I have 11 days to be beach ready, help.


I have a toned body as a dancer but do indulge in bad junky foods at times so am around 20% bf.

I'm going on holiday in 11 days and I want to lose around 4lbs to have that edge on the beach. Please bear in mind I'm already in good shape as have been training sports most of my life I just want to look a bit harder and more cut for a holiday.

Any recommendations for those last minute cuts? I think in bodybuilding they call it micro cutting or mini cutting or something.

I'm currently 78kg, 177cm (strong upper body from breakdancing). I consume around 2600 calories per day at the moment.



  • marsthebboy
    marsthebboy Posts: 10 Member
    The bodyfat percentage thing is a total guess bdw.
  • marsthebboy
    marsthebboy Posts: 10 Member
    nooboots wrote: »
    You could lose 4lbs in 11 days by being extremely hungry. The first meal at the airport/on the plane/at the resort and it'll come straight back because it wont be actual weight loss.

    That's fair game. 11 days is not enough time for anything genuine to occur. Cheers.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Don’t stress about it. Keep doing what you are doing until you leave. I realize we are our own worst critics, but, I’ll bet you will be the envy of a lot of people at the beach. Have a wonderful time.
  • marsthebboy
    marsthebboy Posts: 10 Member
    Don’t stress about it. Keep doing what you are doing until you leave. I realize we are our own worst critics, but, I’ll bet you will be the envy of a lot of people at the beach. Have a wonderful time.
    Great advice thanks! Feel good, be happy everything will fall into place! xD
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    The absolute shortest mini-cut prescribed by Renaissance Periodization is 2 weeks (upper limit being 6 weeks in length). Please note that "potentiating weight gain" is actually a primary reason to run a mini-cut, meaning even if you did a mini-cut, if you do it the "right" way, you're literally setting yourself up for a net weight gain after its completion.

    Go to the beach, have fun, don't worry about 4 lbs that honestly nobody but you will even notice!
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I'd suggest a high-end spray tan and some nicely tailored clothing. It will may far more difference in your appearance than 4lbs and starving for 11 days.

    It will also continue to make you look good, even when you eat on vacation and you'd bloat up if you just went low carb to look good.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,835 Member
    4 lbs in 11 day = 14000kcal less in total = 1272kcal less per day.
    2600-1272 = 1323 kcal per day.

    You'd lose a bit of fat, bit of lovely muscle, feel miserable, sunken in eyes, straw-y looking hair, pale.
    Do you think people will notice those 4lbs too much or how miserable and sick you look?