


  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Me too

    And moderation is the key to all foods...
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I have Great Value's thick cut peppered bacon. Don't know about bang for the caloric buck, but it tastes WONDERFUL on a BLT or chicken, cheese, and bacon melt. In fact, that's what I'm having tonight!

  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    What kind of miracle bacon do you eat that is not high in calories? And if you dont think bacon is high in calories, then what is?

    100 g of bacon equals 450 kcal. For that amount you can eat 4,5 eggs, 4 bananas, or 2 pounds of carrot.

    100 grams of bacon is roughly a quarter pound of bacon? Who eats that much in one sitting. it usually takes 3-4 good slices for a BLT and since I don't eat bread I wrap mine in lettuce so 2 slices per lettuce wrap.........may make 2 lettuce wraps so 4 slices of bacon total.

    In one slice cooked there are:

    41-46 calories in one bacon strip of medium/average thickness (about 0.3oz or 9g)
    61 calories in one thicker bacon strip (about 0.4oz or 11g)

    Who eats a quarter pound of bacon? A quarter pound of anything isn't very much. Thats like asking who eats a 4 oz. steak (aka quarter pound of beef)??? Of course you can eat a quarter pound of bacon, I could do that before I even realized what I was doing.
    And if it is a quarter pound of bacon that is before it is cooked. Bacon loses tons of size when it is cooked so a "quarter pound" of bacon is really more like an eighth of a pound. Not much at all.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    What kind of miracle bacon do you eat that is not high in calories? And if you dont think bacon is high in calories, then what is?

    100 g of bacon equals 450 kcal. For that amount you can eat 4,5 eggs, 4 bananas, or 2 pounds of carrot.

    Who eats that much bacon at once? That's almost a quarter pound of bacon! I have 2 or 3 slices of thick cut peppered bacon on a sandwich, and that's 90-135 calories. A perfectly acceptable number in my world and my diet.

  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    Umm... Bacon... used to be my fav food before I became a vegetarian. :flowerforyou:

  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    What kind of miracle bacon do you eat that is not high in calories? And if you dont think bacon is high in calories, then what is?

    100 g of bacon equals 450 kcal. For that amount you can eat 4,5 eggs, 4 bananas, or 2 pounds of carrot.

    100 grams of bacon is roughly a quarter pound of bacon? Who eats that much in one sitting. it usually takes 3-4 good slices for a BLT and since I don't eat bread I wrap mine in lettuce so 2 slices per lettuce wrap.........may make 2 lettuce wraps so 4 slices of bacon total.

    In one slice cooked there are:

    41-46 calories in one bacon strip of medium/average thickness (about 0.3oz or 9g)
    61 calories in one thicker bacon strip (about 0.4oz or 11g)

    Who eats a quarter pound of bacon? A quarter pound of anything isn't very much. Thats like asking who eats a 4 oz. steak (aka quarter pound of beef)??? Of course you can eat a quarter pound of bacon, I could do that before I even realized what I was doing.

    A quarter pound of something you usually use in far small amounts is a lot. Try eating a quarter pound of saltine crackers....tell me it's not very much....go on.
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    Ok? That was a horrible example. Saltines? I used a good example that actually fits. 4 oz. of steak is a quarter pound. Try to go eat that. Actually go eat that in about 3 bites. Because thats all it would take. Don't try to compare crackers with meat. And as I said before a quarter pound of bacon is pre cooked. Bacon shrivels up and loses so much weight when it is cooked that it weighs half after cooking.
  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    I wouldn't say people use bacon in small amounts usually, you usually get 4 or 5 pieces of bacon.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Ok? That was a horrible example. Saltines? I used a good example that actually fits. 4 oz. of steak is a quarter pound. Try to go eat that. Actually go eat that in about 3 bites. Because thats all it would take. Don't try to compare crackers with meat. And as I said before a quarter pound of bacon is pre cooked. Bacon shrivels up and loses so much weight when it is cooked that it weighs half after cooking.

    And to quote you:
    A quarter pound of anything isn't very much
  • ktbug82
    ktbug82 Posts: 166
    Ok? That was a horrible example. Saltines? I used a good example that actually fits. 4 oz. of steak is a quarter pound. Try to go eat that. Actually go eat that in about 3 bites. Because thats all it would take. Don't try to compare crackers with meat. And as I said before a quarter pound of bacon is pre cooked. Bacon shrivels up and loses so much weight when it is cooked that it weighs half after cooking.

    And to quote you:
    A quarter pound of anything isn't very much

  • idwoof
    idwoof Posts: 76
    Wow. Was I owned? Even though you are making a poor example of what I said, I should clarify, a quarter pound of meat isn't much. And I went and looked and a quarter pound of Saltines isn't even that much. Go look at a box. A quarter pound of saltines is like what 10 crackers? You can't eat 10 Saltines? Why is anyone overweight then? If a quarter pound isn't much to anyone on here then why are they worried about gaining weight?
    No one here has a had a DOUBLE "quarter pounder" w/ cheese, and fries, and a drink???

    But the point of the topic was Bacon, and all I was trying to do was show was that the calories can add up quick. But anyways I eat bacon I just find that if I'm not careful it can add up and I've ate 700 calories of bacon.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Ok? That was a horrible example. Saltines? I used a good example that actually fits. 4 oz. of steak is a quarter pound. Try to go eat that. Actually go eat that in about 3 bites. Because thats all it would take. Don't try to compare crackers with meat. And as I said before a quarter pound of bacon is pre cooked. Bacon shrivels up and loses so much weight when it is cooked that it weighs half after cooking.

    I eat a four to five ounce steak most times I eat steak. It's plenty, once you add the big salad, the tasty steamed sugar snap peas and broccoli, the side of no-salt-added spinach, plus a small baked potato with a half a pat of butter, and then honeydew and strawberries for dessert.

    My point was that the average sandwich (say a BLT or something like that) wouldn't have more than two-three slices of bacon, so talking in terms of 100 grams was well beyond what most of us would have in a meal.

  • THCamel
    THCamel Posts: 54 Member
    I'm pro bacon :smile:
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381

    I buy Costco bacon - 2 slices for 80 calories. I am also a fan of baking it over frying it... so much better.

    Oh delicious bacon... dammit! Now I am hungry for bacon.

    My old self used to love VooDoo Doughnuts Maple Bacon bar. It's a maple bar with two strips of bacon on top.... OH GOD so delicious! But thankfully I am currently away from the city with such love in it! Makes my life change easier. I will be able to resist the evil maple bacon bar when I return.

    I also love Mo's Dark Chocolate bacon bar. Dark delicious chocolate with bits of thick yummy bacon in it. Candy to die for.

    Okay, enough of this sexy talk.

    Good luck with your BLT!
  • genxrider
    genxrider Posts: 107 Member
    The only bacon to have is happy pig bacon. No hormones, no factory farming, plenty of pasture and rooting and sunshine. Same with beef, chicken and eggs (I don't eat turkey).

    I do <3 the bacon but would only want to buy it a few slices at a time.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Since my family has bacon every weekend with breakfast, and I eat the left overs during the week, we generally get oscar myer or corn king thick sliced bacon.. I prefer oscar myer because its more meat and less fat then corn king.

    I normally eat a serving size which is 2 slices and comes out to be about 80 for oscar myer and 140 for corn king.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    Oscar Meyer Center Cut Bacon is the best I have found. 3 slices for 70 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, and 7 grams of protein. It can be a bit pricey, so I usually stock up when it is on sale. It is normally 6.99 for a package, but I can find it on sale usually for $5.00.

    It's really worth it though, and I usually just use one slice on like a breakfast sandwich or something of that sort.

    I second this! I tried this bacon yesterday for the first time and wow- three slices for 70 cal. Not big slices but enough to enjoy!! My hubby used it in an omelette and I used in a chicken and cheese and bacon quesadilla.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Wow. Was I owned? Even though you are making a poor example of what I said, I should clarify, a quarter pound of meat isn't much. And I went and looked and a quarter pound of Saltines isn't even that much. Go look at a box. A quarter pound of saltines is like what 10 crackers? You can't eat 10 Saltines? Why is anyone overweight then? If a quarter pound isn't much to anyone on here then why are they worried about gaining weight?
    No one here has a had a DOUBLE "quarter pounder" w/ cheese, and fries, and a drink???

    But the point of the topic was Bacon, and all I was trying to do was show was that the calories can add up quick. But anyways I eat bacon I just find that if I'm not careful it can add up and I've ate 700 calories of bacon.

    Try eating 10 saltines in 10 minutes or less with nothing to we're talkin
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member

    I buy Costco bacon - 2 slices for 80 calories. I am also a fan of baking it over frying it... so much better.

    Oh delicious bacon... dammit! Now I am hungry for bacon.

    My old self used to love VooDoo Doughnuts Maple Bacon bar. It's a maple bar with two strips of bacon on top.... OH GOD so delicious! But thankfully I am currently away from the city with such love in it! Makes my life change easier. I will be able to resist the evil maple bacon bar when I return.

    I also love Mo's Dark Chocolate bacon bar. Dark delicious chocolate with bits of thick yummy bacon in it. Candy to die for.

    Okay, enough of this sexy talk.

    Good luck with your BLT!

    Voodoo! That place has great donuts.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    What kind of miracle bacon do you eat that is not high in calories? And if you dont think bacon is high in calories, then what is?

    100 g of bacon equals 450 kcal. For that amount you can eat 4,5 eggs, 4 bananas, or 2 pounds of carrot.

    I dont know about grams and kcals but here most bacon is 70-80 calories for TWO slices. I consider that not high in calories and oh so tasty. I try to add some to my chicken sandwich a few days a week because it tastes so darn good and I don't get a lot of fats in my diet.