biggest loser website

I just finished watching tonite's biggest loser and they mentioned the website so I was curious and decided to take a look. Has anyone ever been a member or is a member? I, of course, think that this is the best website and we are the coolest people. I used to belong to Weight Watchers online and dropped because of the cost. I have to admit that I really think Bob and Jillian are cool. BTW, I can't say enough good things about the book "Where did all the Fat Go?". Check it out. di


  • ladydianab
    I just finished watching tonite's biggest loser and they mentioned the website so I was curious and decided to take a look. Has anyone ever been a member or is a member? I, of course, think that this is the best website and we are the coolest people. I used to belong to Weight Watchers online and dropped because of the cost. I have to admit that I really think Bob and Jillian are cool. BTW, I can't say enough good things about the book "Where did all the Fat Go?". Check it out. di
  • bigmamafagin
    I love the show and considered joining until I found this website. Sometimes I wish I could quit my job and move to a ranch and do nothing but workout for weeks at a time and lose weight. Real world temptations and challenges are so much harder than anything I've seen on that show. This website allows me to do my own thing but gives me an easier way of keeping track of what I'm doing, plus its free thats the bonus.
  • throughHisstrength
    I agree that this site is great for those of us who are stuck in the real world. I love the fact that it's free and gives you enough freedom to live your life. I think that even the best "program" can fail once you start living in the real world again. I love the way that this site helps you to tweak the way that you live and you don't have to give up anything as long as you are creative enough to make it work within your calories!! Thanks so much for this site!!:happy: