HCG Diet

gggivens Posts: 46
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone! I am an RN who lost a bunch of weight (65 pounds) a few years ago, on my own, through exercise and dietary awareness.

Since then, though, I was rear ended by a drunk driver who then attempted to drive over me while driving away from the scene. The whole incident left me with a dislocated right shoulder and 2 herniated discs in my neck. On doctor's orders, I wasn't to exercise for at least 6 months to a year, or risk permanent nerve damage. I have recovered somewhat, but so did my weight. I gained back 35 of the pounds that I had lost, and feel fatter than I did before, because I still have my skinny clothes.

I did start a medically supervised diet plan of HCG injections (I know it may be considered controversial, but I researched it for a year before deciding to do it, and have taken all effects and side effects into consideration. Since it is supervised by a doc, even my dubious husband is OK with it.) This diet does require a very low calorie, fat free diet for the duration of the injections. The goal is to reset my body, so that it does not gain the weight as easily as it started doing again.

My diet is 500 calories a day, which is surprisingly easy to stick to while getting the injections. (The injections cause your body to release 1500 to 2000 calories worth of abnormal stored fat a day, so you actually don't really get hungry. And I am normally a snacker, and very food obsessed.)

Anyway, so far it is working very nicely. I love MFP for the ability to track my food and calories more easily. And the forums are very interesting and supportive.

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  • Hi Everyone! I am an RN who lost a bunch of weight (65 pounds) a few years ago, on my own, through exercise and dietary awareness.

    Since then, though, I was rear ended by a drunk driver who then attempted to drive over me while driving away from the scene. The whole incident left me with a dislocated right shoulder and 2 herniated discs in my neck. On doctor's orders, I wasn't to exercise for at least 6 months to a year, or risk permanent nerve damage. I have recovered somewhat, but so did my weight. I gained back 35 of the pounds that I had lost, and feel fatter than I did before, because I still have my skinny clothes.

    I did start a medically supervised diet plan of HCG injections (I know it may be considered controversial, but I researched it for a year before deciding to do it, and have taken all effects and side effects into consideration. Since it is supervised by a doc, even my dubious husband is OK with it.) This diet does require a very low calorie, fat free diet for the duration of the injections. The goal is to reset my body, so that it does not gain the weight as easily as it started doing again.

    My diet is 500 calories a day, which is surprisingly easy to stick to while getting the injections. (The injections cause your body to release 1500 to 2000 calories worth of abnormal stored fat a day, so you actually don't really get hungry. And I am normally a snacker, and very food obsessed.)

    Anyway, so far it is working very nicely. I love MFP for the ability to track my food and calories more easily. And the forums are very interesting and supportive.

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  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    That's awesome. Did you have to go to a specialist or was your primary care doctor able to help you?
  • notoprod
    notoprod Posts: 18 Member

    After reading all the information from those sites, I don't think I would try to do the HCG diet. I better stick to counting and writing down everything that I eat
  • jayme03
    jayme03 Posts: 64 Member
    My sister in law and her parents are on this diet, and they have lost a ton of weight, but watching them go through it was torture. The 500 calorie a day part was ridiculous, only because it just seems so nutritionally wrong. I guess if you're looking to lose weight fast it's right for you, but I believe it's easy to put the weight back on with this kind of diet.
  • Actually the diet portion is much easier than I thought it ever would be. I eat lean meats (chicken, beef, fish, seafood, or sometimes egg whites) and LOTS of veggies. I am actually full when I am done eating. And because fruits are allowed (and simple carbs are not), I end up buying and eating more apples than usual, which has to be healthy.

    I do get creative with the meals, but can make stir 'frys' with broth instead of oil, buffalo chicken salad, taco salads, chicken meatball soup with spinach, etc. All of these meals (a full plate or full bowl) averages less than 150 calories. And I am a food snob here- if it does not taste good I will not eat it.

    As for the healthy questions and whether it will stay off in the long run- time will tell. The science behind it supports creating a new 'set point', so theoretically it will stay off unless something happens to change the set point (like a major illness, pregnancy or trauma). And the med itself has been around and used for decades. And since I measure my fat percentage as well as weight loss, I can tell that almost 100% is fat .

    My regular doctor does not do it (it is still kind of new in this area) but there are several primary care docs that do. I ended up researching and found a doctor in Colorado Springs that does it over the phone and by mail- workable since I am a nurse and doing the shots is easy for me. I was hesitant to just order the med over the internet because you do not know what you are getting. Going thru Body Solutions, I get the medicine from a Pharmacy in California.

    All I know is that I feel great, my aches and pains are GONE, I have lost 2 1/2 inches off my waist so far, am down now a total of 14 pounds in 15 days, and am not the least bit hungry.

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  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    Thanks, I will check with my primary md to see if there is a similar program in the New England area. Good luck
  • Would you mind if I asked who the doctor is in Colorado Springs? I am way over here in Dove Creek and there isnt a single doctor over here that knows anything about it. How does it work doing it over the phone?
  • I see the commercials for the doctor here in colorado springs all the time next time i see it i will jump back on and tell you his name and #
  • The one I go thru is

    They are based in Colorado Springs, but will 'see' clients all over the country. If you are not local, they do a phone consult with you and the doctor. I personally did not wait to see the doc to start the program, because I felt comfortable with my knowledge. But some do wait, to make sure they understand it well.

    They have you fill out a long questionaire that includes medical history, psych questions, etc. It is currently $199 for the 40 day program. They can give you instruction in how to inject yourself if you are not familiar, but it does require a bit of self study to be completely familiar with the program. The meds and supplies arrive via FedEx.

    You can also download an e-book that gives a lot of good information about the whole thing. I got a copy for free. You can search the web to get info- most of what I read on the sites match up- no real conflicts.
  • Thank yall very much I will do some more research into before I start but I have heard great results from it so far. Have friend whos sister is doing it in Vegas and swears by it.
    I appreciate all the help
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