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Juice Cleanses...is there ever any benefit?



  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    There is a benefit. April of 2018 I was going through a Trial to test medication for Gout. When they ran blood tests on me, they notified me that my Liver Function Panels were off the charts.

    So, I gave up alcohol, went on a Juice Fast for one week and then integrated the Juices into a healthier diet over the next month. I went back and had the tests taken again and then followed up with a Doctor's appointment. My Liver Function was normal. The added benefit was when my Doctor brought out my charts and showed me that I had also lost 32 lbs in 2 and a half months.

    I still buy Raw juices. I drink about 3 a day and supplement them with V8 and Protein Drinks and a healthier diet.


    My question to you is, do you think you would have gotten the same benefit by just giving up booze...?

    I did not give up booze. Just for the first 2 months.

  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Based on what mechanism would raw juice help the liver? Weight loss and taking a break from booze could (as could more moderation with alcohol going forward and a better diet). The idea that one can drink in excess so long as you have some raw orange juice with the vodka is pretty funny, however, and what is wine but over-the-hill grape juice, so I guess wine drinkers are in luck, cider fans as well!

    IMO, juice can have some nice micronutrients, but those raw juices can be pretty high in cals and for me are not filling vs. eating the actual veg and fruit they contain. Of course, if you go on a super low cal diet with just juice then you will lose weight, but that doesn't seem any healthier than any other very low cal diet.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    edited June 2019
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    There is a benefit. April of 2018 I was going through a Trial to test medication for Gout. When they ran blood tests on me, they notified me that my Liver Function Panels were off the charts.

    So, I gave up alcohol, went on a Juice Fast for one week and then integrated the Juices into a healthier diet over the next month. I went back and had the tests taken again and then followed up with a Doctor's appointment. My Liver Function was normal. The added benefit was when my Doctor brought out my charts and showed me that I had also lost 32 lbs in 2 and a half months.

    I still buy Raw juices. I drink about 3 a day and supplement them with V8 and Protein Drinks and a healthier diet.


    My question to you is, do you think you would have gotten the same benefit by just giving up booze...?

    I did not give up booze. Just for the first 2 months.


    Oh ok. Very cool. Hey congrats on the change. I still am curious if the same result would have been achieved with just the break from alcohol. The body has an amazing ability to recover. IMO, you really have to work hard and long to get to a point where the body can't come back...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    There is a benefit. April of 2018 I was going through a Trial to test medication for Gout. When they ran blood tests on me, they notified me that my Liver Function Panels were off the charts.

    So, I gave up alcohol, went on a Juice Fast for one week and then integrated the Juices into a healthier diet over the next month. I went back and had the tests taken again and then followed up with a Doctor's appointment. My Liver Function was normal. The added benefit was when my Doctor brought out my charts and showed me that I had also lost 32 lbs in 2 and a half months.

    I still buy Raw juices. I drink about 3 a day and supplement them with V8 and Protein Drinks and a healthier diet.


    My question to you is, do you think you would have gotten the same benefit by just giving up booze...?

    I did not give up booze. Just for the first 2 months.


    Oh ok. Very cool. Hey congrats on the change. I still am curious if the same result would have been achieved with just the break from alcohol. The body has an amazing ability to recover. IMO, you really have to work hard and long to get to a point where the body can't come back...

    I'm sure that the juice fast and the alcohol ban contributed equally to my weight loss. Now, the modified juice consumption and moderate alcohol intake is helping me maintain my weight loss from last year.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    They are very useful when it comes to cleaning out your wallet.

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    psychod787 wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Beneficial to the guy selling you the juice cleanse.

    Other than that....no.

    Yep... people want to detox their livers... losing weight will do that. The liver, unless you have bad cirrhosis, will regenerate on its own.

    *sigh* I wish I could get my best friend to understand this. She buys into a lot of conspiracy stuff, so of course she's anti-big pharma and anti-big companies and listens to all sorts of alternative medicine stuff. She's recently convinced herself that she needs to "detox" her liver because she's been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, and therefore sugar is "toxic" for her and she needs to cut it down as much as possible to correct her liver or she's going to destroy it.

    *sigh* I can't get her to understand that its her obesity that is the leading cause of her fatty liver disease and insulin resistance, and that while yes, I very much agree she needs to change her dietary habits and begin eating more nutritious foods, and that she does need to watch her sugar intake as she has been diagnosed as being borderline diabetic, that she doesn't have to label sugar as "poison" to her body and that all she really needs to do is focus on eating a healthy diet and LOSING WEIGHT......

  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Just to piggy back off of this a little, the argument I’ve heard for them, is that the body cleanses itself (which I know) but a good cleanse can give your body a break from the hard work of doing this itself for a few days. Again, not sure if it’s true or a complete lie, but figured I’d add that in.

    Your body simply doesn't need a break from performing its normal everyday functions. If you really think about it, that would be like holding your breath to give your lungs a rest. So, yes, that's complete hokum. ;)

    And, honestly, if your body isn't able to naturally rid you of whatever needs to be gotten rid of, you need prompt medical attention, not a boatload of juice. :)

    ^^^ what they said
  • Five0Six
    Five0Six Posts: 112 Member
    edited June 2019
    No. Your kidneys and liver exist for a reason.

    And even if your kidneys and liver aren't functioning properly, flooding your body with extra fluids is just going to overwhelm them and throw your electrolytes out of balance. This can lead to mild things like splitting migraines to less mild things like edema to not-so-mild cases of death.
  • MPDean
    MPDean Posts: 99 Member
    PoppyLlama wrote: »
    Look at doing 24 hour fast instead. Juice is usually packed full of sugar and really isn't a cleanse or a detox AT ALL, but just spikes your blood glucose all day and throws off your gut bacteria. A single 24 hour fast can induce autophagy which is that cellular cleanup that you are really looking for.
    Autophagy is great IF apoptosis is working correctly. I can sell you some snake oil that will really sort your apoptosis out ...