
I’m confused. Is there a place on this app to indicate that you are doing the ketogenic diet? I don’t think I have my settings right.


  • taylorbirkhahn
    taylorbirkhahn Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Im bit sure if the app has a designated area, but I found that under "nutrition" (click the three lines in the top left corner) you can adjust your macros. That's where I can keep track of my percentages for the day. Hope that helps! 😀
  • hdnowride1
    hdnowride1 Posts: 3 Member
    MFP uses gross carbs instead of net. Not a problem for me. To get net carbs, go to printer friendly page and deduct the fiber. It's a bit inconvenient but you get a feel for it and adjust accordingly. You change your percentages under the "goals" section, not nutrition as stated above. That shows your totals only for the day.