Help with workouts before work?

This summer I have actually managed to make AND KEEP a routine where I workout (usually running outside) in the mornings around 8AM. However I am a teacher and I start back at work soon, which means 8AM goes way out the window. Turns out this night owl prefers morning workouts, especially since I have almost no energy after work.

So, my questions. Do you guys have any tips for getting clean post-workout that doesn't take forever? With about 45-60 minutes to workout plus getting ready for work I'd have to be moving before 4AM. That said, any tips for 4AM workouts? I primarily run at a park and lift a little at the gym at my apartment.

I'd hate to lose my tiny bit of progress, so any tips would be awesome!


  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    I used to go to the gym for a 4:30 am workout when I was still working.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I get to the gym by my work by 6am - workout, shower and get ready and am at work by 8am. To save time, some days I use dry shampoo or if I wash my hair I just let it dry naturally. Minimal makeup. It's a 5min drive from the gym to work. I find it easier than working out by home and going back home to get ready.
  • Courtscan2
    Courtscan2 Posts: 498 Member
    I have to be out the door at 8am so get up at about 5:30, have a preworkout drink and workout until 7. No tips on getting ready quickly I guess, with 2 young kids and myself to get ready for school/work, we just have to bust our bottoms to get fed, dressed, showered etc in time.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I set out everything I need the night before. Workout clothes, work clothes, have breakfast and lunch prepped. I'm not as early as you, but I get up at 5 but knowing that everything is ready for the day.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I do everything in the morning before school at home. I usually do a video at 5:15-5:30, like kickboxing, but I also have some with a step or dumbbells. Then I quickly shower around 6:15 and do everything else. I used to go lift before work at 7, and just used wet ones in the bathroom to clean up and change. I would just braid my hair on those days.
  • sarahEA88
    sarahEA88 Posts: 15 Member
    This is a weird tip I got from a 4 am runner, but it helps me a lot. Sleep in clean workout clothes. Then you just need to roll out of bed and pull your socks and shoes on. It's also motivating because you're already dressed, and for females if you don't get up, you just slept in a bra for no reason.
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 695 Member
    Organise everything the night before, very quick wash and dry shampoo for hair.

    Is there a gym close to work you could use? In a previous job I found if I drove to work at 6am and went to the gym there I gained 45 minutes that I wasn't just sat in traffic. Much nicer to spend that time in the pool.
  • livefreely12
    livefreely12 Posts: 71 Member
    edited July 2019
    I usually go to the gym at work in the morning, and shower there after working out. I'm a morning person and so are my 2 young daughters, so it works out better that way. Trying to work out at home after they wake up usually turns into something closely resembling trying to herd cats. :) Sometimes if it's just a strength training day, I'll shower at home and just use wet wipes to freshen up. Awesome job sticking to your routine all summer! You will find what works best for you and your schedule.. just keep tweaking things until they become routine again. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't think I could swing 4 AM...but I do my cycling in the early morning. Alarm goes off at 5:15...I lay there for 5 to ten minutes then get up and gear up. I usually need about 30 minutes to shake off the cobwebs so I take my coffee outside and drink it on the patio and watch the sun rise. I usually hit the road on my bike around 6/6:10 and keep my rides to about 10 miles which takes me about 30-35 minutes so I'm usually home just after 6:30 to 6:45 depending. Jump in the shower and get ready for work and out the door by about 7:30.
  • Joel_518
    Joel_518 Posts: 35 Member
    I wake up 30min before I need to get up for work. 5 min dress and drink some water, 5 min warm up, 15 HIIT (been doing a lot with heavy kettlebells), finish off with 4 min Tabata set. Repeat 3 days a week.

    There's tons of data on shorter workouts are just as good, maybe even better.
  • ethompsonemt
    ethompsonemt Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I definitely will look into trying to get closer to work and wet wipes, dry shampoo and braids.