Yo-Yo Here We Go.....Again!!!!



  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,074 Member
    Pontious I am glad to see you post an update! It would be scary to me to give up BOTH logging (counting cals in) and weighing together, and just trust the how I feel and look thing. But everyone's journey is unique and if this is working for you, than it is exactly how you should proceed. As a serial yo yo er going on 18 months maintenance I can tell you that I have talked myself into a LOT of things over the years and for me they never ended well. Sigh. Keep in touch and let us know in a few more weeks how things are going.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I am beginning to lose my fear of gaining the weight back, I know how to eat and if I gain it back I know how to get it off.
  • kschamlu
    kschamlu Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Maureen , that’s fair enough but if you don’t believe in diets why are you on MFP?
  • maureenseel1984
    maureenseel1984 Posts: 397 Member
    kschamlu wrote: »
    Hi Maureen , that’s fair enough but if you don’t believe in diets why are you on MFP?

    Who said My Fitness Pal has anything to do with "diets".

    Tracking macros isn't dieting. You couldn't pay me enough to do Keto, intermittent fasting, etc. The diet industry gets enough money-I'm not giving a cent of mine to do something that people rarely stick with long term and that means eating according to rules. My body knows best.
    A lot of people use MFP to track calories and/or other nutrients. I need to track my calcium due to concerns for stress fractures/weak bones and my carbohydrates because I have type 1 diabetes.

    Not dieting. And you're right. Don't believe in them.
  • Rammer123
    Rammer123 Posts: 679 Member
    kschamlu wrote: »
    Hi Maureen , that’s fair enough but if you don’t believe in diets why are you on MFP?

    Who said My Fitness Pal has anything to do with "diets".

    Tracking macros isn't dieting. You couldn't pay me enough to do Keto, intermittent fasting, etc. The diet industry gets enough money-I'm not giving a cent of mine to do something that people rarely stick with long term and that means eating according to rules. My body knows best.
    A lot of people use MFP to track calories and/or other nutrients. I need to track my calcium due to concerns for stress fractures/weak bones and my carbohydrates because I have type 1 diabetes.

    Not dieting. And you're right. Don't believe in them.

    Not arguing with anything you're saying.

    Just curious as to why you would say that tracking calories and macros daily for the rest of your life would be any more sustainable than not eating before noon everyday for the rest of your life?

    Anything to do with that being your preference? Just as intermittent fasting may be a preference for some?

    Not trying to take this thing way off topic... just curious, I wont respond and drag this on after.
  • maureenseel1984
    maureenseel1984 Posts: 397 Member
    kschamlu wrote: »
    Hi Maureen , that’s fair enough but if you don’t believe in diets why are you on MFP?

    Who said My Fitness Pal has anything to do with "diets".

    Tracking macros isn't dieting. You couldn't pay me enough to do Keto, intermittent fasting, etc. The diet industry gets enough money-I'm not giving a cent of mine to do something that people rarely stick with long term and that means eating according to rules. My body knows best.
    A lot of people use MFP to track calories and/or other nutrients. I need to track my calcium due to concerns for stress fractures/weak bones and my carbohydrates because I have type 1 diabetes.

    Not dieting. And you're right. Don't believe in them.

    Not arguing with anything you're saying.

    Just curious as to why you would say that tracking calories and macros daily for the rest of your life would be any more sustainable than not eating before noon everyday for the rest of your life?

    Anything to do with that being your preference? Just as intermittent fasting may be a preference for some?

    Not trying to take this thing way off topic... just curious, I wont respond and drag this on after.

    Oh man-I'd rather die than have to do this for the rest of my life. I do use this sometimes also to generate nutrition facts labels for homemade recipes so I can figure out the carbs. My doc also asked me to track my calcium for a while to ensure I was getting enough.

    I think the fact that dieting even started is behind a lot of the weight issues and body image issues in the US and many other developed countries. It's like it's expected that once you reach a certain age you should be working toward not aging...or toward avoiding weight gain. Our bodies change-it is a normal process....and yet we're all programmed to fight it.

    I have given up on that idea and am just embracing who I am and how my body is. I did meet nice people on here that are fellow fans of yoga or running so there is the social aspect of this site too. *shrug* Just me. Others prefer to be on diets or...think they're necessary. It isn't for me. Causes more problems than it solves.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    edited July 2019
    I used to be an emotional overeater. I started MFP a month ago.

    I've been truthful with my food diary from day one. I generally log a few days in advance. This means that when I wake up in the morning, my meals are already planned.

    If I want to eat something not in the diary, I look to see if I have the calories available. If not, I don't eat it. Plain and simple.

    In two weeks, my cravings were gone. I no longer eat after dinner. It's been a natural process to eat healthier.

    I now eat a plant based diet with eggs, seafood and dairy and am really happy and satisfied with the food. In the first 30 days, I lost 7.5 inches and 10 pounds.

    If I can do it, you can, too.
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Really struggling to get back on track. We have had family visiting for several weeks which is a little unusual this year. I also have grandchildren who are over often. The heat has been intense especially recently so we restrict our activities to certain times a day. I am determined to get back to where I was. Walking really early in the am, logging, and trying to eat on my schedule until things settle are my goals. Really hoping I can get back to where I was!
  • Mccmack
    Mccmack Posts: 195 Member
    I can relate. I lost 60 pounds and gained 40 back when I went off of MFP. I have recently lost 10 and I am planning on losing about 30 more pounds. I have come to the realization that it is not a matter of eating to lose weight, but that if i want to be healthy, I need to eat the way I eat when I lose weight. If I eat a certain way, i will be more healthy and i will be able to maintain a weight and i won't feel hungry or have cravings. But, it doesn't take long to put my body in a position where it is craving foods and perpetually hungry. When I get off track, it is not will power that will fix the situation, it is getting back to eating the way I am now. So, I hope I can keep going after I lose my weight, but if I can't, I know what will happen.
  • Slimtim001
    Slimtim001 Posts: 13 Member
    We all struggle with dieting. It’s difficult to go cold turkey and eat extremely healthy all the time. For me what I find is when I binge it’s Bc I’m stressed. Maybe when you feel like bingeing go and find a stress relief? Something like boxing or Martial Arts can be extremely good for moments like that. Hope this helps and you find what diet and schemes work best for you. Just remember the best diet is the one you can adhere to long term. Just keep tweaking and you’ll find something that works
  • pontious11349
    pontious11349 Posts: 105 Member
    Here's my monthly accountable pic.

    It's been a bad month on weekends with stag doos / weddings / social events etc. I have entirely let go on these days and tried to get straight back on point the day after...not always successfully.

    Anyway - progress isn't great but at same time I've not been hunting out the binges like I previously did.

    Question: what do you think of a new thread just for the monthly progress pics? There's all these dramatic before and afters (which are awesome) but sometimes feel like people are riding on the crest of old successes. The monthly pic keeps me accountable - something about putting the vulnerable photo out there keeps me ticking along.

    Who's with me?