Men...Beauty over brains. Or brains over beauty?

Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
What say you? Would you rather your woman be super hot or super smart. I'm not talking super smart and bow wow. Or super hot but super dumb. What's your preference? I ask because I once asked my SO, "What is it you like best about me?" I was thinking physical. His answer? "Your mind." Yeah. I got all tingly.

So? I ask again: What say you?


  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Definitely brains over beauty!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    In the words of Ron White..."You can`t fix stupid".

    There obviously has to be a physical attraction but she has to have a brain.
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    why can't a woman be both smart and beautiful? :(
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    why can't a woman be both smart and beautiful? :(
  • PatientBearTiger
    In the words of Ron White..."You can`t fix stupid".

    There obviously has to be a physical attraction but if she has to have a brain.

    Well said.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I honestly look at a womans heart first. Does she love kids? Is she kind? IS she passionate? Because honestly there is somethign gorgeous about every woman, but truly having a loving heart isn't in everyone.
  • PatientBearTiger
    why can't a woman be both smart and beautiful? :(

    Because that wasn't the question.
  • jan169
    jan169 Posts: 38
    why can't a woman be both smart and beautiful? :(

  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    You know - guys always say that... But I've yet to see one drool over a "great brain....."

    Personally - I'd rather BE super hot because frankly if your super hot they're not going to call you stupid.;D However if your super smart and ugly, they have no problem giving you THAT information.
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    why can't a woman be both smart and beautiful? :(

    Because that wasn't the question.

    Can I punch you in the throat?
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    why can't a woman be both smart and beautiful? :(

    No one is saying she can't. I obviously am both. :wink: I was just curious - since we women tend to focus so much on our physical appearance. I often wonder what women do to bolster their brain power and knowledge. I personally have to sigh deeply and gather my patience when speaking with dumb people. But I know a very intelligent man who is living with a really unintelligent woman - she's sweet as pie, but it's very difficult to have a conversation with her. And she's got giant boobs, a tiny waist, and is super cute. So....I was just wondering....
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I honestly look at a womans heart first. Does she love kids? Is she kind? IS she passionate? Because honestly there is somethign gorgeous about every woman, but truly having a loving heart isn't in everyone.

    Amen to that!:smile: Smart man!
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    Im not lesbian...
    But, even if a person super funny and kind, if you can't look at their face, well whats that?
    Haha, I prefer even amounts of brains and looks
    I'm not too attractive of a girl, small lips, nearly square face, totally not fantastic, but my personality make me come off more attractive than not : P.
    SOOO, i suppose brains and personality is the bigger percentage...
  • Dolphingirlie81
    I honestly look at a womans heart first. Does she love kids? Is she kind? IS she passionate? Because honestly there is somethign gorgeous about every woman, but truly having a loving heart isn't in everyone.

    Sounds like you're a cowboy casa nova.
  • BAMA66
    BAMA66 Posts: 240
    Definitely brains over beauty, but looks are a definitely a plus.
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    Just because someone has big boobs or likes to take care of themselves doesn't mean they're stupid.
    I'd like to think I'm an intellgent person and I have some big ol' boobies.
    They are just as big as my brain ;) haha.
  • Murphk323
    Murphk323 Posts: 184
    lol because I have a spelling error in that post. sadly ironic :,(
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Just because someone has big boobs or likes to take care of themselves doesn't mean they're stupid.
    I'd like to think I'm an intellgent person and I have some big ol' boobies.
    They are just as big as my brain ;) haha.

    Again, I didn't SAY that. No one is calling you stupid because you have big boobs. I did not say having big boobs makes one stupid. I asked a question to the MEN.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Very few percentage can be booth but it depends on who is looking at the girl. Brains is def hotter then a girl who is just pretty but is dumber then a pile of rocks. I have seen hot chicks who are crazy smart but I have seen hot chicks who didn't know chicken of the sea is not actual chicken, I guess it's the way I was raised. I have the up most respect for women due to the fact how my mother raised me. Also my sisters are really smart due to this upbringing. I have a lot of respect for woman but am an *kitten* to those whonare really dumb. Can't help it.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I honestly look at a womans heart first. Does she love kids? Is she kind? IS she passionate? Because honestly there is somethign gorgeous about every woman, but truly having a loving heart isn't in everyone.

    Sounds like you're a cowboy casa nova.

    Lol I am not pretty enough for that. besides I run from dating adn just take care of my babies.