Put on 3.6 lbs since yesterday? Please help

Hi. I started at 182.6, i was doing really well and seeing a steady decrease. Yesterday I was 179
I weighed myself just now, no clothes on, same as usual and it says 183.6
I checked twice
What’s happening? I’m trrrified, guys
How could I have gained so much????
Omg :(


  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    edited July 2019
    Did you eat 12000 calories above your maintenance weight yesterday (this is rhetorical, that'd be almost impossible)? If not, it's not fat. Your body regularly fluctuates your water weight. It is quite possible to go up and down several pounds day to day based on fluctuations.

    Weight loss is a long term process. It will not happen in a few days. You need to give your body time to lose the fat. Weighing daily can be helpful for some because it helps you see bigger trend-lines, but it can also be harmful to others if the scale fluctuations are going to cause stress. It may be better for you not to weigh yourself so frequently, at least in the beginning.
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,537 Member
    Firstly don't weigh yourself everyday, once a week, at the same time of day. preferably first thing in the morning. Weigh in more than one spot in case of an uneven floor. You haven't put on 3.6lbs in a day, it is just the scales.
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    But it’s saying I weigh more now than when I started?? So I started at 182.6, went down to 179 and now I am 183.6 - that is 4.6 pounds heavier than one week ago and I have had no more than 12-1400 calories per day. It seems a lot for water weight?
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    I feel so confused. How can I know what I actually weigh?
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    goatelope wrote: »
    I feel so confused. How can I know what I actually weigh?

    You know from your long term trends. This is why you can't get an accurate picture in a day or a week. There are a lot of things that can cause the scale to fluctuate a few pounds and hide your fat loss. But overtime it all evens out, and if you are in a calorie deficit, it will continue to trend downwards, even though there are fluctuations.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited July 2019
    goatelope wrote: »
    I feel so confused. How can I know what I actually weigh?

    trend over time. weight at any given day/time is simply a datapoint of all the things that contribute to your weight (fat, muscle, water, food waste, ect.) - at THAT specific moment.

    putting these datapoints on a graph will give you a trend/idea of your weight range (we are never, even at maintenance, any ONE singular number)
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    I wish I could just know accurately. My biggest fear was that I wouldn’t lose weight. I’m happy sticking to the calorie controlled diet etc but this evening I thought I would weigh in just to check and keep my motivation up - but this has devastated me
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    edited July 2019
    Read this. It will help you understand scale fluctuations and make you feel better: http://physiqonomics.com/the-weird-and-highly-annoying-world-of-scale-weight-and-fluctuations/

    Trust the process. This is not an overnight thing. There will be good days, great days, bad days, and really bad days, but the trend over time is what matters. And by over time, I mean several weeks, not just a few days.

    ETA: Don't weigh yourself later in the day after you've eaten, exercised, etc. Weigh at the same time of day in the same spot, ideally naked so different clothing weights don't mess up the reading. Best to weigh first thing in the morning, after you pee/poop, and before you eat or drink anything.
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    Thank you. You’re right it’s not a good space, but losing has been a total battle and I finally got in control of the eating and so this was the last thing I needed. I guess I just need to feel that this is working - I’ve tried a lot and this felt like such progress, because I haven’t over eaten and it’s helped me to stay accountable to myself etc
    I was so happy it seemed to be working and then I stepped on the scale and saw that and I felt devastated. Do I weight nearer what I weighed yesterday do you think? Or is the higher amount more accurate? So confusing. I will read the article now.
  • Rammer123
    Rammer123 Posts: 679 Member
    goatelope wrote: »
    I wish I could just know accurately. My biggest fear was that I wouldn’t lose weight. I’m happy sticking to the calorie controlled diet etc but this evening I thought I would weigh in just to check and keep my motivation up - but this has devastated me

    Are you comparing a morning starting weight with a evening weight?

    Weight can drastically change throughout the day.

    And yes, water weight can change 4.6 pounds very easily. Some are different and 4.6 pounds may be alot but for others it is not.

    In the morning I generally weigh between 215 and 218. I workout first thing in the morning. Post workout, my weight is generally between 210-213. I pretty consistently lose about 5lbs during my workout. Don't know for sure, but I can only assume, if I weighed myself before bed, or after eating my food and drinking water for the day, I'd likely weigh around 218-220. My weight fluctuates ATLEAST 5-6 pounds throughout the day, if not more.

    The best way to track your progress is weigh yourself daily, first thing in the morning after using the restroom. Taking an average weight for the week and comparing the weekly average weights. If your average weekly weight stalls for more than 3 weeks, then may look to re-assess what you are doing.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    goatelope wrote: »
    I wish I could just know accurately. My biggest fear was that I wouldn’t lose weight. I’m happy sticking to the calorie controlled diet etc but this evening I thought I would weigh in just to check and keep my motivation up - but this has devastated me

    So, you weighed yourself after a complete day of eating? Of course the weight is going to be higher.

    I weigh daily, first thing in the morning, after using bathroom, naked. But here's the thing. I'm ok with whatever number the scale gives me. I've been up some days, down some days. After 30 days on MFP, I've lost 7.5 inches and 10 pounds.

    There is my motivation. Calorie deficit works. ☺
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    I'm glad to see you had your "aha" moment. ❤