Just thought I would post this for all the impatient types, especially since I recieved a comment/ compliment/back handed compliment this week. "wow youve done good loosing weight all of a sudden!" there was more but I will sum up with the fact that they are obviouslly the most un observant person on the planet. for the 65 pounds that it took me over 2 years to loose he thought I miraculously just lost this week.
There generally is no such thing as an overnight success, especially in weight loss ( but life as well).
So called "Overnight Successes" are usually created by someone who has been working & Preparing & Improving, while no one else was paying attention.
So my fitness warrior friends stay the course & you too came become an "OVERTIME SUCCESS" !

and a quote to help you, that I love:
Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel like you too can become great. ~ Mark Twain~

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  • lframent
    lframent Posts: 33
    Good for you! Thanks for sharing! I like the quote. :)

    Hope all's well with you and good-luck in your journey, xo
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    He just probably noticed that you look hot....now he's paying attention. SMH....
  • bopefas
    bopefas Posts: 32 Member
    That's great.I love the Twain quote.I spent the day with a long time friend who I hadn't seen in a few months and his wife.About a year ago she lost a good amount of weight,say 40 lbs.Well I heard about that non-stop at the time,E-Mails with updates,photo's etc,but today barely a mention of my weight loss.Just a casual mention that I looked slimmer about a hour into our visit then nothing more.Most people are so self involved that they just want you to stop talking so they can start.
    Keep up the good work and do it for yourself and your family.
  • Marianna194
    Marianna194 Posts: 145 Member
    thanks for the advice!
  • That's great.I love the Twain quote.I spent the day with a long time friend who I hadn't seen in a few months and his wife.About a year ago she lost a good amount of weight,say 40 lbs.Well I heard about that non-stop at the time,E-Mails with updates,photo's etc,but today barely a mention of my weight loss.Just a casual mention that I looked slimmer about a hour into our visit then nothing more.Most people are so self involved that they just want you to stop talking so they can start.
    Keep up the good work and do it for yourself and your family.
    so true, most people cant see past their own nose, & I dont know why it ticked me off,maybe I was just touchy when it was said
    this person is an *kitten* on a good day however, & could make the Pope swear. so I shouldve taken it with a grain of salt.... & maybe some Tequila.. LOL
  • bopefas
    bopefas Posts: 32 Member
    she looked like she had put some of the 40 back on,so maybe that's why she didn't want to talk about weight loss today :)