Looking for folks to connect with on this journey to wellness

bnotah001 Posts: 1 Member
edited June 2019 in Introduce Yourself
So about a year ago I had an incident that changed my life. I had to start taking medication and I gained a 30 pounds. I want to get back to where I was before all this happened. Hopefully further. My focus is on weight loss but more importantly on wellness. I want to establish healthy routines That will get me through my life well and feeling good. Looking for suggestions, encouragment, and good energy. Taking on this journey together.


  • Kari_LeeAnn86
    Kari_LeeAnn86 Posts: 2 Member
    Right there with you! This is week 2 for me. I've found that keeping a fitness journal helps. I take it with me to the gym and log my excercises and number of sets. It helps keeping me on a routine plus I can see my progress and have a place for new recipes. Sending good vibes your way, just know your body can stand almost anything, it's your mind you have to convince. You can do it!!
  • opossumoprincess
    opossumoprincess Posts: 3 Member
    Right there with you! One of my medications causes water retention and can cause weight gain in some people, I'm trying to get back to where I was and improve. Feel free to add me!
  • mackey1028
    mackey1028 Posts: 2 Member
    Today is day one for me... Good luck :) everyone
  • stephaniedanger90
    stephaniedanger90 Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck!