Cheat Day or Bulimia argument...(Buttermore)

Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
Thought this was an interesting argument drawing the line between Binge Eating Disorder & "Cheating". I would have to side more with Greg on this time goes by, I find my results have been better/more sustainable the more mild I would allow myself to cheat from prolonged kcal deficits.

Draws light of some of the seemingly absurd/border line BED behavior of Stephanie Buttermore (not that she can't overcome such drastic/radical swings in intake overtime, but not many people would have the mental & physical capabilities to do so). Seems far from ideal when looking @ a much larger frame of time


  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    Hadn't heard of either of these you tubers but it's interesting what people watch/follow these days
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 528 Member
    I hadn't heard of either of these people either, but I'm glad Greg is commenting on a scary behavior. Yes, it may be about getting the views for Stephanie, but some people may still try to emulate the unhealthy cheat day. I would NEVER want to model for my daughters (one of whom is a competitive gymnast) a very low calorie restricted diet followed by a 10,000 (or even 5,000) calorie cheat day. That would be so hard on a person's body! In the short as well as the long run, a bad idea.
  • GaryRuns
    GaryRuns Posts: 508 Member
    I think she's just doing what she needs to do to get viewers. I'm sure she realizes it's not a healthy way to go. She's not a dumb girl. Did anyone else see Jeff Nippard's reply in the comments? He clarifies things a bit. For those that don't know Jeff is Stephanie's boyfriend and a very popular youtuber known for his science-based, natural body building videos.

    It's sad that her workout videos, which are quite good, don't get nearly the views. I will say that Jeff has done similar videos about "bear mode" and other over-eating things. Did Greg take him to task for those? (I don't typically follow Greg). Jeff couched them differently than Stephanie but they were essentially the same thing, IMO.
  • gvizzle74
    gvizzle74 Posts: 123 Member
    Hadn't heard of either of these you tubers but it's interesting what people watch/follow these days

    She did a really interesting video on the 10,000 calorie challenge and how much of that actually converted to fat. It took the 10,000 calorie challenge from a scientific point of view and broke down the science of it. Definitely an interesting watch.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I am not sure she has a BED, I'm no medical professional. But I do believe she has had an unhealthy road with food in the past which has seriously messed up her hunger hormones or cues or something. Given her education and the fact that she has been working with medical professionals, I guess she is sorting it out.

    I think she did the 10,000 calorie things starting as a refeed of sorts, but they were SO popular on youtube she did them periodically for views.
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