Weight loss is hard all of a sudden!

Hello I’m Jen, I’ve always been somewhat of a “pro” at loosing weight gaining up to a stone in the winter months then dropping it for the summer like it was never there. Well it’s summer and I cannot for the life of me shift this extra weight! I’ve got low iron levels all of a sudden so my energy levels are low ☹️ but I’m doing my usual HIIT yoga, eating healthy and well I’m still on the cuddly side. Never posted before so hello all 😬


  • NOTurAVG5717
    NOTurAVG5717 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello 👋. I have no doubt that you will be able to drop the weight you’ve gained. Your low iron levels and low energy could be causes. Have you had your other levels checked? The exercise regimen you are doing sounds like a great plan to drop weight and tone up. There is nothing wrong with cuddly but I understand your desire to achieve your goal. Best of luck.
  • Devil_Dawg
    Devil_Dawg Posts: 167 Member
    Alot of us plateau and thats when we need to start looking closer at our exercise routines and food intakes. I'm currently in that same situation however, I've started to make a few changes to my exercise and food intake and so far it seems to be working. We must remember not to give up on ourselves. You got this!
  • nitro_ktb
    nitro_ktb Posts: 5 Member
    Same here....it was always easy with me but this year i cant muster the energy...but i am restarting today...lets see if i can make it happen lol.
  • jennysdevine
    jennysdevine Posts: 2 Member
    I’m re starting today too! Haha
  • JasonRVA
    JasonRVA Posts: 31 Member
    You'll get there, just keep persisting, and certainly get some iron.