Weight or Size

How many people are simply focused on weight?

I have decided that size, appearance, and health are what is most important.

What iare everyone else's thoughts


  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    How many people are simply focused on weight?

    I have decided that size, appearance, and health are what is most important.

    What iare everyone else's thoughts
  • alaskagal
    I agree that size, appearance and health are very important. With that thought in mind, I decided today that I wouldn't weigh myself for one month. Did I mention that I'm a recovering scale addict? :smile:

    I'm keeping my trusty tape measure handy and will continue to log my food and exercise. We'll see what the next month brings.

    Here's to good health!

    BTW, love the pig picture!

  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    For me, it's both. I'm 144 pounds but within the healthy B.M.I range. Honestly though, the thought of 144 pounds and my pants size disgusts me considering the weight I once was.

    So for me, it's my size and my weight. Health is important too and I wouldn't compromise my health to get to my target weight. I really want to wear my 7 for All Mankind jeans but they ride so low and I'll know that once my *kitten* can fit into those jeans, my goal will be met.
  • minceavie
    It is how you feel in your body; but size is more acurate
  • bigmamafagin
    I think it can be both. I have a weight range that I am aiming for but the weight I will attempt to maintain will depend on how my body looks and how I feel. Being african-american I want to keep that curvaceous look without the extra plump around the middle. I don't follow what is considered the "healthy weight range" though. For my height my weight should be between 148-155, I am aiming for around 165-170 and see how I feel and fit into clothes.
  • GemFB
    GemFB Posts: 104 Member
    It's both. I wanna go back to healthy, and for me healthy was b/n 145 and 155 and b/n a size 5 and 7. I just wanna feel happy in my own skin.
  • ltsoccermom
    I don't like to be the downer but weight and size pretty much go hand in hand. My 225 size is not oozing as a healthy body squeezing into size 16's.

    I will say depending on my exercise I might be able to fit into my 16's differently than without exercise. So when I take these 80 lbs off I hope to see my size 10s again and with the exercise I might be an 8 instead. I will tell you my 139 will be maybe an 8 but I won't see size 4's and 6's that everyone else raves about.

    So with that said size is kinda relative but still in order for me to be healthy I could say it is a size 10 for me but that would also tell everyone that going from a 16 to a 10 is all about the weight. I'm excited about my 14's and even more excited about my 12's but I can't imagine the 10's and 8's besides I think I threw those out years ago.

    One upside to my exercise is not only fitting into my 16's better (some I didn't fit into at all 5 weeks ago) the best part is my BP is down to 140/74 from 160/108. It actually has been better than tonight but this week has been horribly stressful so on the way home from a very tough day i wanted to see what my BP was in a stressful time. I have made progress no matter my weight and size of my pants.

    Keep Moving it really has an affect!!!

  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    For me it's both.....I'm one of the fortunate/unfortunate people that can carry a lot of weight without looking extremely overweight. I know and can still remember how I look and felt at 190 lbs and at 5'10" that still puts me as "overweight" but to me I look and feel fabulous at that size and it's a weight that I can maintain. For me to reach a healthy weight according to my BMI, I would look sick and underweight. I'm big boned like my father and have a large frame, for me I would like to reach a comfortable weight, but my body at that size is what keeps me going on here!
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    My first thought is health, of course, but that's because I'm still 50 pounds from goal. The way I choose my goal weight was to put in weight/height until I got a combination that puts me into a healthy category. It seems ridiculously low, only 12 pounds above what I weighed in high school. But it is what it is and when I'm anywhere close to goal, I'll reevaluate. By then I'll have a physical and some numbers from test results so I'll see how healthy I am.

  • Margy82
    For me its health and happiness. I have dedicated myself to an easter challenge that says that I CAN NOT step on a scale until Easter. Plus, I ultimately do not have a goal weight or size. I have made a life change and I will continue to eat healthy and work-out. Once I feel comfortable in my own skin, then I will increase my calorie intake to a maintenance level.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    For me it's body composition...just being small doesn't make you fit, just like being light doesn't. You can be small and light, but have no muscle, so your BF% can still be high and you can still be at risk for diseas. Similarly, you can measure large, and weigh a lot, but have low BF and high muscle mass. So I think BF levels and overall health are most important.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I would have to go with size - since I wouldn't care how much I weighed if I couldn't see the fat. Like songbyrdsweet, if I get to a certain body fat (22% in my case, I have no desire to get to her goal of 15% I think it is), my goal is reached. Whether that means I weigh 135 or 165, I'm ok with that. I think I will be closer to 135 (or my goal of 140) to be fit.

    It's also a lot easier to see progress with a scale - which is why I keep track. I can lose about 2 lbs a month - and watch that, but I have yet to get the hang of the body fat caliper. But I will get measured again in another 4-5 lbs.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I would have to say size, pre pregnancy I was right in the middle of the BMI index for me and I was not happy with how I looked (although I was young and silly). I think when I reach my goal weight I will have to determine if I am happy with that or if I want to try to lose or gain a few lbs. My goal is 144, my husband said he thought I was perfect at the weight I was when we met, 150, so we'll see.
  • KristieT
    I can care less what the scale says as long as i don't have this fat hanging over my pants and I am toned...I would rather be 150, with lean muscle and nicely tone then be 130 and still flabby....
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    I guess my main reasoning for this is my build. I am 6'1" and 4 years ago I got down to 223 and the only way I could have lost another 40 pounds to meet the BMI index for my height would be to lose muscle.