Tummy fat

benn8895 Posts: 29 Member
edited July 2019 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone, so I have a question. Let me preface by saying I KNOW that everyone loses weight in different places. I know that you cannot spot reduce fat. I know that no two peoples journey is the same and I know that you cannot predict where the fat will come off. BUT. I was hoping to hear from people who seemed to lose stomach last and when they started to notice it come off.

I have lost 27 pounds since March. The first three months I lost weight by diet only but for the past six weeks I have been working out as well as keeping a deficit thru food. I have noticed my legs becoming more defined as well as my arms. I can see a lot of changes and fat loss in those two areas but not my stomach. 27 pounds down and my stomach has only lost 3 inches. I am only 4 pounds away from a healthy weight (about 33 from goal weight) and I still have a big belly. It is very frustrating and defeating to see SO MUCH change in the rest of my body but not this area.

I know that eating low sugar and low carb helps with swelling so that would give a slimmer appearance but I'm anxious to have actual fat loss in my stomach area. I know I can't be the only one with this problem and no I'm not giving up and yes I know it takes time but I would love to hear from others to help keep me motivated in my journey. Thanks guys! Also, photos are definitely welcome! : )


  • Bellkat2019
    Bellkat2019 Posts: 10 Member
    I’ve read over & over that to target your core you need to combine a little cardio with, squats, leg lunges, planks, push ups & jumping jacks. Check out ONE & DONE!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    OP, the threads linked earlier might be helpful/insightful for you. I know it's disheartening though!

    I've always had a bit of a belly, even when I was young and slim, and I seem to hold more weight there than anywhere else. I've gained back several pounds over the past few months due to some stressful times and emotional eating, and I swear every single one of them has gone onto my belly! I look pregnant, and it sucks.

    I do find that if I eat more bread and sodium-laden foods then I get some bloating, so trying to minimise that helps me a little bit. But I love those foods so it's a challenge!

    Unfortunately, at the end of the day it's down to each individual's body where and when the fat comes off. Keep at it and you'll see results eventually, even if it's not quite as good as you may have hoped for. *hugs*
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,724 Member
    msielbeck wrote: »
    I found Pilates (either mat Pilates or with the reformer) to be helpful in strengthening abdominal muscles as well as improving posture.

    Posture is a good point: Certainly not true for everyone, but it's fairly common to see anterior pelvic tilt, and a chin-forward/shoulders-forward posture (sometimes from too much screen time). Both of those things will emphasize abdominal fat by sort of pushing any central fullness downward and outward. I feel like the anterior pelvic tilt has become a bit more common in women since it's been trendy to emphasize the booty - not necessarily a conscious thing people do, but a thing anyway. There are exercises to strengthen/lengthen muscle groups, to improve posture, and conscious attention alongside those can also be helpful.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I gain in my midsection first and lose it there last. There is zip you can do but lose the weight.. lifting weights will make you look better all around..but you have to lose the fat and it just takes time and comes off.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I hold it in my stomach too. First thing to get bigger and last thing to get smaller.

    I also recommend looking at those threads posted above the does my uterus look big in this one and that other one.

    Posture is massive tho. When I remember posture and hike my shoulders back and stand up straight my stomach almost flattens!

    Keep at it though, and with time (and a fuckload of patience) it will reduce!

    Or get liposuction for a quick fix.