Evening snack-attacks

Good Morning Everyone!

So in reviewing my food habits I have noticed that I am AWESOME until about 7pm... and then all hell breaks lose! I can not satisfy my sweet tooth/evening cravings! Usually I am doing school work, studying or reading, watching the tube with my hubby... all things that I like to snack while doing! Especially the school-work thing, I feel like I can't concentrate unless I have a sugary or salty snack! If I don't all I think about is food.

Any suggestions for healthier snacks? And not carrot sticks and fruit, I eat plenty of those throughout the day, its salty, crunchy or sweet that I need!

Thanks guys! :happy:


  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    So in reviewing my food habits I have noticed that I am AWESOME until about 7pm... and then all hell breaks lose! I can not satisfy my sweet tooth/evening cravings! Usually I am doing school work, studying or reading, watching the tube with my hubby... all things that I like to snack while doing! Especially the school-work thing, I feel like I can't concentrate unless I have a sugary or salty snack! If I don't all I think about is food.

    Any suggestions for healthier snacks? And not carrot sticks and fruit, I eat plenty of those throughout the day, its salty, crunchy or sweet that I need!

    Thanks guys! :happy:
  • MellyG426
    MellyG426 Posts: 91 Member
    I always enjoy 1/4 cup almonds and some dark chocolate every day in the evening. I get the salty and the sweet, and the protein satisfies me for a few hours.

    I know you said no fruit, but apples and peanut better are really yummy, and yet again they hit the spot. Graham crackers with some melted dark chocolate on top.......Mmmmm. These are my staples for hitting the spot, usually.
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    100 calorie popcorn, sugar-free pudding, smart ones deserts...that kinda thing.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I SO get what you're talking about...I have the same exact problem.

    I recently got a bowl to pop regular popcorn in the microwave with...maybe that w/ a little butter-substitute spray? I find that I dont even miss the salt when its made like this.

    I also make a small helping of oatmeal w/ a tsp or two of brwn sugar, a ton of cinnamon and a quarter cup no dannon 0% fat vanilla yogurt. If I have a MAD sweet tooth, I'll put one tsp of Wegmans Jammin' organic strawberry spread on top....YUM. Depending on how much oatmeal you make, its not too bad on calories and fills you right up.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I am the same way! I do just fine, even up through supper. As soon an the evening comes where I start to relax, I feel the need to munch on something. I do my workouts after my baby goes to bed, so that distracts me for a little while. I even have been trying to choose better for me snacks, but I still have trouble. Here are some things that I do...

    Quaker Mini Rice Cakes (Caramel and Honey Nut are awesome for the sweet tooth, or the Cheddar for something more like chips)
    Hungry Girl Mini Microwave Triple Chocolate Cake (sounds bad, but only 123 calories! Awesome during my TOM; I'll try to post the recipe today too)
    Pretzels - mini twists or Rold Gold Butter Checkers
    100 Calorie Packs - there are so many kinds out there to pick from that I keep a good variety of these "in-stock"

    I'm definitely looking for some new suggestions too.
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    Girlfriend. I have Cheerios almost every night. :embarassed: It's crunchy and delicious and there's a new "trail mix" Cheerios that's to DIE for. I don't know if they're sold in 100 calorie packs as I've only tried them from a friend - I haven't bought a pack yet. They're sweet AND salty and really hit the spot.