Serious Munchies Attack

What to do when you wake up one morning, you're hungry and you stay that way? I've done good so far today, but I still feel like if I don't do something pronto I'm going to way overindulge or (flip-side) get really depressed because my belly is making sad faces at me.

What do you guys do on days when the munchies invade?


  • amybus
    amybus Posts: 8 Member
    I did that yesterday, couldn't get full. I had some nuts for a morning snack, still starving, I went and got a subway sandwich at lunch, and let myself eat whatever I wanted. I had some salt water taffy, a couple cookies, some pringles snack things...I don't know I was just eating. At dinner time I was full and ended up only going over about 20 calories for the day. I think sometimes you just need to eat, the more you try to 'be good" the bigger chance you have of binging
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    i am yet to conquer this so am interested in what ppl say :D
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    you probably hear this you probably need to hear it again.
    Water will fill you up it's not just a myth and if you feel like consuming something go for fruits...apples fill me up good personally I think and grapes are good too
  • elsa11170
    elsa11170 Posts: 83 Member
    I have munchies every day but find ways to stay under my calories. Those 100 calorie packs help!! Also drink lots of water with lemon while you are eating your snack and it will fill you up.
  • XiaoRuRu
    XiaoRuRu Posts: 83
    I am a huge advocate for water. I drink at least 64oz. a day, but I will admit today I probably haven't had enough.
  • key to NOT feeling hungry and losing weight...PROTEIN, non-starchy veggies, and fruit. Its VERY hard to go over on your cals w/ lean meat, veggies and fruit. they have these wonderful cups of blueberries at the grocery store. a whole cup of yummy goodness to satisfy that "sweet" craving...and all sorts of good stuff for your body. Avoid bread, pasta, taters...they actually make you want to eat more and the benefits aren't that great. Why just fill up on water when there are PLENTY of healthy choices that won't make you fat. My favorite snack....1/2 cup of blueberries, 1/2 cup of strawberries and 6 slices of lean lunch meat. no bread.
  • klsnell1981
    klsnell1981 Posts: 48 Member
    i always drink a big glass of water before eating anything.. it really does make you feel fuller, if only for a little while. keep drinking and eating low cal, low fat snacks! but sometimes eating some of what you're craving makes it all better. i ate an ice cream cone for lunch snack today and i still feel full 3 hrs later.. i think its the sugar. :)
  • I usually only get the munchies like that on the weekend, and I think it's because I'm relaxing in the morning, which basically means just sitting around watching some mornign tv and drinking my coffee. So, for me anyway, I think it's a bit like boredom eating, even though I really do feel like I'm hungry. And I always drink a lot of water, so it's not a water thing. Anyway, I haven't really conquered this issue, but as the weekend's coming up, my plan is to structure my day more. Like get going on something right away in the morning. Take me dog on an early walk, start my cleaning, something to just not be sitting around in the morning. I suppose everyone probably has different reasons for getting the munchies, but that's what I've noticed for me, so that's my weekend game plan.
  • XiaoRuRu
    XiaoRuRu Posts: 83
    That sounds like me. I am unemployed and spend most of my day sitting around. But now that I think of it, it's the days where I really do nothing but sit around (too hot to walk the dog, not feeling good, etc etc) that I find I have the munchies. So if it's boredom I need to battle, then I am going to bust out a video game or a puzzle.
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    this is true BUT speaking from's not good to do that all the time because you could screw up your iron intake or nutrient intake and become anemic...and if you dont donate blood this probably wont really matter, but besides that if you really want to treat your body healthy dont do often lol
  • If you're starving and not eating you're doing it wrong.
    If I am hungry I eat, no two ways about it.
    Stick with whole foods and you will eat all you can and remain under your cals.