Question of the Day- Day 36!!

:heart: Question of the Day- Day 36!!!:heart:

When did you first start gaining weight?

**Me-I was a thin kid all the way through high school then when I had my son at 17 from then on I gained weight and could never get control of it. When I was 14 weeks pregnant with my son I weighed 133. I have never again seen that number and he will be 9 in October. The closest to that I have been is 149 and that was 6 weeks after I had him. I haven't seen 149 since then either. :sad:


  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member
    You've come to the right place MFP is a great support group. You just need to add some friends for moral support and you'll be on your way! Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish. I know you will make it to your goal!!!

  • whatsyour1020
    When I started getting into cooking it was SOOO hard not to overindulge. I just wanted to sit and eat these wonderful new creations and I was so tired of the mind games involved in staying on track. *sigh* I remember sitting at the table in my tiny lil jeans, surrounded by friends who were just pounding everything back and I thought, "screw this, from now on I'm going to eat what I want and just make sure I exercise." *rolling my eyes* that didn't work!
  • brocflores
    brocflores Posts: 111
    I started gaining when I hit 4th grade  my parents started having marriage problems and I became stressed at a young age. I started emotional eating. That was the only thing that made me feel good. After I had my son it got worse. I really ballooned up when I was pregnant w him. Then w my daughter I made sure not to gain that much weight I only gained 12lbs w my 2nd pregnancy. I'm 15lbs away from wonderland. I can't wait to see 199! My goal is 135- or 140 I still have a lot more to go but I'm getting closer!!
  • TruckerChick
    I was the skinny kid when I was young but the second I hit puberty, it seems, I started gaining weight. At first, it was just my body beginning to show signs of maturity (boobs and monthly visitor) which made the kids start calling me names like "Fat Albert" and "fatty fatty two by four." And really I was just more developed than my classmates, not really fat. Of course, now that I'm older, I can look back and I wish I was "that fat" now. While I continued to eat as my mother dictated (meat, green veggie, yellow veggie or starch - which we now know is the preferred diet, cuz she also gave us proper proportions altho she didn't know it at the time), and was very active (my dad and I were runners, running 2 to 5 miles a day), I continually gained weight. I know that it was because I was growing up but I was also growing out. And it seemed like no matter what I did, I was destined to be fat. When I got pregnant with my oldest son I weighed about 275 (give or take). I was walking a lot and because of that, I only gained 16 pounds during the pregnancy and lost 30 pounds at my 6 week check up.... I was thrilled!! But that didn't last long, cuz with a new baby came a lot of sitting around and by the time I went back to work, I had gained it aaallll back and I just kept on gaining. Of course, having a sit down job for most of my life did not help me. Like I said, hind site is 20/20 so I now know that in order to maintain a decent weight, my youth has taught me that I have to be extraordinarily active. NO activity equals me getting fatter and fatter. My heaviest was 325. I've never been above that weight and I never intend to get above that weight. But I HATE being stuck in the 260 to 300 range that I've been in my entire adult life.
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
  • nicki0507
    nicki0507 Posts: 8 Member
    When I quit my job to stay home with my kids. I gained 60 lbs during each of my 2 pregnancies but lost it all very quickly. once I started staying home with the boys I gained about 5lbs a year... for 4 years... I'm down 13 pounds, 10 with MFP, and I still have a ways to go
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member