
Ok time to be honest here. I've put on a few kgs and am feeling so terrible about it that I keep sabotaging myself. I am determined to not go back to fat as I love myself sick now. I lost 20kgs and now that I've slipped I'm so afraid I won't be able to get it off again. It's all I think about 24/7. I need to get back into a positive frame of mind and any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much.


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Next time you want to slide, look at your food diary. If you don't have available calories, no more food.

    I fill my food diary out a few days in advance to keep me accountable and on track.
  • tanyamum
    tanyamum Posts: 39 Member
    Thats a great idea thanks. I do my diary daily but I'm pretty good at sticking to it. So filling it out beforehand sounds like a great idea.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    I'm with @LyndaBSS. Prelogging has helped me a great deal! I plan my days in advance and usually stick to the entries because I already "know what's going to happen." I don't allow myself much wiggle room, so it keeps me on track most of the time.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,467 Member
    Fear of not being able to lose much weight again is what helps me maintain.

    You won’t know what its like until you try. But remember, losing while eating in a calorie deficit is going to happen. Its the laws of physics. What I’m concerned about with me is the mental aspect. It takes some energy to concentrate on what we are doing when trying to change habits and routines.

    Beware that voice in your head telling you that you can’t do it or its not working at the first sign of trouble. Don’t be overly discouraged if you struggle a bit or it seems like slow going. Keep tinkering and adjusting until you get where you want to be. Calorie counting works. It will work for you.
  • gottswald
    gottswald Posts: 122 Member
    I pre-log pretty much everything but dinner, it shows me how much 'space' I have to play with. I find if I go into making food without knowing what I am doing I will get myself into trouble, but if I already know what I'm making it's easy to stick to that.

    I pre-log my day while I eat breakfast as a daily habit. You can do it, you proved that, you just have to keep doing what you've already done.
  • dewsky1
    dewsky1 Posts: 3 Member
    I pre-log, too. It's nice to know others find it as helpful as I do.

    The advice I got was that as a mature adult, I know what I should eat. But my "inner toddler" wants what she wants and doesn't care about anything else. Pre-tracking is my way of setting rules and taming that inner toddler. Every time I consider deviating, I think about her and remind myself that as an adult, I should not constantly indulge my toddler. Or I'll be a bratty fatty. :)