Weekend calories

Hello I am trying to lose 8kg only just found this app :-)

So if I was eating say 1200 calories a day 5 days with no alcohol and therefore having a calorific deficit but then I went to a wedding and drunk alcohol and pigged out all day and therefore ate/drunk 4000 calories that day. Would that mean that full week was wasted as being in at least a 500 deficit daily for 6 days (3000) has just been added on a Saturday. I am stuck what to do in a wedding next weekend


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Your behavior will dictate your results. Why such a huge calorie count for the wedding?
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    If you want to go by a weekly calorie goal instead of daily, you can. Many people “save” calories during the week for a larger meal. As long as your average calorie intake for the week is on target, then you will lose weight as expected, although you may see weight fluctuations after days when you eat more.
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    It depends on your TDEE or the total number of calories your body burns all day. Your body is burning calories all the time just to function, you burn more when you are active and less when you are at rest, but you are always burning which is why 1200 calories is the lowest MFP will let you safely...now lets day your TDEE is 1700 since you said eating at 1200 gives you a 500 calorie deficit. For 6 days you had a total of a 3000 calorie deficit, on the 7th day your went over your maintenance by 2300. Since 1700 is your average TDEE. So you are actually still at a deficit of 700 calories for the week. 3000-2300.

    A couple things though, you will probably see some water weight from eating and drinking so much in one day.

    Also, 1700 TDEE is kind of on the low end unless you are very short and sedentary normally, so your defiant actually be slightly higher.

    Lastly I am assuming at the wedding you were up and mingling and dancing so you may have been more active then usual that day too.

    Don’t sweat this, losing weight us about consistency over time. If the majority of the time you eat at a deficit then you will lose weight.
  • ryaneyo123
    ryaneyo123 Posts: 6 Member
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    Your behavior will dictate your results. Why such a huge calorie count for the wedding?

    Was just an example regarding the calories on that day tbh but I know it is generally going to be on the high side especially compared to the other days

    Thanks for info. What I think yous are saying is yes it’s not good but it’s 1 day and weight loss over a longer period is the goal
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,054 Member
    My weekly Goal is 12000 calories. Some weeks I end the week at 14000 calories. If I were trying to lose weight, of course that would make a difference (assuming I didn't get in more activity/exercise on that 14000 week.)

    It evens out for the most part. A 4000 calorie wedding sounds fun! Enjoy.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    That's pretty much it.

    Eat it. Enjoy it. Log it. <3
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    What I used to do on these days was to allow myself a maintenance day. I would go out before the wedding and get a really great workout in, have a really calorie light breakfast and lunch and then do my best to make healthIER choices like fish instead of steak with mash. Vodka soda instead of beer, etc.

    We are allowed to enjoy ourselves at special occasions! The trick is to not let it derail you and make you miserable in the long run ❤
  • Addictead
    Addictead Posts: 66 Member
    When I'm losing weight I allow two maintaince or maybe 200-300 over if it's a super exceptional day per week. I aim for a slightly lower goal the rest of the time so it averages out to a loss(1300-1400, maintaince 1700-1800 = 1400-1500 average which is roughly 0.5lbs a week). Keeps hunger at bay and allows you to have a day where you get treats and not gain!