HIIT Workouts



  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    edited July 2019
    yirara wrote: »
    Oh my!

    We all agree that increasing heart rate over a short period of time is what gets faster results. Whether it’s circuit training or HIIT.

    If you think about what our ancestors did, you will better understand how short bursts over a short period of time would have been better than long cardio. Long cardio would be like running from an animal or enemy for an hour.

    I believe they both have their place when it comes to fat loss and muscle building.

    A human can run a marathon faster than a horse can. That's a big part of why early humans didn't go extinct, we could run prey down.


    Compare the winning times (especially the more recent ones) of that race to those of the London Marathon (which is a longer distance) or the Berlin Marathon.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Its the best way to train in my opinion. Ive been working out since junior high, been lifting since high school, been a certified fitness/spinning instructor for 15 years, now at 44 im in the best shape ive ever been. I owe it all to hiit training and heavy lifting. More specifically tabata style of hiit training protocol.
    20 second all out (in this 20 seconds you should go as hard as you can. Breathless). 10 seconds recovery repeat 8 times to equal 4 minutes. I do about 5-6 rounds. (20-24 min). Then I add heavy lifting with it. One hour=500-600 calories.
    I have been teaching this way for 7 years now.
    Some of my favorite moves:
    Mountain climbers
    High knees
    Butt kicks
    Long jumps
    Squat jumps
    Star jumps
    Frog jumps
    180 jumps
    Lateral jumps
    Lateral jumps to a burpee
    Battle ropes
    Box jumps

    I use hiit training with the treadmill too. 30 sec sprint intervals i put into my running to increase my speed. I have never been a runner but i think of all my years of hiit training paid off. I ran my second 5k in 29 minutes.

    If you look up tabata on itunes you can download songs. They count down for you etc.
    My favorite are

    “total body tabata”
    “Turbo tabata trainer”

    There are also a few podcasts that have tabatas.


    (This actually tells you what to do)


    Good luck and enjoy!! Ive been training this way after my first son was born (8.5) years ago. I didn't have hours in the gym anymore. I needed effective and fast way of training. 3 kids later, i weigh less than i did before my wedding. Also from all the research, podcasts, and courses I have to take to keep my certification current this is the way to go. Long drawn out cardio is not longer the way to go.
    If you're doing 5 rounds........................it ain't Tabata. Tabata protocol is only 4 minutes long period. And all out is 100%. If you can do 5 rounds.............it's not all out.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    HIIT training-HIGH INTESITY INVERVAL TRAINING yes I am doing it right. I'm breathless and my class is breathless in the 20 seconds. Do burpees with knee tucks for 20 seconds, 10 second recovery 8 times and tell me its not high intensity.

    or sprint on the treadmill for 60 seconds at a 8, 9 or 10 speed and tell me that's not high intensity.

    If you cant talk its high intensity. If you doing intervals, 30 sec on 30 sec off or 20 sec on 10 sec off or a 1 min on 1 min off. those are intervals.

    Isn't this what ninerbuff is saying? What you listed adds up to four minutes. I do these classes (like Les Mills Grit) and at the end of the day it's up to the individual to push themselves. Some do half a$$ed burpees and tiny jumps and aren't really pushing to their max.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    or sprint on the treadmill for 60 seconds at a 8, 9 or 10 speed and tell me that's not high intensity.

    If you cant talk its high intensity. If you doing intervals, 30 sec on 30 sec off or 20 sec on 10 sec off or a 1 min on 1 min off. those are intervals.

    fwiw I can run a 10K in about 49 minutes, and there's no way I'm talking for most of that. It's high intensity, but it's steady state.

    A HIIT running session for me would be a 15 minute warm up, sprint intervals for 50 metres each with probably 200 metre rest intervals followed by another 10 minutes cool down. IT would need to be done on a track as a treadmill isn't responsive enough to the required changes in pace.

    I'm comfortable using a treadmill for cruise intervals of 400 metres, but anything less than that it takes too long to stabilise the speed.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    naomi8888 wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Its the best way to train in my opinion. Ive been working out since junior high, been lifting since high school, been a certified fitness/spinning instructor for 15 years, now at 44 im in the best shape ive ever been. I owe it all to hiit training and heavy lifting. More specifically tabata style of hiit training protocol.
    20 second all out (in this 20 seconds you should go as hard as you can. Breathless). 10 seconds recovery repeat 8 times to equal 4 minutes. I do about 5-6 rounds. (20-24 min). Then I add heavy lifting with it. One hour=500-600 calories.
    I have been teaching this way for 7 years now.
    Some of my favorite moves:
    Mountain climbers
    High knees
    Butt kicks
    Long jumps
    Squat jumps
    Star jumps
    Frog jumps
    180 jumps
    Lateral jumps
    Lateral jumps to a burpee
    Battle ropes
    Box jumps

    I use hiit training with the treadmill too. 30 sec sprint intervals i put into my running to increase my speed. I have never been a runner but i think of all my years of hiit training paid off. I ran my second 5k in 29 minutes.

    If you look up tabata on itunes you can download songs. They count down for you etc.
    My favorite are

    “total body tabata”
    “Turbo tabata trainer”

    There are also a few podcasts that have tabatas.


    (This actually tells you what to do)


    Good luck and enjoy!! Ive been training this way after my first son was born (8.5) years ago. I didn't have hours in the gym anymore. I needed effective and fast way of training. 3 kids later, i weigh less than i did before my wedding. Also from all the research, podcasts, and courses I have to take to keep my certification current this is the way to go. Long drawn out cardio is not longer the way to go.
    If you're doing 5 rounds........................it ain't Tabata. Tabata protocol is only 4 minutes long period. And all out is 100%. If you can do 5 rounds.............it's not all out.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    HIIT training-HIGH INTESITY INVERVAL TRAINING yes I am doing it right. I'm breathless and my class is breathless in the 20 seconds. Do burpees with knee tucks for 20 seconds, 10 second recovery 8 times and tell me its not high intensity.

    or sprint on the treadmill for 60 seconds at a 8, 9 or 10 speed and tell me that's not high intensity.

    If you cant talk its high intensity. If you doing intervals, 30 sec on 30 sec off or 20 sec on 10 sec off or a 1 min on 1 min off. those are intervals.

    Isn't this what ninerbuff is saying? What you listed adds up to four minutes. I do these classes (like Les Mills Grit) and at the end of the day it's up to the individual to push themselves. Some do half a$$ed burpees and tiny jumps and aren't really pushing to their max.

    The type of activities being described really arent going to get HR into the range that it would need to be to deliver the VO2Max improvements that true HIIT would deliver. They're really pretty mild from an HR perspective.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2019

    Not that Wikipedia is all that as the end all be all authority, but I found this part useful (and applicable to what some of you are asking about what defines HIIT).

    Tabata regimen[edit]
    A version of HIIT was based on a 1996 study[10] by Professor Izumi Tabata (田畑泉) et al. initially involving Olympic speedskaters. The study used 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise (at an intensity of about 170% of VO2max) followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles). The exercise was performed on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer. Tabata called this the IE1 protocol.[11] In the original study, athletes using this method trained 4 times per week, plus another day of steady-state training, for 6 weeks and obtained gains similar to a group of athletes who did steady state training (70% VO2max) 5 times per week. The steady state group had a higher VO2max at the end (from 52 to 57 mL/(kg•min)), but the Tabata group had started lower and gained more overall (from 48 to 55 mL/(kg•min)). Also, only the Tabata group had gained anaerobic capacity benefits. In the original study from 1996, participants were disqualified if they could not keep a steady cycling pace of 85RPM for the full 20 seconds of work.[relevant? – discuss]
    In popular culture, "Tabata training" has now come to refer to a wide variety of HIIT protocols and exercise regimens [12] that may or may not have similar benefits to those found in Tabata's original study.

    I do this one rowing workout. Not all the time because it's too strenuous for me personally, but it's helpful to build Wattage. It's a pretty well known Ed McNeely workout.

    You basically find out what our max Wattage is on the rower (there's a Wattage reading toggle on the C2). Then you write that down. The workout is 10 second sprints, one minute off. Whenever your Wattage falls below 80% of your max, the workout is done. You shoot for 20 reps.

    Similar to the study listed in Wikipedia. By most standards, if it's true HIIT, there's a measurable metric that can be accounted for. Once you stop hitting that metric/measure standard, you're not really doing HIIT, you're just simply elevating your HR. That's why things like Sprinting, Cycling (using Power meters), Rowers and other equipment where you can quantifiably measure output are useful in HIIT. Things like Mountain Climbers or Burpees tend to be much more subjective to the person doing them.

    Now, let's say you use a Plyo Box. How many times you can jump up a certain height on a Plyo box in 20 seconds would be a nice measure. Dangerous if not matted, but a nice measure never the less. Once you can't do it a certain amount of times, why are you doing it?

    Saying if someone does more than 4 minutes, it can't be HIIT is silly, though. I know guys that are in three times the shape I'm in that easily can do more than 4 minutes of HIIT. Now, granted, they are also doing 150K meters a week on the rower, so massive amounts of slower endurance work. But you can't really say, by definition, that someone can't be doing HIIT if it lasts over 4 minutes. That's just not true.

    This guy's in his 60s. He's a World Champion Indoor Rower. His intervals are insane and well beyond 4 minutes. Most guys on college crew teams would be hard pressed to do his workouts.

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Not that Wikipedia is all that as the end all be all authority, but I found this part useful (and applicable to what some of you are asking about what defines HIIT).

    Tabata regimen[edit]
    A version of HIIT was based on a 1996 study[10] by Professor Izumi Tabata (田畑泉) et al. initially involving Olympic speedskaters. The study used 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise (at an intensity of about 170% of VO2max) followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles). The exercise was performed on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer. Tabata called this the IE1 protocol.[11] In the original study, athletes using this method trained 4 times per week, plus another day of steady-state training, for 6 weeks and obtained gains similar to a group of athletes who did steady state training (70% VO2max) 5 times per week. The steady state group had a higher VO2max at the end (from 52 to 57 mL/(kg•min)), but the Tabata group had started lower and gained more overall (from 48 to 55 mL/(kg•min)). Also, only the Tabata group had gained anaerobic capacity benefits. In the original study from 1996, participants were disqualified if they could not keep a steady cycling pace of 85RPM for the full 20 seconds of work.[relevant? – discuss]
    In popular culture, "Tabata training" has now come to refer to a wide variety of HIIT protocols and exercise regimens [12] that may or may not have similar benefits to those found in Tabata's original study.

    I do this one rowing workout. Not all the time because it's too strenuous for me personally, but it's helpful to build Wattage. It's a pretty well known Ed McNeely workout.

    You basically find out what our max Wattage is on the rower (there's a Wattage reading toggle on the C2). Then you write that down. The workout is 10 second sprints, one minute off. Whenever your Wattage falls below 80% of your max, the workout is done. You shoot for 20 reps.

    Similar to the study listed in Wikipedia. By most standards, if it's true HIIT, there's a measurable metric that can be accounted for. Once you stop hitting that metric/measure standard, you're not really doing HIIT, you're just simply elevating your HR. That's why things like Sprinting, Cycling (using Power meters), Rowers and other equipment where you can quantifiably measure output are useful in HIIT. Things like Mountain Climbers or Burpees tend to be much more subjective to the person doing them.

    Now, let's say you use a Plyo Box. How many times you can jump up a certain height on a Plyo box in 20 seconds would be a nice measure. Dangerous if not matted, but a nice measure never the less. Once you can't do it a certain amount of times, why are you doing it?

    Saying if someone does more than 4 minutes, it can't be HIIT is silly, though. I know guys that are in three times the shape I'm in that easily can do more than 4 minutes of HIIT. Now, granted, they are also doing 150K meters a week on the rower, so massive amounts of slower endurance work. But you can't really say, by definition, that someone can't be doing HIIT if it lasts over 4 minutes. That's just not true.

    I don't think niner was saying it's not HIIT if it's over 4 minutes. He was saying it's no the Tabata protocol. Possibly he'll clarify. Buyt that's how I read his comment above.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    mmapags wrote: »

    Not that Wikipedia is all that as the end all be all authority, but I found this part useful (and applicable to what some of you are asking about what defines HIIT).

    Tabata regimen[edit]
    A version of HIIT was based on a 1996 study[10] by Professor Izumi Tabata (田畑泉) et al. initially involving Olympic speedskaters. The study used 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise (at an intensity of about 170% of VO2max) followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles). The exercise was performed on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer. Tabata called this the IE1 protocol.[11] In the original study, athletes using this method trained 4 times per week, plus another day of steady-state training, for 6 weeks and obtained gains similar to a group of athletes who did steady state training (70% VO2max) 5 times per week. The steady state group had a higher VO2max at the end (from 52 to 57 mL/(kg•min)), but the Tabata group had started lower and gained more overall (from 48 to 55 mL/(kg•min)). Also, only the Tabata group had gained anaerobic capacity benefits. In the original study from 1996, participants were disqualified if they could not keep a steady cycling pace of 85RPM for the full 20 seconds of work.[relevant? – discuss]
    In popular culture, "Tabata training" has now come to refer to a wide variety of HIIT protocols and exercise regimens [12] that may or may not have similar benefits to those found in Tabata's original study.

    I do this one rowing workout. Not all the time because it's too strenuous for me personally, but it's helpful to build Wattage. It's a pretty well known Ed McNeely workout.

    You basically find out what our max Wattage is on the rower (there's a Wattage reading toggle on the C2). Then you write that down. The workout is 10 second sprints, one minute off. Whenever your Wattage falls below 80% of your max, the workout is done. You shoot for 20 reps.

    Similar to the study listed in Wikipedia. By most standards, if it's true HIIT, there's a measurable metric that can be accounted for. Once you stop hitting that metric/measure standard, you're not really doing HIIT, you're just simply elevating your HR. That's why things like Sprinting, Cycling (using Power meters), Rowers and other equipment where you can quantifiably measure output are useful in HIIT. Things like Mountain Climbers or Burpees tend to be much more subjective to the person doing them.

    Now, let's say you use a Plyo Box. How many times you can jump up a certain height on a Plyo box in 20 seconds would be a nice measure. Dangerous if not matted, but a nice measure never the less. Once you can't do it a certain amount of times, why are you doing it?

    Saying if someone does more than 4 minutes, it can't be HIIT is silly, though. I know guys that are in three times the shape I'm in that easily can do more than 4 minutes of HIIT. Now, granted, they are also doing 150K meters a week on the rower, so massive amounts of slower endurance work. But you can't really say, by definition, that someone can't be doing HIIT if it lasts over 4 minutes. That's just not true.

    I don't think niner was saying it's not HIIT if it's over 4 minutes. He was saying it's no the Tabata protocol. Possibly he'll clarify. Buyt that's how I read his comment above.

    You might be right but Tabata is just a form of HIIT. I've seen Tabata where you rest one minute after a four minute block and continue doing four minute blocks. Is that Tabata then? If someone still has the same intensity, I'd say yes, it is. I think what he was saying is after four minutes, you should be done if you do it right. Not necessarily.

    Personally, I might be done, but not world class athletes.
  • MT1134
    MT1134 Posts: 173 Member

    Not that Wikipedia is all that as the end all be all authority, but I found this part useful (and applicable to what some of you are asking about what defines HIIT).

    Tabata regimen[edit]
    A version of HIIT was based on a 1996 study[10] by Professor Izumi Tabata (田畑泉) et al. initially involving Olympic speedskaters. The study used 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise (at an intensity of about 170% of VO2max) followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles). The exercise was performed on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer. Tabata called this the IE1 protocol.[11] In the original study, athletes using this method trained 4 times per week, plus another day of steady-state training, for 6 weeks and obtained gains similar to a group of athletes who did steady state training (70% VO2max) 5 times per week. The steady state group had a higher VO2max at the end (from 52 to 57 mL/(kg•min)), but the Tabata group had started lower and gained more overall (from 48 to 55 mL/(kg•min)). Also, only the Tabata group had gained anaerobic capacity benefits. In the original study from 1996, participants were disqualified if they could not keep a steady cycling pace of 85RPM for the full 20 seconds of work.[relevant? – discuss]
    In popular culture, "Tabata training" has now come to refer to a wide variety of HIIT protocols and exercise regimens [12] that may or may not have similar benefits to those found in Tabata's original study.

    I do this one rowing workout. Not all the time because it's too strenuous for me personally, but it's helpful to build Wattage. It's a pretty well known Ed McNeely workout.

    You basically find out what our max Wattage is on the rower (there's a Wattage reading toggle on the C2). Then you write that down. The workout is 10 second sprints, one minute off. Whenever your Wattage falls below 80% of your max, the workout is done. You shoot for 20 reps.

    Similar to the study listed in Wikipedia. By most standards, if it's true HIIT, there's a measurable metric that can be accounted for. Once you stop hitting that metric/measure standard, you're not really doing HIIT, you're just simply elevating your HR. That's why things like Sprinting, Cycling (using Power meters), Rowers and other equipment where you can quantifiably measure output are useful in HIIT. Things like Mountain Climbers or Burpees tend to be much more subjective to the person doing them.

    Now, let's say you use a Plyo Box. How many times you can jump up a certain height on a Plyo box in 20 seconds would be a nice measure. Dangerous if not matted, but a nice measure never the less. Once you can't do it a certain amount of times, why are you doing it?

    Saying if someone does more than 4 minutes, it can't be HIIT is silly, though. I know guys that are in three times the shape I'm in that easily can do more than 4 minutes of HIIT. Now, granted, they are also doing 150K meters a week on the rower, so massive amounts of slower endurance work. But you can't really say, by definition, that someone can't be doing HIIT if it lasts over 4 minutes. That's just not true.

    This guy's in his 60s. He's a World Champion Indoor Rower. His intervals are insane and well beyond 4 minutes. Most guys on college crew teams would be hard pressed to do his workouts.


    I like where you're going with this. The sustainable and repeatable model (in regards to cutting the exercise once the measured power metric has dropped) is exactly how I train my athletes.

    I still think HIIT is unclear in definition just because it can be widely used.

    *Also, I see the Tabata study and recognize it for what it is but I'm still confused on if we're claiming "Tabata" to be the pioneer of HIIT training or if we're only talking about his method and observation? There seems to be a difference of opinion when it comes to hit as a method and hit as a principle.

    If Tabata is in fact the original HIIT training pioneer then yea it's safe to say that unless we're doing exactly as he prescribed for the Tabata protocol then we're all doing HIIT wrong. However, it's been widely regarded that HIIT (exactly as written is High Intensity Interval Training) can apply to different intensities, time domains, modalities, and rest times between intervals.

    *I'm not saying I'm an advocate or practitioner of the examples to come. I'm only saying how it can be used/perceived depending on who's doing it and what the actual method of measurement is.

    If based on rate of perceived exertion (RPE)
    *1600m resets. (All arbitrary numbers)
    1)Run 1600m
    2)Rest 10 minutes
    3)Repeat x 3
    Measured by distance from a coaches perspective but ran as fast as possible by the athlete, in turn being HIIT.

    If based on power wattage.
    *Tabata protocol
    (No need to explain again.)

    The debate is over perceived effort, power wattage, distance, heart rate, rest times, and so on. I'm just trying to get a definition so that I can better understand the research and points being made.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    edited July 2019
    sijomial wrote: »
    A true HIIT workout is cardio of such extreme intensity that the duration must be short and a good proportion of that duration will be recovery time - you will not be burning 500cals or anywhere close.

    I think you mean circuit training as you mention reps and sets?
    In which case using cable machines would be my current favourite, minimal rest and alternating push/pull, variable reps but mostly 10 - 15 depending on exercise, variable sets (more based on total duration) - but it's still unlikely to burn 500 cals!

    EPOC is that's what you mean by burning some while resting is vastly over-estimated in terms of significance, it's trivial.

    exactly this.

    I just scrolled through the rest of the feed as lots of arguments from what I can see.

    So - my go to HIIT is to put the treadmill on an incline - usually 10, jack the speed up to about 13ish. Run my heart out for 30 seconds. Rest for 1 minute. Repeat until I die. Which is usually about 5-6 sets. Like heart will literally burst and legs are wobbly and the last 30 seconds feels like a lifetime and I have to hold onto the screen bit of the treadmill while my legs run.

    When I do it more often (I don't do this often) I find that I can push out more sets - like slowly increase to a couple more sets. I don't think I ever made it to 10. Perhaps 8 was my max IF I am doing it like twice a week. Which is rare.

    YOu can do a similar thing on the bike. Go flat out for 30 secs and "rest" for 1 minute pedaling lightly. Rinse and repeat. I've never done it on the bike but my friend does it.

    Now, the other stuff and suggestions I glanced over in this post have been for circuits.

    Circuits are great too - and more variety and maybe a bit less dying.

    Just do what you enjoy.

    EDIT - I actually did this on Monday because I only had 30 mins total (including changing etc) to do my gym session in. Pumped out 5 sets. I then attempted to do a bit of shoulders workout because I still had 10 minutes left. Didn't work very well at all. My weights were all in the pink dumbbell end of the rack and I wasn't able to do more than 2 supersets. I was completely effed from the running.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    I think the point is that the classic Tabata protocol is HIIT, but not all HIIT is Tabata. That doesn't make it "not as good" in the abstract.

    Similarly, not all intense intervals are HIIT, but that doesn't discount their value.

    It's just about not over-broadening terminology until meaning becomes diluted; and to be careful that if we're going attribute specific benefits to something, that there's research linking those specific benefits to that specific thing (or something very close), not just to something someone's calling by the same name.
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm loving this work out at the moment
    My plan is to work out 5x per week and 2 rest days
    I usually work out 1 hour 15min...and am huffing and puffing and dripping in sweat..but in a good way :)
    I would actually do this work out daily but I dont want to over exert myself and risk injury etc...seem reasonable?

    Im using youtube..loving Astrid swam and the 30 min popsugar videos
