12 to 14 Hour Fasts, Do They Work?

So I have been fasting from 7pm to 7am for the past few weeks and at first it was tough (because I feel the hungriest in the evening).

I was wondering does anyone fast on here and has it helped or hurt your weight loss goals. And what do you do to beat your evening cravings if you happen to have nighttime munchies lol.

Comment Below :)


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Enough food so you feel full until bedtime.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    edited August 2019
    If you want to try it move your hours back. Maybe 9pm to 9am. My fast is between 7pm and 11am. It took me a few days to get used to not eating after 7pm but I soon adjusted. Pick the hours that suits your schedule.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    As long as you're not eating over your calories in your non-fasted hours it will work. Its still all about CICO. Fasting is just another way to control calories in, but you still have to watch your calories.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    I’ve never been someone who snacks in the evening. Never wake up and have to have something to eat, a drink of water, yes, but don’t feel the need to eat. As others have said, 7:00 pm to about 7:00 am is a natural fast time for me.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    AquaMeow wrote: »
    So I have been fasting from 7pm to 7am for the past few weeks and at first it was tough (because I feel the hungriest in the evening).

    I was wondering does anyone fast on here and has it helped or hurt your weight loss goals. And what do you do to beat your evening cravings if you happen to have nighttime munchies lol.

    Comment Below :)

    If I don't have a bed time snack I wake up hungry in the middle of the night and that messes up my next day.

    How many pounds do you want to lose total and what weekly weight loss goal did you chose? You many be hungry at night because your calorie deficit is overly aggressive for the amount of weight you want to lose.


    Or you might not being getting enough of a particular macro that you need to feel full. For me, that is protein (and fiber).
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,989 Member
    I currently "fast" for 16-21 hrs/day. Only started doing this 6 wks ago but I did not find it difficuly to do. Lost 8#/trend wt in that time. So, it has worked very well for me. However, results for others surely will differ.
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    I accidentally began mild fasting due to GERD. I have to stop eating at least 3 hours before bedtime. In the morning, I have to wait at least one hour to eat after taking meds. But one hour after waking, I am busy getting ready or doing other things, so breakfast is usually around 9 am. So, about a 14 hour fast for the past 1.75 years.

    I would not say that a slightly longer than normal overnight fast has made much difference for me in being able to lose weight. Certainly, it made less difference than the large variety of foods that I had to stop eating.

    I'm hungry by 8 PM, and I continue to be hungry until I eat breakfast. But, I am used to it.
  • INFJx3
    INFJx3 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been 16:8 IF for about 3 years. It doesn't seem to make me lose weight faster per say, but what I find very helpful is that it contributes to me staying in control of binge eating which will happen for me quickly :(
  • ready2lose2101
    ready2lose2101 Posts: 47 Member
    lgfrie wrote: »
    Been doing IF 16:8 (11 am to 7 pm eating window) for 4 months, in conjunction with strict calorie logging to hit my MFP-supplied calorie deficit. It was a hard adjustment at first, but it's gotten really easy, with less appetite and less food obsession than in the pre-IF days. Allllll those wasted calories that used to go into nighttime snacking are now applied to real food at real mealtimes, leading to much larger, more satisfying meals while still being able to hit the calorie target. Those big meals have led to less craving to go off plan for cheat meals, so there's hardly ever an off meal now. Which has led to very steady, consistent weight loss. I really like the whole approach. I don't buy into the New Age/pop theory stuff about IF somehow losing weight faster than non-IF - I think it's just a good way to structure the eating day. You basically get two "real" meals instead of 3 diet ones, and you learn to be a little hungry some of the time, which is a useful skill to have.

    This is exactly my story. I've been doing IF 16:8 for about a month or so (10a-6p) and the weight has been coming off steadily. I don't think there's any magic with IF (based on my experiences) but this method keeps me from over indulging at night and I tend to eat meals that are more filling during the day.

    Actually when I recall the last time I lost a significant amount of weight it was sort of IF based. I watched portion sizes, ate healthier meals and snacks and never ate after 6:00 pm.

  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    LyndaBSS wrote: »
    I just naturally don't eat from about 6:30 pm to about 9:30 am. I don't consider it a fast. That sounds silly to me. It's just my downtime.

    Yeah, me too.

    I don't snack, so I don't eat after dinner (I do usually eat dinner kind of late). Increasingly I've been skipping breakfast if I don't work out first thing in the morning, just because I'm not yet hungry. I don't find it makes a difference for me whether I eat breakfast or not, except that I can eat more at my other two meals if I don't eat breakfast.

    I don't snack after dinner since I don't find snacking a satisfying way to consume my calories.
  • Gilligan67
    Gilligan67 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been on what's called a 16/8 fast. On Monday's and Thursday's I do what's called 5/2 where I only eat 600 calories on those days. In between I eat well and exercise a lot. 25 lbs lost in 3.5 months. There are good days and bad days. Try to have a lot more good days than bad. It's not for everyone, but it works for me.
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    AquaMeow wrote: »
    So I have been fasting from 7pm to 7am for the past few weeks and at first it was tough (because I feel the hungriest in the evening).

    I was wondering does anyone fast on here and has it helped or hurt your weight loss goals. And what do you do to beat your evening cravings if you happen to have nighttime munchies lol.

    Comment Below :)

    If I don't have a bed time snack I wake up hungry in the middle of the night and that messes up my next day.

    How many pounds do you want to lose total and what weekly weight loss goal did you chose? You many be hungry at night because your calorie deficit is overly aggressive for the amount of weight you want to lose.


    Or you might not being getting enough of a particular macro that you need to feel full. For me, that is protein (and fiber).

    My calories is 1,240 daily and my goal weight is 120.