Should I?

I'm a 16 year old female that is 5'4 and around 125 pounds. I'm also vegan. I have counted calories for around a year and it's tiresome. Should I be? Or should I do something else to ensure my weight is healthy and such?


  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Like any teenager I was also worried about weight back in the day (now too lol) but I didn't have a hard time keeping it in check - I was on too many sports teams and was always in pretty good shape so if you're worried, can you get more active? Sounds like you're already at a healthy weight so I don't really see any need to take such a serious approach. It's good to be aware of your food choices, but I would use that mental energy for schoolwork instead, not counting calories. :)
  • I'm a 16 year old female that is 5'4 and around 125 pounds. I'm also vegan. I have counted calories for around a year and it's tiresome. Should I be? Or should I do something else to ensure my weight is healthy and such?

    5'4, 125 sounds pretty healthy already. Just eat right, exercise and watch out for that freshman 15 when you get to college.
  • arispawild
    arispawild Posts: 155
    Yeah, I am just always so worried I'll overdo it and that my metabolism isn't like other teens, haha.
    I go to a boarding high school and live on a college campus so I use their gym 3 times (when it works out) during the week, and I usually walk a lot or bike on weekends. (Also, loads of walking from class to class and stuff)
    My biggest issue is that we have a dining hall and I tend to eat and eat.
  • As servilla stated you sound like you are at a healthy weight. Counting calories does not work and will only cause you to stress and stress does lead to weight gain. Just be active and if you eat any junk food enjoy in moderation. Don"t deprive yourself totally. If you would like to discuss further email me; I am a certified personal trainer.