Gastric Bypass



  • Donatarn62
    Donatarn62 Posts: 1 Member
    I had the RNY March 2007 at the age of 45. My weight at that time was 234. Within a year I was down to 130 but looked very anorexic. I moved away from my doctor 6 months later and did not follow up or monitored. At about 3 years in I slowly started gaining weight back. I found a Dr. where I moved to who will follow me and monitor. 10 years out, today I have gained with my weight back up to 180. Working hard now to slowly lose weight and become more active. My doctor reassures me that if you still have 50% of your weight off after 5 years you are considered a success. I do not feel like a success because of the weight I gained back. I am now actively trying to manage my food intake and exercise. Hopefully I will get back to around 145. I feel that it will be my "feel good" weight.
  • jyamiolk
    jyamiolk Posts: 37 Member
    I had the vertical Sleeve back in October of 2014. Highest weight was 302. 288 at surgery and down 120 pounds. It was the best decision I have made. I started logging my meals from the first introductory session and continue to this day 970 day streak. I have been focused on my fitness, ran two 5K's and work out 5 days a week. This is life changing. The surgery is just a tool and a commitment to a sustainable lifestyle consisting of diet and fitness will ensure success. If available take advantage of support groups and also the support of a psychologist as surgery does not take care of the head. good luck on your journeys.
  • JustRenea
    JustRenea Posts: 82 Member
    I just got approved and have gastric bypass RYN scheduled for July 10!
  • SpanksNotSpanx
    SpanksNotSpanx Posts: 31 Member
    Hey everyone feel free to add me for lots of support. I had roux en y gastric bypass with gallbladder removal on 6/20. Just a few days ago I was crying because I was in such bad pain following the surgery and now I'm crying about my husband giving away maple bacon and other foods that don't fall into our diet plan! It's been such an adjustment process but it really is life changing even preparing to have this surgery. I started out at 321 and by surgery morning I was down to 268. My husband asked me why I couldn't just keep losing without the surgery and I simply told him that for me it has never stayed off of my body and that I wanted to permanently change something to prevent these problems from occurring ever again. Once and for all I will be the hot mom who brings all of the kids to the theme park while blasting Disney tunes and 90s pop music like ... It's gunna be me! My girls will not learn my bad eating habits now. Haha!!!!
  • kkae
    kkae Posts: 3 Member
    I have a question. How can you use MyFitness Pal when you have had gastric bypass or any other weight reduction surgery? It doesn't allow you all the features if you go below 1,000 cals per day.
  • kkae
    kkae Posts: 3 Member
    I would also like to know why doctors recommend low calorie restriction following weight reduction surgery but don't recommend that to someone without undergoing the surgery. Can't a person just try to eat the same dietary recommendations and lose weight that way before they submit to the surgery itself?
  • Tipptock1979
    Tipptock1979 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello All,
    I had gastric bypass Jan 2015, weighed 527lbs. Currently 317. It's been a struggle. Diagnosed with Uterine Cancer last year, treatment didn't work. Had to have total hysterectomy. Didn't have kids but hoped to be able after losing weight. Well that didn't work out. So aside from still recovering from WLS, I was dealing with emotional and physical distress oh and early onset of Menopause (I'm 37) because of surgery. But i am Cancer Free but still struggling with weight loss. Regardless of everything I've gone through I still maintained my positive optimistic attitude. It does help. I've pretty much platod at 317. So I'm back here trying to restart my weightless plan. I've maintained so far but now need to amp up the exercise regimen and start losing again.
  • dempseymom4
    dempseymom4 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I had gastric bypass on the 28th of June and am down from my highest weight of 242 on the first of June to 185 today with a goal of 125lbs. I am looking for people on here who on going through the same journey. I decided to start journaling my food because I am sure I am not always getting enough protein in. Also did anyone experience hair loss? I haven't yet and am wondering when that starts if it does.
  • aprilgirl414
    aprilgirl414 Posts: 2 Member
    kkae wrote: »
    I have a question. How can you use MyFitness Pal when you have had gastric bypass or any other weight reduction surgery? It doesn't allow you all the features if you go below 1,000 cals per day.

    This is what I would like to know, as well. I had my surgery (gastric bypass) on 9/21. Would love to see how you all use mfp to your advantage.
  • Ninoska1877
    Ninoska1877 Posts: 1 Member
    kkae wrote: »
    I have a question. How can you use MyFitness Pal when you have had gastric bypass or any other weight reduction surgery? It doesn't allow you all the features if you go below 1,000 cals per day.

    This is what I would like to know, as well. I had my surgery (gastric bypass) on 9/21. Would love to see how you all use mfp to your advantage.

    Menu --> Goals --> Macronutrients

    ...that's where you can change your goal for calories.

    - Ninoska1877
  • Freeburrd
    Freeburrd Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I had RNY gastric bypass on 12/5/17. Looking for MFP bariatric buddies. Feel free to add me! ;)
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    Hiya everyone! I have just started my process to collect paperwork and get my doctor's appointments in and such for a bypass surgery hopefully in the first half of this year. My starting weight during the first consultation was 214 kilo (about 472lbs). With my BMI over 60, I don't have to wait until after the nutrition course to send everything to my insurance, which hopefully accelerates the process. I am a bit scared about the surgery itself but ready for a new life. I know it'll be hard, but I also know it'll be worth it :)
  • alainndaor
    alainndaor Posts: 3 Member
    I'm having RNY Monday. I would love to have friends going through what I'm about to. Please add me if any of you would like.
  • shannonak1718
    shannonak1718 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello from Alaska everyone! I had gastric bypass on July 29th and as of September 5th I am down about 40lbs. I do have cravings and hunger but I have to keep them at bay. I keep a scale and measuring cups nearby and weigh all my food. I decided to eat clean and follow a more plant based diet but more importantly, to avoid processed food, sugars and simple carbs. You know, all the things I should have been doing anyway.

    I need to get back to the gym and do more resistance/weight training but I do get some cardio in almost everyday as I go walking for about 40 minutes, which my FitBit tells me is a bit over 2 miles. Oh, if you don't have a FitBit or some other kind of fitness tracker, get one. It will guilt you into doing some kind of physical activity! Cheeky thing.

    If you had weight loss surgery (WLS) what have been the biggest challenges? Mine has been getting enough protein and hydration.