I feel like I have HIT A WALL:::SODIUM???



  • Jrab6486
    Jrab6486 Posts: 31
    thank you everyone....all of this information is very very helpful!
  • nighthawk327
    Ack! I did not know about that... one more reason to limit my intake. :mad: Sheesh... I barely eat any processed foods (usually cook most meals) and I'm still at or slightly over the 2500mg recommended most days. Guess it's one more vice to try to break!

    "Eating too much salt may cause weight gain in less noticeable ways too--by changing how your body makes and metabolizes fat. Studies show that a high-salt diet boosts the production of insulin, the hormone that tells the body to store excess sugar as fat. Simply put, the more insulin you have, the more fat you store and the more weight you gain. "
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I just changed my diary to watch my sodium intake and went back and WOW I am in shock of how much sodium I take in a day! HOLY CRAP! What do a lot of people eat with little sodium? I know almost everything has it in it but wow! That's insane! I can tell when I have had to much sodium because my legs feel huge, mostly my knees down to my ankles I feel swollen. So does anybody have any foods to eat, suggestions?
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I just changed my diary to watch my sodium intake and went back and WOW I am in shock of how much sodium I take in a day! HOLY CRAP! What do a lot of people eat with little sodium? I know almost everything has it in it but wow! That's insane! I can tell when I have had to much sodium because my legs feel huge, mostly my knees down to my ankles I feel swollen. So does anybody have any foods to eat, suggestions?

    There is alot of salt in processed foods so be sure to read packages. If I buy processed foods, I try to keep sodium to a 1:1 ratio with the calories. So for example, if the calories are around 200 per serving, I try to keep the sodium to around 200 also. I learned that somewhere but it works for me. But.................I try to NOT eat processed foods and the more you can cook yourself the better. You control it. Also, tons of salt in restaurant food. My hubby and daughter wanted KFC and came home with their grilled chicken. My daughter looked it up on their nutrition facts and was thrilled to see her piece of chicken was 90 calories but I asked her to check the sodium...................700!!!!!