What’s YOUR Daily Calories? Lose/Maintain

80CATS Posts: 26 Member
I’ve heard that calorie budgets are general, and that actual expenditure varies by individual...

What is YOUR calorie budget to lose, or to maintain???
Sex, age, height, weight, activity level?

I am a 35 yo Female, 240 (down from 256), sedentary. I maintain at about 2,500 daily, and LOSE at 2K or less daily.

What’s yours???


  • Ndabezinhle1
    Ndabezinhle1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a 34 year old male, 1,8 Metres tall, 93,8kg, I just started training at least 4-5 times a week maintaining a 1750 Caloric diet...the aim is to lose at least 0.5kg of fat per week!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    80CATS wrote: »
    I’ve heard that calorie budgets are general, and that actual expenditure varies by individual...

    What is YOUR calorie budget to lose, or to maintain???
    Sex, age, height, weight, activity level?

    I am a 35 yo Female, 240 (down from 256), sedentary. I maintain at about 2,500 daily, and LOSE at 2K or less daily.

    What’s yours???

    What's your height?
  • justanotherjenn
    justanotherjenn Posts: 64 Member
    Female, 5'6, 225 lbs. I have it set to lose 1 lb a week (for now), sedentary, and I get 1,640 a day before exercise. I eat around 1,800 calories on workout days.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    I'm male, 68, 5'8" and currently 153#. I've lost 7# in 6wks eating about 1500 cals net/day (1800 eaten/300 burned).

    I have a Concept2 rower thay I use to row 5k meters/30 min/day (which is the only extra exercise that I am currently doing) and I am also doing 16:8/18:4 IF which limits my eating period to around 12-6pm/day and also effectively limits how much food that I can stuff in my mouth in a day.

    I'm already passed my goal wt of 155 but want to see if I can reach 150 again (which did it once b4) to see if I can maintain my wt at that level instead of bouncing off it as I did b4.
  • jim_pipkin
    jim_pipkin Posts: 82 Member
    edited July 2019
    Male, 6'2, 313 down from 425 over the past nine months. I give myself between 1600-2000 cal/day depending on workouts that vary between 1700-3200 cal each day, so negative net from -100 to -1200 per day. I drop 2-3 pounds per week, but expect slower going now that I am closer to goal.

    My regular morning workout is 3000 hip abducts (1500/side), 500 pelvic lifts, 50 leg raises, 30 pushups, and some varied weight training and kicking/punching a heavy bag. I swim several hours a week, and put in 35-minute ellipse sessions at least three times a week.

    Most important aspect of my program is planning every day in advance to control calories and balance macro-nutrients to kill food cravings, MFP really helps with that.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    edited July 2019
    ~222 at the moment
    1399 calories daily average

    My activity level is set to sedentary as I work a desk job and drive to/from work. I exercise in the evenings for about an hour, sometimes more, and about 3 days a week I walk at lunch. I do not eat my exercise calories back on any day except for Saturday, and even then I do not eat all of them. My step goal everyday is 8,000. I exceed 10,000 at least a few times a week.

    I have lost 26 lbs in 20 weeks.
  • BuddhaBunnyFTW
    BuddhaBunnyFTW Posts: 157 Member
    Male, 45, 6'4", 293 lbs., 1,900 daily average

    Pretty sedentary with a standing desk that I use for about 3 hours a day, do two 15 minute walks per day and average about 15-20 flights of stairs per day. Lost 7 lbs in one month.
  • dulinh
    dulinh Posts: 99 Member
    Female, 40, 5'4.5", 120lbs, 2,000 to maintain. I can do 1750 to lose pretty easily

    My activity level is active, I lift 3x/wk and get 11k steps day/avg with activity. I have a sedendary desk job.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    edited July 2019
    Male... 37,.... 6'3" 185... pushing back to more happy weight. 230?, Active..... Bulking cals 3690... maintenace roughly 3300-.. Actually starting slipping weight at 3500 I was soo active last week
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I haven't tracked my intake in a while, but last time it was around 2600-2800 to maintain, 2200-2400 to lose 0.5 lb per week at 5'7", 132-135lbs. Probably a bit higher now. This is total calories which include all exercise. I would say moderate to very active (NEAT), exercise 6 days per week, 3-5 days lifting, 2 days cardio.
  • 80CATS
    80CATS Posts: 26 Member

    What's your height?[/quote]
    80CATS wrote: »

    What's your height?

    Sorry forgot to add: I am 5’9”
  • 80CATS
    80CATS Posts: 26 Member
    Don't want to be that person, but it shouldn't matter. As you said... it varies and is different for everyone. So why compare? :)

    Just genuinely curious!
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    edited July 2019
    Female, 29, 5’4”, somewhere between 130 and 133 lbs, lightly active, and I work out VERY lightly 3 times a week.

    Fairly new to maintenance (3 months), but I seem to maintain around 2200 a day.

    I lost most of my weight (total of 98 lbs) eating an average of between 1300 and 1700 per day.
  • katiesmom_99
    katiesmom_99 Posts: 87 Member
    edited July 2019
    Female, 48, 5'0", 125lbs, light to moderate activity. BMR 1118

    Maintenance calories: 1538 - 1734 /day
    Weight loss: 1200-1310 /day + half my Fitbit allowance.

    Right now I'm averaging 1240 calories a day and losing .5-1.5 pound per week.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,694 Member
    Female, 63, sedentary outside of intentional exercise (which I estimate carefully and eat back), 5'5", hypothyroid (treated), weight mid-130s, in year 3 of maintenance after losing from obese to current weight, maintain on very roughly 2100 net (I eat very unevenly, so it's hard to be precise).

    I lost most of my weight (in 2015 at age 59-60) at 1400-1600 net, so 1600-1900 gross intake most days. This is atypically high for my demographics. I work out 6 days most weeks, rowing (on water when I can, machine when I must) and spin classes, mostly. I've been approximately this active for around 18 years, during most of which I was still obese.
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    Female, 50, 5' 7.5", active. Most weeks I earn quite a bit of exercise calories and I eat them all.

    I'm currently 169 lbs and 7 pounds to a healthy weight. I'm not currently logging, but eating 1600-1800 daily to lose .5-1.0 lbs per week.

    My highest weight was 222 and lost my weight eating between 1500-1800 calories.
  • Marzetta42
    Marzetta42 Posts: 8 Member
    Female, 47, 5"6, moderately active, 177 lbs and trying to get below 170!!! My calorie intake right now 1790, and that is just until I crank up my "gym life" I aim to train 3-4x a week, and 5 days of cardio. Major surgery took me out the game 3 years ago...so I'm getting my act together and getting back to FITChick status :)
  • warukimedesu
    warukimedesu Posts: 27 Member
    Male, 42, 5'6", right now at 147 lbs. I only started meticulously tracking calories and macros two weeks ago.

    My goal is to reach 140 lbs or even a few pounds under that. My maintenance calories is 2300, and my goal is 1800. I lift 4x a week, run 7km per day 2 days a week, and go biking for 50 to 60km on Sundays.

    This is my first post, and I think this is the perfect chance for me to say hi to all the wonderful people here.