So I have lost no weight in one week

I just don’t get if. I left it for a few days as the feedback I got before was that I need to wait etc, which is fine, but here I am a week later, the exact same weight as when I started. I’ve rigorously logged all my food and drink. I started at 183.6 and now I’m 183.7


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    edited July 2019
    How old is your body scale? I just replaced my 20 y.o. one with a smart scale. For ha ha's, I use both every morning and the old one can be off by as much as a few pounds.

    Do you use a food scale?
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    edited July 2019
    are you weighing once a week? (nothing wrong with that just checking)? If you do, it could just be random that you caught those weights and it doesn't actually indicate no loss, just that at two given times those were the weight.

    but weight loss is not linear regardless. it's NORMAL and to be expected that it will go up and down within a day and week. or stay stable.

    Could be water fluctatuations:

    ETA: it's only been two ish days since your other post (july 9th)? all the stuff there still applies.

    And you are still really not far from your surgery early this month.
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    I just bought my digital bathroom scales last week and I also weigh all my food with a digital scale. So frustrated.
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    I just thought that a week on from the first weigh in, I might get a general sense of what’s going on. But I’ve steadily put on the last couple of days and now weigh more than when I started. I get that weight loss isn’t linear, but this doesn’t feel encouraging at all. It seems like I am basically just not losing. In fact I have slightly gained.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Panini911 wrote: »

    Read this article. Then read it again.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    You just had surgery? Your body is healing. Don't expect too much of it right now.

    Did you know that stress can cause water retention?
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    I guess I just feel hopeless because I don’t see any change, either when I look in the mirror or when I step on the scale. I get the idea of fluctuation, but even with what people showed me it seems like there should be a general trajectory of losing. In my case there was for a couple of days but since then it’s gone up and up.
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks. I feel so bad about myself, and so desperate to lose some weight, just to feel like it’s possible for me
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    You've received a wealth of information from many helpful members. You need to read it all again and let the information sink in. Really absorb it.

    If the end result you hope for is a sustainable way of eating at a calorie deficit, which will result in weight loss, you need to remember to sit back, relax and breathe. ❤
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Be patient and keep at it mine sometimes stays the same too!
  • mintandchamomile
    mintandchamomile Posts: 1 Member
    Do you have a good scale? It's really easy to put in incorrect data if we're not measuring our food. People who estimate instead of measure are usually off by several hundred calories a day.

    I was feeling really frustrated before I bought my food scale. I felt like I was eating better but the scale wasn't moving. Once I started measuring I was shocked about how off I'd been on some things.

    It can be so discouraging before you find what works. Good luck, and I hope you start to feel better and see the results you want soon!
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    Yes, I have a good digital scale and weigh everything carefully. I seemed to lose, and then gain, which was strange. Trying to be patient and just hope that this works!
    Do you have a good scale? It's really easy to put in incorrect data if we're not measuring our food. People who estimate instead of measure are usually off by several hundred calories a day.

    I was feeling really frustrated before I bought my food scale. I felt like I was eating better but the scale wasn't moving. Once I started measuring I was shocked about how off I'd been on some things.

    It can be so discouraging before you find what works. Good luck, and I hope you start to feel better and see the results you want soon!

  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    Keep trying. You’ll get it. There’s a significant calorie counting learning curve that doesn’t get much discussion. All the calorie and fitness gadgets give the impression that this is easy. The basic principle, taking in fewer calories than we use, is simple, but that doesn’t make doing it easy. None of us were born counting calories. We have to learn it. Just about everyone responding to you you says basically the same- give it more time and keep trying.
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    Yes, and the weight fluctuations are really misleading! I think I have probably lost maybe 2 lbs in 2 weeks which is slower than I wanted but still progress.
  • kaygirl035
    kaygirl035 Posts: 1 Member
    Sometimes your body holds on then you'll see a large drop. I've lost over 100 pounds and at times I see no change ,then 3-5 pounds. Salty foods make you retain water weight to, it is so frustrating to work hard and see no change to the scale, You can do it be patient!!!
  • goatelope
    goatelope Posts: 178 Member
    Yeah, and also when you realise that losing the weight is going to take tiiiiiiime.