Whining about my period

glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
The flow is so heavy that it's literally filled and overflowed my cup at least half a dozen times in the last 18 hours.
I'm tired, I'm crampy, I'm drained.
I'm laying in bed, where I've been laying all day, with no intention of getting any more exercise than is required to haul my grouchy self to the bathroom.
I've almost run out of underwear and PJs, and I've eaten all the chocolate in the house.
Goblins have snuck into my room. One is attacking my womb with a cheese grater, and another is randomly stabbing me in the left buttock.
I'm not sure who deserves more pity... Me? Or my other half?

There is no purpose to this post. My gp is aware, I don't have a beard, I'm not expecting any magic wand suggestions.
Sometimes a person just needs to whine!


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Gentle hug <3
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    Word. To. That.

    I know exactly what you're going through and it really really really really sucks. All I can do is send you hugs (upper body of course) from the interwebs.

    Take lots of drugs (appropriate doses, yada yada yada) and feel better soon!
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
  • floofyschmoofer
    floofyschmoofer Posts: 209 Member
    I just went through this, this past weekend. My periods are without exaggeration, debilitating! I'm so sorry. Sending love and light and lots of carby snacks.

    I will say this: If you have ever considered one, I will say a TENS unit helps with the pain when nothing else will touch it. I have one with 4 leads, so I can do 2 pelvic and 2 back-- or wherever the pain moves next. It doesn't make it stop, at least not quickly, but for me it kind of overrides all the FLASHING RED ALARMS IN MY HEAD that are telling me that I'm slowly and very painfully dying. Gives the meds or whatever else time to kick in.
  • floofyschmoofer
    floofyschmoofer Posts: 209 Member
    And hey if anyone does have any magic wand suggestions, or maybe a demon I can lease my soul out to for 4 days a month in exchange for being able to function, holler at meeeeee.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    And hey if anyone does have any magic wand suggestions, or maybe a demon I can lease my soul out to for 4 days a month in exchange for being able to function, holler at meeeeee.

    Sign me up! Feels like my uterus is trying to chew its way out of my body every month.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    You are all making me SO happy I got spayed. Don't miss those days at all.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Heh, it's actually cheered me up that you all get it. My favourite apeman is sympathetic, fetches cake, but doesn't really get it. thanks! X

    I guess I'm lucky. I've got a tens, good pills, a mastiff for a pillow, an apeman to fetch cake and fruit, and an understanding manager who agrees that this is a good reason to take a day off.

  • gillylucky13
    gillylucky13 Posts: 2,066 Member
    My favorite quote about periods was from South Park...

    "Well I'm sorry children but I just don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die"

    I myself dont have periods but if I bled like that, I would be contacting a priest to read me final rites...
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    LMAO @gillylucky13 😂
  • beckyrpl
    beckyrpl Posts: 73 Member
    Two words: Menopause rocks.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    beckyrpl wrote: »
    Two words: Menopause rocks.

    Can't wait! I'm ready. Is there some kind of form I can fill out? Who do I talk to about getting my Change on?!
  • beckyrpl
    beckyrpl Posts: 73 Member
    Not gonna lie, the hot flashes can be tough - but I'm three years into menopause - the hot flashes have subsided. Gotta say, I'm a much happier, nicer person! No more monthly cramps, migraines, moodiness, food cravings, or the desire to kill everyone who crosses my path!!
  • magairlin
    magairlin Posts: 93 Member
    There is almost nothing good to be said for getting old- there really isn't but being a very positive person I like to think sometimes of reasons why getting old isn't too bad ( it is) I smile and say to myself, "Well at least I no longer get periods". I sympathise.
  • pizzamyheart
    pizzamyheart Posts: 1,836 Member
    magairlin wrote: »
    There is almost nothing good to be said for getting old- there really isn't but being a very positive person I like to think sometimes of reasons why getting old isn't too bad ( it is) I smile and say to myself, "Well at least I no longer get periods". I sympathise.

    Goodbye periods. Hello hot flashes, mood swings and insomnia!
  • laprimaJenny
    laprimaJenny Posts: 1,495 Member
    beckyrpl wrote: »
    Two words: Menopause rocks.

    After I’ve seen some of the symptoms women go through, menopause freaks me out.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    My personal fave was the enhanced sense of smell. I'd be at work and smelled super strong perfume. It was nauseating. Ends up it was a woman who worked in the next building over! What?! 😤

    Yeah, that wasn't a fun time. Luckily, it didn't last long.
  • beckyrpl
    beckyrpl Posts: 73 Member
    Nah, don't be freaked out by menopause.....all women are different and experience it differently. I got my period when I was 10 years old. I went through menopause when I was 50. I had forty years of hellish periods, painful cramps, mood swings......my menopause symptoms were/are mild - some hot flashes, nothing horrible. I'd personally take a hot flash over the horrible cramping/heavy flow periods I used to get.