Losing weight for the military

Hey everyone my name is Connor and I’m currently 247 I have to get down to 235 to join the military and I’m trying to cut weight. Any healthy recipes that could help me reach my goal quicker?


  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Weighing foods and staying within your calories will work. Remember to weigh prepackaged foods too. Are you exercising? Have you already visited MEPS? Congrats on your decision to serve. I was in, my hubby retired after 26 years, and I have a son and daughter both serving.
  • Amberly3377
    Amberly3377 Posts: 5 Member
    Cardio and muscle building. Best to be able to pass before you get to basic training/boot camp (depending on the branch). I lost 30 lbs to join the Navy and couldn't pass when I got to boot camp though, and I made it through without getting rolled back. Just do your best and try and use healthy methods so you're good to be pushed when you go to training.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    you have your goal - now set an achieveable timeline - at 10lbs, you probably want to set no more than 1lb a week loss

    like mabear said - have you been to MEPS, talked to a recuiter etc