B Belly / double belly - anyone else?

I’m over weight and the heaviest / biggest and most unhealthy I’ve ever been, with serious lack of control where food is concerned (but that’s for another thread). But beyond being over weight, I have the worst shaped tummy and it has always been that shape - albeit smaller, but still that capital B shape (pic attached). Making it impossible to find clothes that flatter. I’ve never had kids/ been pregnant, my belly has just always been like this for as long as I remember.

I find my self envying bigger ladies that have belly’s that are “all one” and smooth.

Does anyone else have this shape of belly? And more has anyone had this shape and successfully lost it? I’d love to see before and after pics if any of you had any. It seems like a really rare body type because I have never come across others online that have openly shared pics of themselves with this shape, except for pics used in tummy tuck “before and afters” and it seems to happen to some pregnant women too.

I fear that the only way I’ll ever not have it is if I get lipo to remove the fat from the “upper” belly but I can’t afford that.

I’m tired of it being a “thing” in my life that is holding me back. It’s a kick in the teeth to be “the wrong kind of fat” too. I guess I just need inspiration.


  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I have this same shape as do lots of others on here. I don't think it is actually that rare. Mine has been this shape at every size, but is more emphasized since I had my c-section. I find that the most flattering clothes are pants or skirts that hit at the waist/right where that indentation is and dresses that have the waist or a tie at or above that point.
  • Teabythesea_
    Teabythesea_ Posts: 559 Member
    edited July 2019
    I have the same shape, always have regardless of my size. For women like us, high waisted everything is our best friend! Mine has only changed *slightly* by lifting but its definitely still there. I would venture to say most if not all women carry a bit more abdominal fat below the belly button, its natures way of protecting our reproductive organs. I guess nature just decided we needed a little more, ha! I don't have a photo of me at my largest, but at my smallest in this photo you can definitely still see it. Just gotta live with it unfortunately! k6wz0cpnvcup.jpg
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    i think i kinda have this too
  • New_Heavens_Earth
    New_Heavens_Earth Posts: 610 Member
    I have it too. I just consider it another form of variety to the human shape.
  • Addictead
    Addictead Posts: 66 Member
    I have one too, I thought I was the only person who did!!
  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    edited July 2019
    *raises hand*
    I too am the “proud” owner of a B-belly. I’ve lost 45lbs and still have it. I think I need to learn to love it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have it and long ago made peace with it. Looks way better as I lost lots of weight but it is still definitely my shape, meh. I dress around it and like my figure for the most part. I have never worn bikinis or crop tops in my life and not going to start now, so I'm truly unconcerned.
  • beany200
    beany200 Posts: 12 Member

    apullum wrote: »
    It’s easy to feel like your body is “rare” when it doesn’t match what you see in the media. In reality, a lot of people are shaped like this. It’s just where your genetics lead your body to store fat. Losing weight will probably cause your body to take some of the fat from your belly, but it won’t necessarily change your basic, genetically determined distribution of fat stores. It will probably just make those fat stores smaller and less pronounced.

    Yeah I know what you mean, but for a while I was a bit obsessed with my “different” belly shape and would look at others at the pool, on holiday, on instagram etc and there just rarely ever seemed to be any, if any at all. I feel like it’s a hard shape to hide but that’s not to say there aren’t any, just feel it just must be a lot rarer if it’s hardly ever seen, even outside of the media.

    I think I’ll just have to keep going and lose, as gaining weight hasn’t helped and Altho I always ave had this shape... it was easier to.. “hide” before.
  • beany200
    beany200 Posts: 12 Member
    I have it and long ago made peace with it. Looks way better as I lost lots of weight but it is still definitely my shape, meh. I dress around it and like my figure for the most part. I have never worn bikinis or crop tops in my life and not going to start now, so I'm truly unconcerned.

    Yeah I guess that’s part of it for me, is that I’ve never worn a bikini or felt truly... free in my body, at every size, due to my shape, and that’s kinda sad. As I lose weight, hopefully I can learn to accept it more though.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    beany200 wrote: »
    I have it and long ago made peace with it. Looks way better as I lost lots of weight but it is still definitely my shape, meh. I dress around it and like my figure for the most part. I have never worn bikinis or crop tops in my life and not going to start now, so I'm truly unconcerned.

    Yeah I guess that’s part of it for me, is that I’ve never worn a bikini or felt truly... free in my body, at every size, due to my shape, and that’s kinda sad. As I lose weight, hopefully I can learn to accept it more though.

    I can relate! I see a lot of young body positive chicks on IG who are around some of my heaviest weights, high 200s to 300 lb, and a lot of them have nice curved "normal" bellies and I think "ha! not me, not back then and not ever", not really even a jealous thought but just crosses my mind.
  • eb8566
    eb8566 Posts: 249 Member
    I didn’t know this was a thing and actually thought all men got a round belly and women got a segmented type belly, I guess b belly (except pregnant women). ?? Thanks for giving me something else to dislike ☹️
  • beany200
    beany200 Posts: 12 Member
    eb8566 wrote: »
    I didn’t know this was a thing and actually thought all men got a round belly and women got a segmented type belly, I guess b belly (except pregnant women). ?? Thanks for giving me something else to dislike ☹️

    Sorry that my post has given you any negative feelings towards yourself, it definitely wasn’t my intention. It’s just something I have personally noticed and dislike about myself and I can here to get some inspiration / share my thoughts.

    It’s not a “thing” as such, it’s just a thing for me. Just all the belly’s I seem to see are round and I can’t help but feel different.
  • beany200
    beany200 Posts: 12 Member
    beany200 wrote: »

    I can relate! I see a lot of young body positive chicks on IG who are around some of my heaviest weights, high 200s to 300 lb, and a lot of them have nice curved "normal" bellies and I think "ha! not me, not back then and not ever", not really even a jealous thought but just crosses my mind.

    Yeah, that’s exactly it! Instagram and the reality of “most” women seemingly having the “right” kind of fat. My fat just isn’t distributed in the conventionally beautiful way. I even get annoyed when I wear a baggy top, and the wind blows and it’s like, HELLO BELLY SHAPE.
  • beany200
    beany200 Posts: 12 Member
    I have the same shape, always have regardless of my size. For women like us, high waisted everything is our best friend! Mine has only changed *slightly* by lifting but its definitely still there. I would venture to say most if not all women carry a bit more abdominal fat below the belly button, its natures way of protecting our reproductive organs. I guess nature just decided we needed a little more, ha! I don't have a photo of me at my largest, but at my smallest in this photo you can definitely still see it. Just gotta live with it unfortunately! k6wz0cpnvcup.jpg

    Your tummy looks great! Definitely given me some inspiration, thank you for sharing! I can see the shape but actually it doesn’t look bad at all. I need to keep focused on eating healthy and losing the weight and hopefully with time will learn to accept / love my shape
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    I always thought it was kind of normal. Women’s waists curve in, and men’s are more straight. I have 6 sisters and a daughter. We all have it.