The Diamond Challenge (DITR) Round 5 Week 1



  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Last year I biked around Lake Tahoe - 72 miles and 2300 ft of elevation change!

  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to most. Probably just not feeling "ick" every time I pass by a reflective surface. I don't want to dread sneaking a peak at my reflection :( Not being afraid to have my picture taken would be nice too....

    Me too! "Ick" is a great word to describe how I feel about my physical appearance and being fat certainly doesn't help my body issues. Mirrors, reflections in my cell phone, and pictures are not my friends right now.
  • britneeb23
    QOTD 8-25

    What I look forward to the most is looking good in a swimsuit.

    QOTD 8-26

    My sister is my most supportive wait loss buddy. She knows of all the good low cal foods and has lots of great advice.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Really sorry! This week has been CRAZY!

    QOTD Monday: What changes have you made to your diet/fitness routine, if any, to kick off this challenge?

    Upping my water intake to 10-12 glasses a day! Eating less carbs/more protein!

    QOTD Tuesday: Losing weight is a huge accomplishment! What other accomplishments are you proud of?

    my cert 2 in social and community work

    QOTD for Wednesday: Where is everyone from?


    QOTD for Thursday:

    What are you most looking forward to when you reach your goal? Whether it be an article of clothing, a sense of accomplishment, a celebratory trip somewhere, etc?

    Being able to look in the mirror and like what I see! Chucking out my wardrobe and going on a shopping spree! And the BEACH, in a BIKINI!

    Friday's QOTD: Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?

    MFP and the Aim Train :)

    QOTD Saturday: What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    Eating more calories works!

    SUNDAY QOTD: What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you’re on a time crunch?

    Oatmeal with skim milk and stir in half a teaspoon of peanut butter for flavouring.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    foolish question - where did you find QOTD for Friday, Sat & Sunday? Also, where is the link to weigh in? Thought it would be posted here. Went to the blog, don't see any new info there either.
    Am I going crazy?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    So just wondering, do we weigh-in sunday or can I still post my CW on monday?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    foolish question - where did you find QOTD for Friday, Sat & Sunday? Also, where is the link to weigh in? Thought it would be posted here. Went to the blog, don't see any new info there either.
    Am I going crazy?

    I found it in Karmiene's post :)
    Just a question, I cannot seem to find the blog anywhere?? I think we post our CW in an inbox but not too sure.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Back from NYC early because of the hurricane! Catching up!

    Thursday - What are you most looking forward to when you reach your goal? Whether it be an article of clothing, a sense of accomplishment, a celebratory trip somewhere, etc?

    Looking forward to being more toned... I want to look down at my arms and marvel at their toned goodness...

    Friday - Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?

    I am truly inspired by people here on MFP. I am constantly in awe of what people have accomplished on this site! I have also never been motivated so much before because of this site. I do no have much support at home so I am thankful for MFP!

    Saturday - What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    I will tweak what I am doing... Either eating more or less, working out more, weight training, trying a new class at the gym. I will also eliminate things... I.E. I stalled and stopped adding sugar to my morning coffee. I started up again... Plus, I broke myself of eating extra sugar.

    SUNDAY - What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you’re on a time crunch?

    I will cook turkey or chicken sausage and sauteed onions and peppers... So good and so easy. Plus I can use the extra sausage the next night to throw into whole wheat pasta with tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and other fresh veggies. I have it once a week!!!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    This is where you weigh-in.
    And I found the blog, dw :)
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    foolish question - where did you find QOTD for Friday, Sat & Sunday? Also, where is the link to weigh in? Thought it would be posted here. Went to the blog, don't see any new info there either.
    Am I going crazy?

    Here's the link for weigh in

    Also have you added DITR to your friend list ? She updates it pretty frequent on her profile ...
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    I don't know where these questions came from, but I'll answer them! LOL

    Friday's QOTD: Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?

    Honestly, I don't have too many motivating people in my *real* life. Thank god for my online buddies!

    QOTD Saturday: What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    I haven't hit one...I'll let ya know when I get there!

    SUNDAY QOTD: What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you’re on a time crunch?

    I usually grill and slice chicken breasts on Sunday for the week. When I'm in a rush, I'll grab some chicken and make a quick wrap.
  • AleenaZ
    AleenaZ Posts: 117
    QOTD Friday : Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?

    My husband and my lovely MFP friends ...

    QOTD Saturday : What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    Change my routine a bit and eating more or less ...

    QOFTD Sunday : What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you’re on a time crunch?

    Mix of homemade salad with vinegar , olive oil , salt and pepper ..
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Hello Diamonds!

    Just a reminder Weigh Ins are due by Tomorrow at noon, PST! For those of you that are confused with the time difference just be sure to weigh in within the next 24hours and you will be good! The link for the weigh in can be found in the DITR toolbox, which can be found in the DITR blog. For those of you who still cannot find this, there is a link posted in the "about me" section on the DITR homepage.

    For those of you looking for QOTD's for Fri, Sat, and Sun you can find those located in Karmiene's post! Thanks babe! Karmiene has been with me since the beginning of MFP, as well as my partner in all the Diamond Challenges! Through all this I have never given her the chance to ask a QOTD, so her time is about due!! Also, she knows as much as I do about this Challenge, so if I don't get back to your questions fast enough, if you ask her nice...she is probably your best bet for help!

    A question has been asked regarding the Challenge on the DITR home page,

    clioandboy: Okay Guys I need a bit of help here, I am lost. Can you please tell me what the challenge is!!!!! I am logging I have my partner, we have exchanged mails, I have responded to qotd, I am doing my thang but are there going to be specific challenges or have i just got this wrong?????? heeelllppp!!!

    Great Question! So far you are doing everything perfectly, participation is key! The main challenge is weight loss of course, you want your team to be victorious each week! That being said miss_jamaica and I are implementing something a bit new this round. If you are the biggest loser for the entire group you will have the duty to make up a challenge for all the other ladies to follow that week. Some good ideas include upping your water consumption, staying within calorie goals, exercising half hour each day, and so on. With this you are encouraged to get creative!

    Some of you may be wondering "when is my day for QOTD??" The QOTD has not been assigned as of yet, but I plan to have that up sometime this weekend. There will be some days that you will have to share the QOTD with another member just to ensure everyone gets a chance, so on those days there will be 2 questions to answer. I will post your QOTD assignments in the TEAMS roster beside your name. You can find this in the Blog.

    Inactive Partner? Let me know!! There are a lot of Diamonds in waiting, so if you are not receiving the support you need with your partner now, there are other options! Also, a reminder that forum participation is a requirement for the Challenge, if I notice you are not participating I will be in touch with you.

    Take a minute to add the DiamondChallenge to your friends list. You can find this in DITR's friends list, or through a member search. This is the page the League uses for special announcements!!

    I think I have touched on everything I needed to, if I have missed something or you have a new question that cannot be answered in the FAQ, please get in touch with me!!

    You ladies kicked butt this week, and I am super excited to see the final results!!

    Keep Shining Diamonds!

  • kris24824
    kris24824 Posts: 22 Member
    QOTD Friday : Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?
    I have two insperation people: Tara Costa from the Biggest Loser. I follow her on FB and its amazing how different her life is.
    Also, Ben Davis from If you have some free time check out this video:
    I met him in person at a 5K, such a great guy and super inspiring! I want to run a marathon with him next year!!!

    QOTD Saturday : What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?
    I wish I had an answer to this. I have in the past switched my diet plan from tracking calories to Weight Watchers or back to tracking calories from WW. Sometimes I'll take a break and then just start back up. Such a hard one!

    QOFTD Sunday : What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you’re on a time crunch?
    SUBWAY!!!!! ;)

    (I may lose power in this hurricane and will be MIA so I weighed in already and answered Sunday's questions.) Good luck everyone with your weigh-ins! I had a great week and eating a few extra calories after my practice triathlon this morning!
  • Shawn_Marie
    QOTD Friday : Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?
    Myself I would have to say because I live in a town where I know no one: I work 45 minutes from home. In the past week it has been my partner Sabrena; I am very happy to be a part of this challenge and appreciate my partner whether she realizes or not, she motivates me :blushing:
    QOTD Saturday : What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?
    I have not yet hit a plateau so I am not sure what I will do but changing eating habits might be something I try ... keep my body guessing?

    QOFTD Sunday : What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you’re on a time crunch?
    fresh green beans from the garden, blanch,drop in ice water, pat dry then sprinkle with salt and Truvia!
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    QOTD Friday : Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?
    I have really been motivating myself. I'm just over being heavy. Of course I want to look good for my fiance, and be a healthy mommy to my son, but it is time to do something for myself, and this is it.
    QOTD Saturday : What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?
    I haven't crossed this obstacle as of yet, but am interested in the responses from everyone else.
    QOTD Sunday : What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you’re on a time crunch?
    I like to whip up a quick egg white omelet with a ton of fresh veges.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    QOTD Friday: My hubby has been my inspiration. He is doing this with me, he has lost a ton of weight and inches. He's gone from a size 42 to a 36. OMG. He is so supportive.

    QOTD Sat: I really haven't reached a plateau yet. I am pretty bad about cheating at least 1 day during the weekend. Then hit it hard during the week. So far so good. Hubby does this as well.

    QOTD Sun: Scramble. I take 1 scramble egg with 2 portions of egg whites & scramble with a slice of ham & green onions and top with a little bit of cheese. Great filler upper & under 200 cals.

    Hoping all our diamonds are ok from the hurricane
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
    QOTD for Thursday August 25th.

    What are you most looking forward to when you reach your goal? Whether it be an article of clothing, a sense of accomplishment, a celebratory trip somewhere, etc?

    The sense of accomplishment really.
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
    QOTD Friday : Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?

    There really hasn't been anyone. I'm alone in this. Darn it. :grumble:
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
    QOTD Saturday : What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    I haven't figured it out yet. I've tried not working out so much. I've tried eating more and eating less. I may just be stuck and hope inches come off.