Weigh in

Morning beautiful MFPer's,

Just a quick question. How often do people weigh themselves?

The reason I ask is that I weighed myself last monday and planned to do a weekly weigh in, however now I am panicking and do not want to weigh myself in case I have not lost anything, in which case I may be really disheartened and slip. However, if I do not weigh myself weekly, will I truly get an accurate picture of how it is working?

Any advice appreciated x


  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210
    I started last Monday and I weighed myself Saturday as I couldnt use my usual scales this morning and I had a 7.8lb Loss !

    I know we all feel we wont have lost or we may have maintained but just think if one weigh in doesn't go to plan there is always next be positive ! I bet you will be suprised

  • You are right to weigh yourself just once a week. This will give you a true indication. Push aside all urges to jump on the scales in between weigh ins. Choose a day and stick to it. I choose to weigh myself every Saturday morning before I eat a thing, totally without clothing, so I can get a true picture. I look forward to Saturdays and work hard all week, knowing what a difference a week can make. Good luck.
  • JessPL
    JessPL Posts: 6
    I weigh myself weekly in the mornings.
  • You should go ahead and weigh in - if you haven't lost weight, don't take it as a sign of defeat, just take is a learning curve. You can go over your food diary and have a look at where you think you're going wrong. That way, you can adjust those things next week.
    That;s worst case scenario, though. I'm sure you will have lost something :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I weigh myself once a month at the first of each month.

    I am personally more concerned with inches lost, what size my clothes are, etc. so less frequent weigh-ins don't bother me as much as it might bother other people. And when I check my inches each month, I like to see a big difference, and of course the difference is bigger once a month than once a week. I guess it's just for my own psyche, but the larger differences month to month make me feel better about what I am accomplishing. My favorite month was January of 2008 when I went from 138 to 128. I miss that month, lol. Too bad life happened and I didn't maintain that.
  • weekly is fine. if you break even try and be positive about it. dont forget it may be a little up if youve PMT dont be disheartened you will get the result the following week if you stick to your guns. good luck!
  • I have just been through this nightmare - weighed in last week and gained therefore ate everything in sight, not sure if I should weigh in once a week or once a fortnight?