How can I shave off a few calories?



  • RedSheSaid
    RedSheSaid Posts: 10 Member
    Another thing to consider is to try not to eat too much at one meal so you can spread you calories out over the day. Have a couple of snacks. So for your breakfast have either the pancakes or the eggs, then you would have enough calories to have a snack later on.

    It's good to have a more even intake of food.

    You've gotten really good advice how to trim off a few more calories - skip the cheese, skip the sausage, do a bit of exercise. You are almost there! You can do it!
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    Try to cut out fast food, fried food, and sodas all together!!! It's not just about the calories -- think of all the sugar, sodium, preservatives, chemicals, saturated and trans fats you are consuming.

    Agreed. Bid them adieu. You are only harming yourself. Ask yourself this question whenever you want to eat unhealthy food: Do I need this? Is this hamburger worth damaging my health?
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Nice job on being honest in your diary and for sharing! (I didn't see anyone giving you credit for that) I'm very honest in my diary and it isn't pretty.. I'm going to change some day.. someday...
  • I noticed a few opportunities you could cut down

    You don't really need both sausage AND bacon with your breakfast. I would stick with the egg fried with cooking spray and not grease and the sausage and toast. Also, if you use butter, you should count it.

    You snack a bit too much. I try to limit my snacks to one or two a day. Also, things like Ramen noodles aren't snacks, they are meant to be "meals." Try to cut out large food items like that from your snacking and save those for lunch or dinner.

    Those Danishes are killer. Just eat one or better yet, find a lower calorie sweet to eat. You could even try fruit in place of a pastry.

    64oz of soda is overkill. I like soda too but I try not to drink more than an 8oz glass in a day. Drink water or try something like crystal light mixes instead.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Also, you had asked what you can shave off for tomorrow, not in the past. Tomorrow's diet looks pretty good to me. I don't like to enter food ahead of time. I like to enter the food as it goes in my mouth, because I usually end up taking in way more than the diary and then I forget to enter it in the diary. I plan out mentally and enter in some ideas for calorie totals, but delete before the day actually begins.

    Does that make sense?
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Why would you have a photo of a fattening meal as your default? Doesn't seem a bit counter-productive/ counter-intuitive?
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    years ago I stopped drinking soda after I ended up in the hospital... I had a rare allergic reaction to migraine medication. That was really scary and I thought I was going to die, but the caffeine withdrawals were unreal! I spent a week in the hospital and was over withdrawals and swore I would never go through that again. I lost 18 pounds the first week just by getting rid of soda. ( I did have a small soda at DQ today but only because of a low blood sugar after working out.) Gradually let the soda go... a little less each day. I drink 1 or 2 cups of coffee in the morning and one glass of tea with dinner. Skip the fast food and use the money to buy healthier foods at the grocery store. Drink some water and get up and dance a bit. Remember we are all in this together!
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    My two cents:

    Sodium is NOT your friend. The MFP default is 2,500 mg of sodium, so change the setting to 2,300 mg or less. Thanks to another MFPer, I just discovered that the American Heart Association lowered their recommened daily allowance to only 1,500 mg per day. I certainly hope restaurants get with the program and stop serving us over a thousand milligrams per dish!

    Also, consider eating two egg whites for every whole egg.

    All the best!
  • Shop the outside perimeters of the grocery store for less processed and lower in sodium, calories, and fat in foods also agree fast food is not where it is at... you'll lose bunches just with that alone and feel so much better.

    Feel free to friend me anyone for positive calorie free food for thought.. Colleen (Seattle)
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Why not exercise a bit. It doesn't take a whole lot to burn a couple hundred calories.

    That's a good idea. But I don't want to get into the habit of thinking I can exercise for the sole purpose of eating more food.

    Why not? Heck, that's why I exercise!
  • Why not exercise a bit. It doesn't take a whole lot to burn a couple hundred calories.

    That's a good idea. But I don't want to get into the habit of thinking I can exercise for the sole purpose of eating more food.

    Why not? Heck, that's why I exercise!

  • Thanks for all of the advise on my food plan for tomorrow:) I really appreciate all of the insight. I wanted to start my diary off in an honest way. The reason I eat so much crap is because I have an 8month old son. I also take care of my 8month old niece from 6 to 5p.m. So I tend to grab what ever is easiest. Besides being rewarding, it's also stressful, so I tend to go straight for the fat and sugar. And my avi is a reminder of what NOT to eat. Thanks everybody!
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    I used to eat like that... grab whatever is fast and easy... heat up hot pockets etc.. and gained a bunch of weight in the process. I understand what it's like taking care of babies I have 2 myself. BUT -- if you really think about it the amount of time it takes to put a salad together isn't that long. You can lay the babies down for 5 minutes while you prepare yourself a meal :) Do they have walkers that they roll around in while you cook? Or a swing you can place them in. Anything at all to occupy their times for 5 - 10 minutes out of the day? :smile:
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    The key for me to cut calories was to dump the fat that wasn't worth eating. That meant not putting butter or margarine on my sandwiches, or using nearly as much salad dressing. I then cut back on cheese, which was hard, because I LOVE cheese.

    I also substituted crappy snacks with fruit. I see from your other post that you are busy with small kids. Make your snacks easy to eat, like an apple or a banana. The higher fiber content will keep you feeling full longer. (Watch the sugar in the fruit though, it can add up in calories. Though if I'm going over, I'll take the hit on too much fruit over too many chips).

    Congrats on logging your food and coming here for support. Keep up the good work!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    - Omit the whole egg in your breakfast and have just the two scrambled whites (about 80 cal).
    Actually a whole jumbo egg is 90 calories.. the egg whites themselves for 2 are only like 50.

    To Op:
    As everyone else said, cut the junk and soda. I personally never ever touch the stuff except for once in a great while. I tend to eat out more then others on this site(I'm 23 and got friends..we like to go out.. shoot me! :) ) but I try to make it as healthy as possible. Only half the bread on a sandwich, water to drink, dressings on the side.. etc.

    Once you learn the ways of eating healthier it becomes like second nature.. and if one day you want that cheese burger and pop then have it... but make sure to squeeze some exercise in!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    You should also eat healthier because you are around 2 small children, not eat unhealthy because you are around two small children. They are watching everything you do and picking up your bad habits. So stop for their sake too! :)

    Make fruit and veggies fun for the kids.. they need you to do that for them.