Hi Everyone!

UditaM Posts: 7 Member
I'm new on MFP. I tried another app and while I loved mobile the interface, I felt like there was more I could get out of a more established SW and community. I started my journey back to fitness a month ago at 240 lbs. and I've lost 7 lbs..

I used to be a dance teacher, avid Kung Fu student and go to the gym. I had a few health issues that disabled or severely debilitated my movement and packed on 70 lbs. Psychologically it's hard to go from identifying as an active person to being deconditioned and debilitated. My goals are to:

1) Get back to the level of fitness where I can enjoy normal life (short hikes, day trips, work and go to the gym and make dinner on the same day with a little energy left over, etc.)

2) Get back to Kung Fu or try Krav Maga

3) By the time I'm 50, in a little over 3 years, get regular piggy-back rides from my husband

I really want to continue the second half of my life as an active person. The scale can tell me how much I weigh and that impacts my health but the real things I'm looking for is a clean bill of health, stamina, energy, etc.


  • abennett983
    abennett983 Posts: 9 Member
    Sounds like you have some awesome goals! I want to establish a healthy/active lifestyle so I don't yo-yo anymore. And I want to feel confident on my wedding day (in March). For me, it's about starting off my marriage with a healthy/happy ME! I am always looking for extra motivation! I'll add you as a friend! 😊
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    good goals! And you can accomplish them! Just take it one day at a time, log everything that you eat, and stay in a deficit. I don't know how badly your fitness has suffered but if you have to, start out small... short walks, no long periods of sitting (like in front of a computer/TV, at a desk for work, etc), break it up by standing and walking around for a few minutes... and remember, anything worth accomplishing isn't done in a day. In other words, give yourself time to see results! ;) And make lots of active friends who will help you in reaching your goals! FR coming.