Crave sugar

Hi all,
Just wondered if you had any tips regarding sugar cravings. I.crave.sugar. I have lost 3 and a half stone and take a high dose of Amitriptyline for nerve pain. If I could reduce my sugar I know I would lose more weight. But these cravings....


  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I find the less refined carbs I eat the less I crave it. Try increasing fat and protein a bit and be sure you are getting lots of low cal veggies. Whenever my cravings get really bad I often find I have been eating too little fibre or too much carb. I was never very good at eating my vegetables so increasing them sometimes helps. Everyone is different but that helps me the most. Great job on your loss so far!
  • chipsgirl123
    chipsgirl123 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so so much for the replies and the lovely words. So appreciate it! Thank you Novus - I do wonder if it will help. Its so hard to reduce sugar and diabetes runs in my family so that’s another worry.
    Thank you Cheryl that’s a great suggestion.... guess potato isn’t included :)
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Thank you so so much for the replies and the lovely words. So appreciate it! Thank you Novus - I do wonder if it will help. Its so hard to reduce sugar and diabetes runs in my family so that’s another worry.
    Thank you Cheryl that’s a great suggestion.... guess potato isn’t included :)

    If it is not a guarantee to help and you can stay within your calories (most days) easily then ignore it and put the priority on your sustainability. Being happy with what you are eating makes any plan more sustainable. Being miserable because you are craving something makes it harder.

    Think of weight loss as climbing a really steep hill. You want to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Will cutting sugar make it easy for you or make it harder?
  • carbos101
    carbos101 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi CG123 - I find that refined carbs do not help the sugar cravings - maybe for a nanosecond or so - but actually make it worse. I do have my snack of junk each day - minimal. If you like grapes (red seedless, green, black, whatever) they help/satisfy like nothing else. Any fruit that is watery-sweet should do the trick. I can't ignore the sugar cravings or exist on high protein like paleo, Atkins and the plethora of other eating plans --but some can.

    My motto is -- if you crave sugar then have some but find the most nutritional that's your fave.
  • carbos101
    carbos101 Posts: 48 Member
    earlnabby - I hear ya re/cake(-: I deprived myself for decades of dessert but I only have one med/large size bite with my Haagen Daz (bite) and save one bite for after dinner of my other fave dessert - I have to be cautious. Never could figure out why my husband could devour dessert every, single, night - no weight problemos, EVA -- and healthy teeth! He always believed the simple science of calories and I'd debate the drivel a calorie aint a calorie - I lost that one, of course.
    Enjoy your treats!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    carbos101 wrote: »
    Hi CG123 - I find that refined carbs do not help the sugar cravings - maybe for a nanosecond or so - but actually make it worse. I do have my snack of junk each day - minimal. If you like grapes (red seedless, green, black, whatever) they help/satisfy like nothing else. Any fruit that is watery-sweet should do the trick. I can't ignore the sugar cravings or exist on high protein like paleo, Atkins and the plethora of other eating plans --but some can.

    My motto is -- if you crave sugar then have some but find the most nutritional that's your fave.

    Are you identifying fruit as "junk" or am I misunderstanding you?
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Hi all,
    Just wondered if you had any tips regarding sugar cravings. I.crave.sugar. I have lost 3 and a half stone and take a high dose of Amitriptyline for nerve pain. If I could reduce my sugar I know I would lose more weight. But these cravings....

    Are you cutting down on sugar because it makes you overeat? I’m also like that too. I’ve found that eating higher fat and protein helps me to control my cravings. Although I’m going to admit I’m still in the process of cutting out sugar (for health reasons) so I’m still finding it hard! The withdrawal symptoms are a real pain. Once I’m off sugar I don’t crave it. And if I have a small amount I’m fine. It’s the initial first week/weeks that are the hardest.
  • carbos101
    carbos101 Posts: 48 Member
    mmapags -- NO - fruit is nutritious/healthy. Sorry about confusion but my junk is cake/icecream bite(s) per day. I'm cautious with the processed, refined, stuff.
  • Hannahwalksfar
    Hannahwalksfar Posts: 572 Member
    Try switching it out for natural fruit sugars. When I have a big craving I make myself an extravagant smoothie bowl that has just fruit ad nothing else. 53zuzim3uwcd.jpeg
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    3682"]mmapags -- NO - fruit is nutritious/healthy. Sorry about confusion but my junk is cake/icecream bite(s) per day. I'm cautious with the processed, refined, stuff. [/quote]

    Got it. Thanks for clarifying.

    I get most of my sweets fix from fruit. Occasionally a little chocolate or a cookie or ice cream. But not a big cake person. I don't keep ice cream around much because I have trouble moderating it.

    It is usually after dinner that I like a little taste of something sweet. Never in the middle of the day.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I use to crave it, but don’t crave sugar anymore since I have been drinking my magic coffee and I have tons of energy. Also lost 22 pounds in 8 weeks

    As I asked in the other thread where you posted this, what is "Magic coffee?"
  • chipsgirl123
    chipsgirl123 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you again so much for all your replies. I have been a member of MFP for several years but in the last three tracked daily my food and this is the first post I have done in the community area. Hannah walks, your smoothie bowl looks delicious. Can I ask, do you also add yoghurt. I love cake!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Hi all,
    Just wondered if you had any tips regarding sugar cravings. I.crave.sugar. I have lost 3 and a half stone and take a high dose of Amitriptyline for nerve pain. If I could reduce my sugar I know I would lose more weight. But these cravings....

    Have an apple...some grapes...some cherries.
  • chipsgirl123
    chipsgirl123 Posts: 8 Member
    xx I don’t overeat but I have definitely noticed since my pain meds were upped I am craving more biscuits and cakes. I have a gluten allergy and my specialist wanted me to try no dairy which has helped. I would find giving up sugar really really hard. @GaleHawkins You are so inspirational.