The guilt over what I just ate :-(



  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    that is the cool thing about MFP. Just log it and move on. It's not as big a deal as you are making it!
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    BESIDES! You're 175 calories over. That's no big thing!

    You need a 500 calorie deficit per day to lose 1 lb per week. So? You're still under the calorie threshold for weight loss, PLUS you got to enjoy some yummy pizza.

    You GO girl!
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    I just had my favorite fast food meal ever and am now 593 calories over. Tomorrow I will be good. No big thing. Gotta splurge every now and then.
  • csloan30
    csloan30 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't stress about it! It is ok to splurge once in a while, the point is to try to watch what you eat MOST of the time, but it is expected that every person will splurge on occasion. Enjoy the pizzza but remember to watch what you eat the next day. Please smile and know you are strong, but everyone is allowed to be weak once in a while.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    BESIDES! You're 175 calories over. That's no big thing!

    You need a 500 calorie deficit per day to lose 1 lb per week. So? You're still under the calorie threshold for weight loss, PLUS you got to enjoy some yummy pizza.

    You GO girl!

    Oh, gosh, 175 over isn't bad at all, so long as it's not a daily thing! You could walk for half an hour or so and take care of that!

    I was thinking HUGE overage, like a thousand or more calories! 175 is perfectly respectable!

  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Never feel guilt when eating sheesh. Friday is my no holds barred drink WHAT and HOW much i want and snack along the way. It's a weekly ritual but i only eat and drink like this one day a week so it's not a real hinderance to maintaining a healthy weight or losing for that matter.
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    I bet you enjoyed EVERY bite!! I get what u mean about barfing it back up but thats not a road u want to get started on . .it gets addictive. If you treat this as a lifestyle change rather than a diet then u also need to accept that 'life gets in the way sometmes' . . enjoy it . .but get back on track tommorow . .and 'stuff' the guilt!! Good luck :)
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Do we really go to Hell for eating pizza??? CRAP. I'm screwed.

    Awwww - stop beating yourself up. You know, you can always do jumping jacks, push ups, crunches, knee highs etc - to burn some of that off. Also, don't weigh yourself tomorrow. Just drink plenty of water, cuddle up with your man, and move on. One meal is not going to make you gain weight.
  • rainbowcandy2004
    My motto has been if I want something to have it and have it in moderation. If you don't have it you will crave it until you give in and then way over do it. I don't think four slices of pizza is a lot as I use to be able to eat a whole 12" Tombstone by myself. Just just back on the wagon at the next meal or next day. It happens to all of us. Keep up the good work. If we didn't feel quilty we wouldn't be on here trying to get healthy.
    JGARRABRANT Posts: 8 Member
    Shrinking Ninja: Wow - you look fantastic. Congrats on losing 93 lbs!
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    Please please please please do not feel guilty!!!!

    You were over by less than 200 calories for the day...and you finished under your fat goal. I can understand feeling guilty if you ate a whole pizza (or two) by yourself, but you didn't. You did great the rest of the day. It was one meal, and in the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal.

    Don't punish yourself for what you ate. You wanted it, and you ate it. That's it. It's just food.
  • genxrider
    genxrider Posts: 107 Member
    We need to learn to uncouple food and emotion - or at least reduce the intensity of the emotional tie we've made between them. Food isn't comfort. Food isn't something we 'treat' ourselves with. Food isn't 'naughty' or 'good'. It isn't helpful to whip ourselves into a frenzy because we made an unproductive food choice. As much as possible, we need to unpick the emotional valence we give to our eating. It's absolutely ok to enjoy food for what it is, without making it into a big emotional deal.

    Try this checklist next time you're in the pizza (or ice cream or chips) aisle:

    Am I:

    When I want the junk, I'm usually one if not more of the above. Once I can recognize that I can let the moment pass.

    That said - if you wanted pizza, then eat pizza and enjoy it. Don't get yourself trapped in the pleasure/punish cycle. That's no way to live.

    I am planning on enjoying brunch with friends on Sunday and I am going to ask the chef who is a friend to make me a very small portion of sweet potato pancakes with maple syrup and pecans. I'm going to enjoy my friends and enjoy my meal and I'm sure that one tidbit will be most of my calories for the day but I'm not having grapefruit. :)
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    You just confused your metabolism. From what I have read on here, that is actually a good thing. Doing this every now and then can actually help you lose weight. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think it is called zig zagging? Don't feel guilty! I know the feeling, but I have learned recently that if you over eat one day it is far from the end of the world. Some days I thought I ate way too much I didn't even gain from. Just drink lots of water and you will be alright! I promise everything will balance out if you get back on track tomorrow. And there is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself! I plan on going home and having a few...yes a few beers and I am not going to regret one sip!

    Keep your head up ! Think of it as a lifestyle change and not a diet :)
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    For those who asked, YES it was worth it alright! THe guilt has certainly subsided today although it wasn't a fantastic day today either as we had people round and I made my own chicken tikka masala, oh bugger forgot the starter of poppadoms with homemade raita! Oh dear......

    Then I made rhubarb/pear crumble also so not a great day to be starting afresh! Will do that next week.

    Will have to stay longer on the AMT machine, crossramp and do more weights, put 110% into spin etc etc for a few weeks to compensate. I love food too much to give it ALL up, that's my problem!

    thanks for all the replies making me feel normal. Go raibh mile maith agat!
  • vilasini
    no you wont go to hell but to pizza land!!!!! ;-)))
  • ashanti1982
    If you haven't had pizza for a year I really don't think you should feel guilty! This is supposed to be a new lifestyle and not a diet so you should be able to fit in foods that you like otherwise it'll be too hard to maintain. As long as you're not going overboard and eating pizza everyday then I really don't think you should beat yourself up about it, its not the end of the world, I'm sure the pizza was Delish and there's no way 4 slices of pizza is going to undo all your hard work. Plus tomorrow is a new day!
  • courtclerkkris
    courtclerkkris Posts: 173 Member
    I mean this the nicest way possible...

    SNAP OUT OF IT! :angry:

    Yeah, you ate pizza. How is that such a horrible thing? You ate it, you enjoyed it, you haven't had it in a long, long time, and you probably won't have it again for a long, long time.

    Yeah, you'll probably show a slight gain on the scale tomorrow from the sodium, but you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't do anything with lasting damage.

    You know what's lasting damage? Ulcers. Keep fretting about it and you'll get one. You know what else is lasting damage? My brother's ex-girlfriend losing her front teeth from decay when she was bulimic.

    I'm having pizza tonight. Buffalo chicken pizza and it's going to be delicious and I'm going to enjoy every single bite! :smile:

    Well said!! Great advise.
  • evanslawn
    evanslawn Posts: 27 Member
    Not to worry - I just had a small piece of chocolate cake for breakfast. Logged it and will move on!