chocolate protein isolate powder, about 8 ounces of cold water, blend well. Add about 6 ounces of ice, crush well again. Voila! A gigantic chocolate shake, packed with 60 g of protein for only 300 calories. Add 3/4 cup of plain greek yogurt for a little added creaminess.
  • teresaa1860
    teresaa1860 Posts: 18 Member
    I really love Aldi's asian vegetable medley (frozen, Season's choice is the brand) with their bottled Thai or Teriyaki sauce. A bag of the veggies with the sauce - depending on which one - is 300-340 calories. But its so filling, cheap, and delicious. I add shrimp if Im hungrier
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    Am I missing something with potassium? Suddenly everyone seems worried about their potassium levels?

    There's a low cal ice cream here in NZ called Zilch that's delicious, also the Fibre One 90 calorie brownies.
  • ilene1031
    ilene1031 Posts: 3 Member
    I find sometimes if I focus on one particular nutrient (such as potassium, or fiber) it leads me to eat a much healthier balanced diet, while at the same time trying to keep my categories (Protein, fat, carbs) where I want them. I love that MFP keeps track of the nutrient goals for the day. At suppertime last night I noticed I was way behind in protein for the day, so I added a chicken breast to my dinner and made it up.

  • ilene1031
    ilene1031 Posts: 3 Member
    KOMBUCHA. Has anyone gotten into this? I find it fills me up and quells my urge to eat. Plus I feel like I am doing something nice for my digestive system.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I've had some tasty ones. Some are too sugary for me, or too caloric.