September food challenge (open group)

So I am challenging myself to eat only the number of calories prescribed to me by my food plan (2,000 calories per day) regardless of how much I excercise (which is quite a bit). I also will not be eating processed sugar, flour or fats. If you would like to join me, come on! This is a place to share war stories, struggles, successes and just plain support each other for the month. I plan to ROCK September by really working my food! I can give up my secumbing to food cravings for a month, right? Yes I can!


  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    Right there with you, Ralph! So excited to start this!!!! We're gonna bust the pounds in September and have the best month ever!!!
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    You know I'm in!
    But Ralph... I did some checking and calculating on your calorie goal. From what I saw you shouldn't drop below 2200. I'm sure once you get started on healthy foods you'll be able to feel whats right for your body.
    I don't plan to change my calorie goal, just the foods.

    Yea Team Ralph!!!!!!!!
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    Count me in! I've slowly been letting stuff creep back into my food choices ....time to clean it up and I think you will be surprised at how little you will crave the refined sugars once you break the cycle...once I didn't have the sugar i was sueprised at how little I thought about it...even the wicked wicked lemon bars weren't that difficult to pass after awhile
  • hopebuck
    hopebuck Posts: 138
    I love it! I'm in!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    im in!!!!sounds like a good challenge
  • daytondwellee
    Hey Ralph...count me in on your challenge.....I could use the motivation!!!
  • emmuci
    emmuci Posts: 160 Member
    i wanna join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Count me in too, please!
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    I'm down! Count me in!!

    We should use this thread to keep each other accountable, and we can use this google doc that I have set up to record our results each day (or each week).

    For every day that each person completes the challenge each week, you get a STAR!!

    Check it out:

    Let me know if you like this idea!!!

    ******Ralph**** I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you said "Share War Stories" because this is true, we are fighting a battle with food addictions. We love sugar, salt, flour, refined processed foods. That is why companies like Lays, Coca-Cola, and Kraft foods are worth so much (in company value). They have refined the art of marketing, of making us buy more, of making us eat more than just one....we are fighting subliminal messages in the media, and we are fighting all the chemicals they put in the food to make us ADDICTED TO IT!!

    However, truly, in the end, we are fighting ourselves. Because WE MAKE THE DECISION, whether concious or not, TO PUT THAT CHIP IN OUR MOUTH.

    So C'MON EVERYONE! Let's fight this together and use each other for support!

    We can use this thread to write to each other, and use the google docs to record our successes and view each other's prorgress.


    IT WILL GO "LIVE" SEPTEMBER 1, so if you want to join, ADD YOUR NAME TO THE CHART and hit SAVE!

    Here it is again:
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    Pick me! Pick me! (wait, how does this group thing work....?)
  • rraallpphhccuurrtt
    Hello crazy people!!

    Ok great - that is 10 of us! We may pick up a couple more but that will be a good size.

    I will be putting out the Food Challenge guidelines tomorrow but in the mean time I would like everyone to think of what their individual food plan for the month will be. It can be as simple or as complicated as you want be recognize that it us going to bevyhe heart of this challenge so be reasonable. Examples of food plans include no processed sugar, wheat or fats, 2000 calories max a day, only eat when sitting at a table, only eat 3x per day, no eating after 8 pm, etc...

    The will be some rules on minimum calories, water consumption and how to tray calories burned in exercise but that will come tomorrow. I like some if the ideas posted here and that you have emailed me - thank you. I will put my suggestions out tomorrow.

    Think about your food plans - and please, the core if this challenge is HONESTY. Please be prepared to put the truth out there. We can do this. but we can only do it as a team!

    Let's ROCK!!!
  • rraallpphhccuurrtt
    BTW - sorry for not responding individually to each of you but I have friends coming over in 4 minutes and I still have to shower! I will get back to you though, promise!
  • rraallpphhccuurrtt
    Looks like it will be torrid before I can post the guidelines. I love BeilaLin's spreadsheet and think if we could use it to post everyone's progress that would be wonderful! Please give it a shot and see if you could use it to post your victories!

    Thank you everyone for your kind email! Yes, this will start off simple and get harder.

    We gave a good mix of people who are new and some who know each other. It would be good if we all introduce ourselves.

    My name is Ralph. I am 53, live in Atlanta Georgia and am a Project Manager building and renovation hotels for a living. I love to laugh and have been accused of never growing up, which I take as a compliment! I work out like a fiend but do not do well with my eating. I like healthy foods but gravitate to the unhealthy ones by habit. I plan to give up the bad foods just for one month to prove I can do it and to kick start some weight loss (I have been stuck in the 260's for a month). I am a smart *kitten* but with a kind heart behind it. Let's kick some food butt in September!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
  • hopebuck
    hopebuck Posts: 138
    Hello! I'm Hope and I'm 36 years old, wife and working mom of 4. (16, 11, 4, and 2). Been struggling with my weight for always! I get stuck in a binge mode and can't get out of it. I was almost to my goal weight (w/in 2 lbs) when I got a big fat surprise....I call her my IUD baby :) anyway, she is a blessing, but my body is having a VERY hard time getting back to where I felt good. I was soo close. I did good again earlier this year and then I added sugar back in my diet and that is all she wrote! I believe I am truly addicted to sugar (like a drug, alcohol, or cigarette addict) .... so, I'm cutting it out again.

    Thanks for this challenge, I need it and i NEED the support that is going to come with it. I have tried and tried and tried to get this under control again and I usually make it 1 or 2 days, i think i made it a week one time, but here it goes! I'm actually starting this Sept 1 challenge tomorrow b/c mentally i can't wait til Thursday! So, I will be weighing in tomorrow and I am back on the tracking wagon and ugh to the no sugar or processed food.... I know I can do it and I KNOW i will feel better for it!

    Thanks again Ralph!!!!
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    Keep us updated! In the mean time, go ahead and modify the excel file if you want to Ralph:

    Or if you have ideas and just want to shoot them over to me, that's fine, i'll fix it on my end and replace the excel file before it goes "live" Sept 1.

    About Me:

    I'll write a bio later...sorry it's getting kinda late...but every one else INTRODUCE YOURSELVES! and also INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hi all, my name is pam....i have been struggling to lose 40lbs over the last 10 years...last year i joined MFP in august and it went well all through the holidays, but january came and i fell off the wagon and didnt return until late may,(with 8 of the 16lbs that i had lost) i re-comminted.....i plan for this month is going to be simple keep to the MFP daily calorie allowance, which is 1280....i do workout so i will check how we will allow for that....

    good luck all:flowerforyou:
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    Hi, I'm Maureen (Mo) a 39 year old police sergeant in Upstate New York. My job these days is anything but physical as I am a desk jockey administrator. I have recently been reading up on paleo/primal concepts, and that is my goal for September: to stay paleo by avoiding grains and sugar. I've been at this hard since mid April but have only lost 6-8 pounds on the scale. I think I have lost a lot of inches though. I am hoping to shed some more body fat and continue to build muscle. I am setting my calories at 1750 as I am in training for a triathlon and can't risk any less. Being on this team will help me stay focused and honest.
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    It's almost starting! Invite your friends to come join!

    Sign up your name on the excel sheet! (Right now, the spreadsheet just shows examples of the food challenges...and the info is just filled in as an example. There are 2 tabs in the spreadsheet, one tab to show the record of weekly challenge completion, and another tab to show the challenge levels or suggestions for food challenges.)

    Sign up by adding your name to the challenge! Copy and paste the link in your browser:




  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    Ok Ralph I'm in too...I've posted my plan on my profile page. Plan on killing that kryptonite thing!
  • Choirgirl37
    Count me in!!