Has your style changed as you've lost weight?

PKM0515 Posts: 2,968 Member
Clothes, makeup, etc. Are you doing things differently? What are you loving? Any unexpected challenges?



  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    I went from dressing like an unmade bed to the best dressed guy in the office. Rewarding myself with my first new suit in years for losing the first 25lbs turned out to be one of the best weight loss decisions I ever made. When I lost the next 25 lbs I sought out Harry the tailor, he taught me how do dress. It was great fun. Changed everything. No one was more surprised than I was.

  • DarkTwain
    DarkTwain Posts: 130 Member
    I can comfortably button my button down shirts
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited July 2019
    Not really, because my style is whatever is comfortable and I don't like makeup. I do, however, find myself able to buy more graphic T-shirts that I choose myself, not whatever is available in my size. Couldn't always buy what I wanted when I was heavier because most of them don't go larger than an XL.

    What I don't like now is that many tees I like are a bit too short on me now because many of them are in junior sizes, and the sleeves are a bit too short to be comfortable (I have some loose skin on my upper arms), but that beats feeling like I have no choice in what I wear.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I now exclusively wear tear-away pants.


  • FriendlyNeighborhoodEngineer
    The only difference in clothes I find is that I try to wear things that I used to fit into. However I do tend to groom a little better when I am losing weight.
  • pontious11349
    pontious11349 Posts: 105 Member
    Spandex - all about the spandex - LOL
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I have not changed my style, even with a 100 lb loss. I have always been classic with a touch of boho which means I have never been very stylish, but I have never been out of style either. Dresses are princess seam shifts or an embroidered boho style. Blouses have always been the same: button down tunics or boho style. Pants are classic trousers. Casual is jeans or shorts with t shirts or sweaters. I wear a lot of sleeveless shells with either a flannel shirt or a Hawaiian shirt, depending on the weather.

    All of these styles were available in a size 30/4xl just as they are available in a size 16.

    I have never been one for much make-up so I only wear it for special occasions. I used to wear mascara and blush daily but don't any more. It is more because I am retired than any looks issue. My hair has always been important to me and I still take my time to care for it, but I have not changed my essential style (long and either pinned back or worn in an updo)
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I'm at one of my heaviest weights right now, but when I was smaller I would wear more tank tops or dresses with thin straps and it was easier to find cute tops that didn't have my boobs hanging out. At this higher weight I feel very restricted by my cleavage because even tops that look like they will be fine while on the rack or online pictures are way outside my comfort zone for cleavage bearing when I put them on. I also feel more comfortable in shorts and skirts/dresses above the knee when I'm smaller.
  • SimpleMachine2019
    SimpleMachine2019 Posts: 4 Member
    I am putting a little more effort into my wardrobe. Getting rid of bigger clothes, weeding through older clothes that now fit again, and very selectively adding new, quality pieces. I am bolder in my choices, not hiding behind baggy or dark clothes. It’s actually quite fun!
  • GummiMundi
    GummiMundi Posts: 396 Member
    I didn't change my style at all, now that I'm lighter. I had to buy smaller clothes, but that's it. I still wear what I like, the difference is that it fits better now.