What things do you eat/drink that you dislike in the name of good health?



  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I'm a third proponent for cold, slightly dry pizza. Saving some in the fridge for next day is a must.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    You two are pizza-ing wrong.

    Also, I don't break my fasts I bend them and then they return to the same shape when I stop eating. My first meal is bendfast.

    But are you eating cereal?
  • hpg19
    hpg19 Posts: 10 Member
    Nothing. Why would you eat what you don't like? Being healthy isn't supposed to be a burden. At least not in my interpretation of healthy. My health reasons my body functions better eating.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    You two are pizza-ing wrong.

    Also, I don't break my fasts I bend them and then they return to the same shape when I stop eating. My first meal is bendfast.

    No U

    My first meal is...lunch. Or mini snickers bars. One or the other.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    I'm a third proponent for cold, slightly dry pizza. Saving some in the fridge for next day is a must.

    I'll fourth that! I'll add though, for me it needs to be good quality pizza crust, like from a legit pizzeria. I've eaten cold "fast food" pizzas and while they were okay, I prefer them better reheated in the oven. Good quality pizza crust is great right out of the fridge the next morning. Even if you don't have a hangover :wink:
  • thanos5
    thanos5 Posts: 513 Member
    leftover jet pizza is like crack to me. cold.
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    Nothing really. I like most things. There are a few that I don't actively seek out, but would eat if they were served to me (bananas, Brussels sprouts, turnip). Luckily for me I don't really like fast food much, so have no problem not eating it.
  • lucadeangiles
    lucadeangiles Posts: 55 Member
    i don’t mind eating it but i take these “one daily” multivitamin pills and THE SMELL is god awful when I open the bottle and when i swallow and it has this awful cotton pad thing in the bottle and sometimes i accidentally touch it taking a pill out and the texture gives me shivers. I don’t know how it’s possible for taking a pill to be so unpleasant