Working out too much?

Hello, thanks for reading. I think I’ve hit a plateau and I’m not sure where to go from here. I work out for two hours 5-6 days a week. I like to burn 600-700 calories during a workout. I usually do cardio and weight training. Some days I run 3-6 miles before weights, some days I do sprints and jump rope between weight lifting sets. I’ve eaten really clean pretty consistently. No junk, no alcohol, trying to stay around 1500 calories. The scale and the tape measure will not budge. Could I be working out too much? Not eating enough? I’ve read so many articles and there is so much conflicting information. Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks


  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    How are you measuring your calories and food intake, and also the workout burn?
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    What's your current height and weight? Additionally how many pounds are you trying to lose a week and do you weight the food you eat?
  • tllincoln
    tllincoln Posts: 14 Member
    I weigh all my food on a food scale, eat lean meats and complex carbs. I’m 37, 5’2” and 140 pounds. I have an athletic build, trying to get a little leaner while keeping some muscle. I used to strictly run and stayed around 125, then I got injured and started running less and weight lifting more. I know some of my weight is definitely muscle, but Some of it is also stubborn fat. I also have an Apple Watch and track my calories on that. Thanks for replying!
  • warukimedesu
    warukimedesu Posts: 27 Member
    tllincoln wrote: »
    I weigh all my food on a food scale, eat lean meats and complex carbs. I’m 37, 5’2” and 140 pounds. I have an athletic build, trying to get a little leaner while keeping some muscle. I used to strictly run and stayed around 125, then I got injured and started running less and weight lifting more. I know some of my weight is definitely muscle, but Some of it is also stubborn fat. I also have an Apple Watch and track my calories on that. Thanks for replying!

    That must be it, at least to a certain degree. According to the Body Recomposition megathread and other sources, getting leaner at the same weight takes time.

    Another possibility is that you're really not deep into a calorie deficit. If you do mostly weights than cardio, then, maybe 600-700 for exercise calories is an overestimation. Is 1500 net calories? Do you think you can go a bit lower than that?
  • tllincoln
    tllincoln Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks! I have some pretty intense workouts. I try to keep my heart rate up between sets with sprints or jump roping, and i always warm up by running a mile then end with running or HIIT. That’s why i asked if maybe i am doing too much cardio. Everything i read says to give a change a month (change in macros, change in workouts, etc) so maybe I’ll try eating more, which scare me a little, and doing more HIIT on weight days and less weight on steady state days.. thanks again!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    You don't really have a lot of weight to lose.

    It's going to be very slow.

    How long has it been since you saw any drop in weight? It's common to have weeks with no changes, especially for women.

  • kevinflemming1982
    kevinflemming1982 Posts: 158 Member
    Ah, I'm mostly cycling and weight training. Never been much of a runner.

    I'll stretch a little first. I don't count the time it takes for that, as it's just loosening-up. 10 min stationary cycle on the second-to-last setting at an average of +25kph, to get my pulse racing a little. Then a 25-30min cycle on the MTB (got a couple of good routes now, which have various grades). Finishing with a couple sets of 10 with various weight training exercises, either when I get back or after a rest (usually knackered because of the current heat lol).

    Sometimes I might get up to an hour, if I feel I can do more weights in the afternoon, but rarely go over that. Seems to be working so far, at least for me. We're all different, I guess. There are some who will give the old cardio vs. weights argument, but I don't think either is better than the other. They can both aid with weight loss. It's just finding something that works for you.

    Change it up each month? Hmm, I'll have a look at that, should I find it becomes a chore after the next month. Still quite early into my goals, but I'll remember that. Thank you also!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Are you taking a proper rest day?
    Are you drinking lots and lots of water?
    Are you getting enough sleep?
    There is more to the equation than CICO
  • tllincoln
    tllincoln Posts: 14 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    Are you taking a proper rest day?
    Are you drinking lots and lots of water?
    Are you getting enough sleep?
    There is more to the equation than CICO
    Yes, you are so right!! I try my best to get in all of the above. Falling short some days (especially sleep). I’m a nurse who works 13 hour shifts with two boys at home with!! But I’m trying to be more mindful of sleep and rest. I usually “rest” on two of my 3 work shifts. Some weeks I don’t workout at all before work though. Just depends on how early I get to bed.
  • Nottaway1
    Nottaway1 Posts: 26 Member
    Sounds like a little overtraining... cortisol release? Could you lower carbs, increase protein... then hold workouts to 1 hour... see what happens.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    You don't really have a lot of weight to lose.

    It's going to be very slow.

    How long has it been since you saw any drop in weight? It's common to have weeks with no changes, especially for women.

  • kevinflemming1982
    kevinflemming1982 Posts: 158 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Quantum Field Theory?
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Quantum Field Theory?

    Quoted for truth.

    OP is already at a healthy weight, is very active, and is a woman. Water weight fluctuations could easily be hiding fat loss on the scale for weeks at a time.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,759 Member
    Maybe you're losing fat and building muscle at the same time. Do you feel that you're getting leaner?

    Possible, but both would be happening very, very slowly.

    For a woman like OP, under ideal circumstances (but without performance-enhancing drugs), a quarter pound of muscle-mass gain per week would be a really good result (half a pound for a male). Ideal circumstances include relative youth, good genetics, a well-designed progressive weight training program, good nutrition including adequate protein, and a calorie surplus.

    A quarter pound a week of fat loss would be about the slowest loss rate one could perceive, and that probably only with a weight-trending app used over a period of quite a few weeks. It would represent a calorie deficit of about 125 calories daily, a deficit so small it would be difficult to hit precisely because of the unavoidable error factors in tracking. (Note: I'm not saying such a small deficit can't happen. I'm saying it probably can't be accurately targeted/tracked with precision.)

    Note that increasing strength doesn't necessarily mean muscle mass is increasing; neuromuscular adaptation, especially in relative beginners, is a potentially quite quick cause of strength gain. (Neuromuscular adaptation is essentially better recruitment and utilization of existing muscle fibers.) Neither is appearance improvement necessarily an indication of muscle mass increase. Sometimes people are deceived into thinking they're gaining muscle mass faster than realistic, based on signficantly improved strength, a bit of muscle fullness from the water retention, and related improvements to appearance.

    I wish it were so easy to gain muscle mass that it could mask fat loss at any reasonable rate! Unfortunately, if anything is masking fat loss on the scale, it's usually either water weight or changes in average digestive contents.
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    Apple watch calorie burns aren't accurate, they can be up to 30% out so don't rely 100% on what it says you've burnt.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Apparently, there is a better chance of losing more weight if you only workout for 30 minutes per day, than if you did more (source: Google). I do an average of 30-45 minutes per day, but give it some beans and get a proper sweat going.

    Only possible if you are leaving something major out. Please provide an actual link. Google is a search engine, not a source :)